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Crossing the Atlantic inside a Fish By
Rutagengwa Claude Shema
Regional Coordinator
Great Lakes Peace Initiative (GLPN)
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In human nature, everyone wants a better life. Unfortunately, it has never been easy for clandestine immigrants to reach some rich countries in Europe, Canada or USA. But of course the human mind is not sleeping to figure out what to do so to achieve its objectives. Some of the clandestine immigrants use smugglers to help them cross borders, and the prices to pay are enormous as well.
Then, once up on a time, a daydreamer boy from the South West coast of Africa, not far from Congo, managed to reach Norway, seeking a better life. In doing so, he used smugglers as well, and they taught him what he should or not tell to the immigration officers or the police in case he might come across any.
Then the time came to be at the Norwegian immigration offices, and they asked him:
“How did you come to Oslo from Congo?”
“I crossed the Atlantic Ocean,” the guy replied.
“Ok. What is the name of the ship or flight you used?”asked the immigrant police.
“Well, a big fish swallowed me; I lived inside its womb until it has spit me out here in Oslo-Norway.”
“Great! You are looking for refugee or immigrant status here in Norway, but we have to figure out how you came here, and to be sure that you have never been at any other Schengen space, or to check out you have never been in any help from smugglers. So we will take you down to the Atlantic sea again, and let you find the fish you have to come here, and then let it swallow you again at least for 5 minutes, and then it will spit you out again, and we will give you the legal status of immigrant here in Norway. Otherwise, we will send you back home,” said the immigrant police.
So the guy replied… “Oh no! In a recent science book I read before coming here, it is written that those big fish can help human beings only once, from south to north. Any contrary way is a sudden death. Please, save my life!”