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Literature Discussion -


The Tishbite
The Untold Story of Elijah

By Kurt W. Schuller (USA)


Chapter 16

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This manuscript (currently titled "the tishbite" but I am considering "A Man of God") is unfinished This Is a fictional account of the life of Elijah. It is raw and powerful reflecting the actual state of life at the time.It has a strong sexual theme which is necessary because of the story it tells. It is both inspirational as well as entertaining. It was written to entertain the reader first.` Your feedback is welcome I hope you enjoy.

Part one: A Man Of God

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter 16
There might as well have been no fish.
The water was simply too cold here at the brooks source to be a suitable environment for catching them. Elijah was close to succumbing to hypothermia as he stood in the near freezing waters that rushed by him on their way to the river Jordan. The slippery rocks that lined the brooks bottom kept causing him to fall in water, driving the cold into him even deeper.  He could see the fish, but was so numbed by the cold he could not react fast enough to catch them, and the speed of the current made the use of a net impossible.
Defeated, he withdrew to the brook’s bank, threw his cloak around his naked, blue body and collapsed into a shivering ball of flesh.
Just as he started to regain some of the feeling in his hands he heard it, and it sent unpleasant shivers down his neck.
“CAW” squawked the raven.
He closed his eyes and pulled his cloak around him a little tighter.
“Go away.” he said angrily under his breath.
‘C-caw  cacaw  cacaw.” It was the sound of many ravens.
Elijah’s eyes opened and he sat up with a start. He turned and looked up toward his encampment. There were about a dozen of them flying in a circle around his campsite, squawking loudly. Then the donkey began to join in with the ravens, braying at the top of her lungs.
Elijah got up angrily and shouted at them in frustration.
“Hey. Be quiet, we are hiding out here, remember?”  But they did not settle down. He hurried up the side of the plateau intent upon chasing the birds away, but when he reached the top he forgot his anger.
“Food” he said in amazement.  The birds had brought figs, small loaves of bread and even bits of cooked fish. And then the bird that had been with him at the palace landed on his shoulder with grape in its beak. Elijah reached out his open hand to the bird and it dropped the fruit in his palm. He put the sweet grape in his mouth and slowly squeezed his palate around it, letting the nectar run leisurely down his throat. It had been three days since he had last eaten.
 He smiled at the raven. “Thank you, and thanks to your friends as well.”
The bird shook its tail feathers and seemed to bow. And then it flew off of his shoulder.
Elijah breathed a sigh of relief and looked up to the clear blue cloudless sky. Placing his open hand over his heart he closed his eyes, bowed his head and offered a silent prayer of thanksgiving.

Continued Next Week


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