Tena Green
At the age of nine Tena discovered a great escape through Treasure Island, which hooked her on reading forever. With insightful encouragement from her sixth grade teacher she started writing for pleasure at age eleven. Being a shy, timid young girl she moved many times while growing up, which is how reading and writing became not only her getaway, but her passion.
In 2001 Tena took a journalist position for a local newspaper, The Bellevue Gazette, where she gained a priceless education on writing from her editor and co-workers. While working for The Gazette she wrote over 300 articles and started doing freelance. Less than two years after starting as a journalist she published her first novel, The Catalyst (2003), and has since written A Woman’s Touch (2006) and X-30 (2007), a collaboration with friend and horror writer, Richard Dean.
Tena is still writing novels, giving school presentations on how to use reading and writing as an outlet, working as a Managing Editor for author-me.com, and writing freelance articles. According to Tena the greatest benefit to come from her writing has been all the wonderful people she has come to know. You can find many of her articles on www.ehow.com, where she has become a regular contributor.
Favorite Quote: …The heart cannot flourish on logic alone. Unreason is an essential medicine as long as you do not overdose.” —Dean Koontz