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Typical Day in the Kingdom of Darkness
REPORT: Wickedness By Tony Esezobor
Copyright © August 2004
by Tony
E-mail: anthonyesezobor@yahoo.co.uk
Wickedness:(Wickedness observes, as he begins
his report). I can almost tell you
here and now that those families will
never be free from Poverty. I have
locked their future and thrown the
key away deep in the bottom of the
Red Sea.
Satan: You fool. You sure haven't heard
about Holy Ghost Fire. You'd turn
up here sooner than later with a
roasted face. Idiot. I've told you to
be pro-active.
Wickedness:You’re right my king, I’ll hold
meetings with the spirits that have
controlled those families for over
two thousand years now and we shall
look for ways to prevent Fruitfulness
and Prosperity from delivering the
blessings they brought from God.
Satan: What’s happening in the Blood
Market (BM)?
Wickedness:A lot is happening now my king.
Witches and Wizards are the leading
duo at the floor of the Blood
Exchange. They supply more of the
most sought after blood groups.
Most other blood groups are less
sought after. The blood of armed
robbers for instance, has flooded the
Blood Market because no one is
buying it. It is said that it has the
propensity to make the recipients
users weak in their spirit bodies.
My Witches and Wizards are
indomitable spirits and you know
that they’re domesticated, although
we have quite a lot of them working
also on the highways. They’ve
vowed to deal with those careless
humans who drive through their
covens. Some of them actually have
their covens right on the highways.
Such highways record higher
accident rate weekly. The domestic
witches and wizards have their
activities as old as the time of the fall
of man. They’ve mastered their
skills well. As I said, they’ve taken
over homes in the villages, towns
and cities.
Annually, we intend to recruit and
initiate witch-children numbering
one point five million on earth. This
is an increase of twenty percent over
what it used to be. It’s easier to deal
with childwitches than with adult
witches. They don't question
authority. Sentimental and family
attachments are not in their
reckoning, because they are infants
and are ignorant of the consequences
of their actions. Even if they are told
to bring their parents to be
slaughtered and eaten, they'd
probably ask whether you also
require their brothers and sisters
Satan: Initiating them can be a very
difficult task.
Wickedness:Once again, you’re correct my
king. One easy way we do it
however is to give the children
cookies and sweets. They don't
usually refuse once they are alone
and separate from their parents.
This is the old method really, but it
still works.
The second method, which is just as
old but more effective, is to do it
when they are under conception.
Careless and ignorant pregnant
women have fallen victims to this
The third method produces little
result but is equally effective. Some
of our members who are nannies and
babysitters are helping to initiate
babies. Parents come to drop babies
with them from morning till late
afternoon. Some of the toddlers are
already attending our meetings.
They don't contribute at meetings,
but they observe. Many of the
toddlers enjoy the company of
Mermaid Spirits and as a result, a lot
of them grow up enlisting as Marine
Agents. By the time these toddlers
grow to adulthood, the females
amongst them would have had
spiritual babies in the water without
knowing this physically. As a matter
of fact, by the time they become
teenagers they’d have had two or
three children in the aquatic realm.
Satan: Post-Modernism has been working
with Promiscuity and Immorality,
what do we have in this regard?
Wickedness:The Queen of the Coast has taken
control of all the coastal areas on
earth. You know that a lot of world
capitals are located near the sea,
which makes the movement of
attractive ladies straight from under
water very easy. We are now short of
female spirits. We’ve requested for
h e r m a p h r o d e m o n s a n d
demonamphibians, who can also
change into beautiful girls to join us
in this assault against men who have
little self control.
Satan: Move them against church leaders.
I’ve told you to always aim to strike
the shepherds, since doing this
would naturally scatter their flock.
Wickedness:There are eight hundred and twenty
eight thousand pastors under our
control on the earth. The pastors
have been involved at one time or the
other in illicit relationships.
They’ve had sex outside wedlock.
Those who haven't married are
keeping secret girlfriends and
boyfriends with whom they satisfy
their sexual desires. We’ve put them
in spiritual chains and they’re our
spiritual prisoners. Yes our
We are also trying to set up
pastors that are having one form of
quarrel or the other with their wives.
Spirits are working against them to
make them toy with the idea of
e n g a g i n g i n e x t r a m a r i t a l
Satan: The population of prostitutes is
Wickedness:Notmerica, Atly and most of
Acrifa are still under our control.
Some of their leaders who campaign
a g a i n s t p r o s t i t u t i o n a r e
homosexuals, bisexuals or are
patronising the prostitutes
themselves. They’re only paying lip
service. A lot of their cabinet
members also patronise prostitutes
under cover of the dark. When some
of them travel out of station, they
fling caution to the wind and go after
professional prostitutes. Some of
the eight hundred and twenty eight
thousand pastors share the same
hotels with the leaders I’m referring
to when they travel out of station.
Let’s now initiate our new convert as
I end my session.
(They move into the initiation room.
Satan and Wickedness discuss in
whispers and the new Initiate looks
on. Satan addresses the Initiate).
Satan: In this initiation you must shed
blood, to do so, let me demonstrate
what I mean to you and how to crush
your victims.
(Satan waves his cloak around in his
front, a basin of water and a mirror
appear. He looks into the water, it
doesn't reflect his image. He then
beckons on the Initiate to also come
and look into the basin).
Initiate: I can see myself in there.
Satan: Not only yourself. You can see
whomever you wish to kill. Anyone
you don't like, you can see and
Initiate: You mean I can kill just anybody.
Satan: Well, yes. Those Christians may
prove a little difficult. But kill them
if you can.
Initiate: I have a lot as enemies.
Satan: You have to be careful when you
deal with them.
Initiate: Thanks for your care and concern.
Satan: Not that I care. I don’t really; I’m
only concerned about what trouble
you might bring on this Kingdom.
Initiate: I see.
Satan: You have more to see. Now, call up
any one you hate and wish dead.
Initiate: (In thoughts). This is an opportunity
to destroy one of my neighbours.
Her prayers have caused me
Satan: We’re waiting.
Initiate: (Suddenly recovers herself). Oh let
me call up Mrs. Nephi.
Satan: (As she does). Be ready to stab her
as soon as her image appears on the
water. Once you stab the reflection
in the water, she will die physically
wherever she is on earth. (Turns to
an aid). Give her a dagger.
(The Initiate begins to yell)
Initiate: Mrs. Nephi! Mrs. Nephi!! Mrs.
(Suddenly there is earthquake,
thunder, fire and smoke occurring in
quick succession. The basin is
consumed. The place is engulfed by
fire and confusion sets in. Satan
makes a quick dash to safety. Other
observers for dear live. The Initiate
is dumbfounded. She doesn't know
whether to join her masters in their
flight for cover or stay back and face
this strange fire. While she remains
undecided, she is hit and felled by a
It has been two days (by human
calculation), since this incident.
Satan is yet to return from his flight.
He eventually does and comes in,
talking tough).
Satan: Let this be the last time you’ll act
foolishly. You’re hereby sentenced
to seclusion. And you’ll have to
starve for thirty three days starting
from tomorrow. In addition, you’d
be required to submit one of your
offsprings as sacrifice to atone for
your foolish act.
Initiate: I beg for your pardon and for mercy
your highness.
Satan: Mercy isn't a word in the spirit
realms. It’s an Angel’s. And that
Angel doesn't belong here. He’s of
another Realm - heaven. You must
serve your punishment.
Stand aside and be ready to call up
another enemy you wish dead.
Initiate: (The Initiate calls up a church goer.
The victim doesn't have a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ,
although, she is a regular church
She yells again)
Chechen! Chechen!! Chechen!!!
She appears in the water and the
glass at once.
Satan: Strike the glass now!!
Initiate: She strikes.
Satan: Well done.
(Elsewhere, Chechen is taken ill.
Her temperature rises and is
promptly administered first aid. But
she doesn't respond. Chechen
passes away. Her silver cord is
broken. She dies).
(Back in the coven, the water basin
turns to blood. A communion holds.
Chechen's blood is served. The
blood of a victim must be used for
this initiation; this time around it is
the blood of Chechen. Only God
knows whose turn it will be next time
and it is inevitable).
(Satan addresses Hell Warder).
Satan: Tell me what’s been happening in hell?
(This warder is tall and has on a dark
green military uniform and a black
beret on his head).