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By Jim Colombo (USA)
Chapter 10
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August 1, 1965 T & B printed circuits expanded into a larger facility. Lytron
grew as well and had two shifts making boards. More friends from Sylvania were hired
at Lytron with Jess Frankman in purchasing, Larry Georgetown in charge of production
control, Dennis Ophine was responsible for both shifts of manufacturing, and Norris
Cutter was responsible for screening that was now called Imaging. Milan worked harder
and monthly sales and production goals increased from $50,000 to $100,000. Lytron
had a good reputation for quality, on time delivery, and accepted most printed circuit
board order no matter how difficult for established customer. There were about ten
printed circuit board shops in the valley that soon would be called Silicon Valley. Lytron
was a reliable source for good customers and would accommodate their needs.
Joe had refined the acid bath copper plating process and Ben Nakamora's health
was deteriorating from breathing toxic fumes, drinking, and his method of chemical
analyst. He would sticking his finger in the plating bath and made addition by the taste
of the bath; too salty add sulfuric acid, too sourer add peptone. This drove Joe nuts, but
every time Joe would analyze Ben's plating bath, Ben would be in the acceptable range.
Joe had appreciated Ben's contribution to Lytron, but Ben's health was deteriorating
fast. Joe had a replacement in mind and Ben could help Joe plan jobs. Ben did not
appreciate being in the same room with Joe and believed that Joe was keeping an eye
on him and his dinking. Two weeks latter Raul Fernandez began as plating supervisor.
Ben had hired a skinny kid who had dropped out of high school and had taught Raul all
that he knew about plating. Ben could not accept Raul replacing him. A week later
Joe as informed by the Santa Clara Police that Ben had been drinking and drove his car
off highway 17 while going to Santa Cruz. He had hit a tree at the bottom of a ravine
and burst into flames. Ben was having marital problems, he was replaced by Raul; who
he had trained, and he was drunk more than sober. Rest in peace, Ben.
Joe had maintained a steady production pace, but Milan brought in more jobs.
Joe's crew was working ten hour a day six days a week. The workload increased to
six days a week the first two weeks and seven days a week the last two weeks.
Everyone felt the strain and Joe met with Milan. Joe suggested that they start
graveyard for all departments, that drilling and programming would work six days a
week eight hour a day, and the other members of the crew would work six days a week
for the last two weeks of the month. The scrap rate had increased as the workload had
Printed circuit boards were fused ( heating copper with tin-lead traces to become
solder) by dipping the board into a preheated tank of fusing oil at 240 degrees to temper
the traces prior to the 410 degree dip. It was a tedious job with the heat and breathing
the solder fumes. Joe bought an inline conveyer driven fuser with a finishing solution
line at the end of the fusing process. It was state of the art and with conveyer speed set
to the optimum rate cold spots and delaminating were eliminated. Those who put in the
hours and maintained quality where rewarded with promotions and pay raises. They
were the hard core who accepted a life of long hours and back breaking work. Joe
called them board rats and improved the methods of making boards, improved safety,
and bought the best protective rubber boots, plastic gloves and aprons, and visors.
The guys learned that acid quickly ate through jeans, but the cheap polyester pants
bought at Montgomery Wards repelled acid. You could always spot a plater wearing
green and orange checkered pants.
Sylvania was best known for making light bulbs and a popular TV soap opera
was called "The Guiding Light," hence the new hirers from Sylvania were referred to as
"The Guiding Lights." Jess Frankman was a short man who looked like President
Harry Truman. He was in his early fifties and had worked at Sylvania for twenty-six
years in Purchasing. He had retired from Sylvania and had earned a comfortable
pension. Working at Lytron was a favor to Joe and a new experience in a different
commodity. He had a dry sense of humor. Jess enjoyed listening to a young whipper-
snapper try to educate him with the salesman's presentation. Then at the end of an
enthusiastic presentation Jess would ask many questions to see if the salesman knew
the product. If he did, Jess would take the product information, say that he would
consider it, and thank him for his time. If he was just beginning and had more hot air
than substance Jess would refer to them as greenhorns, because they didn't know all
about the product. Jess would try to educate the lad about his product, but most of the
time the lads where turned off by the crusty old man.
Larry Georgetown was in charge of Production Control and charted every job
regarding the start time, the location of the job in the different processes, completion,
and delivery. He had two assistant: Greg Kelley who kept track of inventory to make
boards like chemicals and laminate, and support inventory like office supplies and Ray
Moss who kept track of all of the orders and their progress towards completion. Greg
Kelley was an alcoholic who brought a large thermal filled half with coffee and vodka
who began the day with blue-blood shot eyes that became flaming red by the end of the
day. He did all of his ordering at the beginning of the day when he could discern the
different between ten and one-thousand. His nick name was snake eyes. Ray Moss
wore thick glasses, was disorganized, and was always in a rush. It was like watching
someone trying to be at two places at once. His nick name was the Mad Hatter. Larry
Georgetown was college educated, wore good suits, and liked the ladies. He hired an
attractive Mexican lady in her early twenties who had a nice set of hardware as his
secretary. Her name was Rita and the lads referred to her as The Tease. Rita enjoyed
being admired and tried to display as much of her hardware s possible. She never
dated anyone from work and just wanted to be friends. Some times a handsome
gentleman would come by at lunch time and the lads could only imagine what it would
be like with Rita.
Dennis Ophine had a degree in Engineering from UCLA and considered Lytron
as an education in a new field. He would spend a year and move on to an established
company like IBM or GE. He was a hands on manager and quickly learned the
processes, what could go wrong, and how to fix the problem. He reorganized the flow
of manufacturing with each process inspected and signed off on the traveler. When
Lytron was smaller Joe made each worker inspect his work. Now that Lytron had
expanded the production workers concentrated on pushing product through and didn't
have the time do in process inspection. Dennis wanted more in process inspection, less
scrap, and less time in rework. The scrap rate average about four percent per month
which was acceptable for the volume manufactured. Dennis had become the Quality
Manger not by choice and two months latter hired Pete Hanson from Fairchild who had
gone to UCLA with Dennis.
Norris Cutter was from West Virginia and had worked at the utility company in
Wheeling. He became a shovel man in a gas gang of six and dreamed of going to
California. After a year of digging and weathering a snowy winter, he moved to
California and settled in Mountain View, California near Santa Clara. His first job was
cleaning screens and exposing film images on stainless steel mesh screens at
Printex, a printed circuit board manufacturer. He became a good screener and in time
became lead person. Norris was ambushes and had a good reputation. He applied at
Lytron and Joe hired him. Joe told Norris if he could not handle being a supervisor of
screening, he would keep him as a lead and hire some one as supervisor. Joe had
heard that Norris was a good and wanted to give him a chance. To Joe's surprise
Norris improved screening with better equipment, trained good screeners, and told Joe
that it was no longer called screening, but imagining.
Printed circuit board manufacturing required an 8 1/2 by 11 inch traveler that
accompanied the order and listed all of the processes, the type of material, the length
and width of each sheet of material, number of sheets needed, the number of
boards made per panel, the size of drills used, the fabrication tool, the finished plating
thickness, the working copy of the film, the legend and the color used, the solder mask,
and a four digit number used when tracking the job. The traveler had a work order
number that was stamped on each panel of the order. The traveler listed all of the
process required, the drilling program number, the delivery date, and who was the
The drilling program tape was numbered and listed on the traveler. It consisting
of a paper tape one inch wide by how ever long the program was. The drilling tape was
fed in a pneumatic drilling machine with an X Y grid that located the hole locations on
the board. The grid began at the bottom left and traveled up on an X axis and traveled
right on a Y axis. The drilling machine had a six by four foot by six inch thick marble
table with four stacks of printed circuit boards pinned to the marble table and were
drilled four high per stack by four speedy pneumatic drills that automatically stopped at
the end of each drilling size program. The drilled panels were inspected for correct
hole location. Then the panels when to plating to get submerged into an Electroless
copper plating bath called cuposist for 12-15 minutes depending on the size of the
panels. The Electroless bath would deposit about five one hundred-thousandths of a
inch (0.00005) referred to as flash plating on the hole walls and panels. Then it would
be dipped into a bighting solution called finishing solution. The Electroless plated
boards then when to imaging to get the design silk screened in black resist ink. After
baking they went back to plating and the panels and holes were copper plated 0.001
think, then tin lead plated 0.0005 thick. Then they were etched. The panels were
striped of black resist exposing the original copper clad. The tin lead copper traces
looked dull gray. Ammonia etch solution removed the original copper clad, but didn't
attack the tin lead copper traces exposing the fiber glass laminate and plated traces at
the end of the process. The panels were (fused) dipped into oil at 240 degrees to
preheat the panels, then dipped into a second tank with 410 degree oil that bonded the
tin lead into solder over copper traces. The finished boards were dipped into a solution
for cleaning. If the traveler required a solders mask or a ledged (indicating were
components were soldered) the panels went back to imaging. Next the panels were
fabricated to blue print specification. Inspection took place at every process. Each
finished board was placed in a plastic bag and 25 boards were packaged in a larger
plastic bag that was bound with tape. Wa la'!