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Snowy Night

by Fabrício F. Aires (Brazil) -

Chapter 01

I've always been passionate about books of all types, but my favorites are water-and-sugar romances that warm the heart, I never imagined I'd live through one. It all started when I was arranging books at work, I'm a librarian in a book store in the city center. Since I was little I've always been fascinated by books.

There was little time left until Christmas Eve here in the city. So I decided to unpack the Christmas commemorative books, when I opened the box I came across one of the books present in the box, Under the Light of the World by author WS White, I was curious and reserved a copy for myself. When piling up the missing amount I realized that It's almost time to open the establishment. My boss was very cautious about delays and schedules; she was very demanding about this, which at the moment didn't bother me as much as I worked part-time and the salary was good and I was able to help my family pay for the house.

— “Emma, have you checked out the new books in the amount? This particular time of year, sales increase,”— said Emma's boss, Laura. — “Of course Laura, I’ve already organized the new launches in the windows,”— I respond excitedly.

— “Good, great work, as soon as you finish you can go home,”— said Laura.

— “Oh that's good, thank you very much,” — said Emma.

I finished organizing the store. The books were all in order. There were thirty minutes left before we closed the store, so I sat at the counter and started reading the book I had reserved for myself. After paying for it, I closed the cash register and turned my eyes to the pages. I was so attentive to the book and its words that I didn't understand the bookstore bell as it echoed softly. The glass door opened, letting in a breath of cold December air. Emma looked up from the service counter, where she was immersed in a new book of poetry, to see a customer walking in. It was a typical afternoon in the small town of Winterville, and the Enchanted Pages bookstore was decorated with twinkling lights and Christmas garlands. Emma was a young woman of twenty-three, with light brown hair and emerald green eyes that sparkled whenever she talked about books. Working at Enchanted Pages was a refuge for her, a place where she could daydream and feed her passion for literature. However, her greatest desire was to become a writer, although she never had the courage to show her writings to anyone. The customer who had just entered was a calm-looking young man, probably in the same age group as Emma. He took off his navy blue scarf, brushing the snow off his shoulders before heading to the fiction section. Emma watched him for a moment, noticing the way he looked at the books with a mixture of reverence and curiosity. She sighed and returned to her book, but her mind continued to wander about the stranger. As the afternoon progressed, business in the bookstore began to dwindle. Emma took advantage of the calm moments to reorganize some books and check her stocks. As she moved a stack of novels, she noticed that the young man was still there, now leafing through a copy of Wuthering Heights.

She decided to go to him.

— “Can I help you with something? ”— she asked, with a welcoming smile.

The boy looked up, surprised, but smiled back.

- “Ah thank you. I'm just taking a look. I like coming here to find inspiration.”

- “You write?” — Emma asked, interested.

— “Yes — he replied, blushing slightly. — Nothing too serious, but I like creating stories. And you? Working here must be a paradise for anyone who loves books.”

Emma smiled, feeling at ease.

— “Yes, it's like being surrounded by friends all the time. I also write, but I'm still trying to find the courage to show my work to someone.”

They talked for a few more minutes, sharing their passions and literary influences. His name was William, and he was in town visiting his grandparents for Christmas. Emma felt an immediate connection with him, something that rarely happened so quickly.”

— “Well, I'll take this one,”— said William, holding up the book he was reading. —"And maybe someday I can read something you wrote.”

Emma laughed nervously.

- “Perhaps. Who knows?”

William paid for the book and said goodbye, promising to return for more visits. Emma watched him leave, feeling a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Maybe this was the push she needed to finally pursue her dream. The days passed quickly until Christmas Eve. The city of Winterville was covered in a white blanket of snow, and the Enchanted Pages was busier than ever. Emma was eager to close the store and spend the night with her family, but first she needed to organize the romance book section, which was in chaos after the last-minute shopping frenzy. She waited patiently until the last customer left before beginning the reorganization. As she moved the books, something caught her attention. Behind a stack of new releases was an old book with a worn leather cover. Curious, she picked up the book and examined the cover. There was no title or author name. Opening the book, Emma found handwritten pages in elegant, detailed handwriting. The story seemed like a mix of romance and fantasy, and she was immediately captivated by the first few lines. Turning the pages, she noticed that some were stained with ink, as if they had been written in haste or passion. Every word seemed to resonate deeply with her, and she couldn't put the book down. She sat at the counter and continued reading, losing track of time. The story told of two strangers who met by chance and discovered that their lives were mysteriously intertwined by a magical book.

When she finished the first chapter, Emma realized it was late. She closed the book, but her mind was racing. Who would have written that story? And why was the book hidden in the bookstore? She decided he needed to find out more about the author.

On Christmas morning, Emma woke up early, eager to get back to the bookstore. She spent the day with her family but couldn't stop thinking about the book. As soon as she had the chance, she went to Páginas Encantadas again. The store was closed, but she had the key.

She entered the silent bookstore and went straight to the counter, where she had left the book the night before. She spent the whole morning reading more, until she found a clue: a name written in the margin of one of the pages, William.

Her heart raced. Was it the same William she had met? The coincidence seemed too big to ignore. Emma decided she needed to talk to him again. But how to find him?

She remembered that William had mentioned being in town visiting his grandparents. Maybe he would return to the bookstore, as he promised. As she waited, she began to plan what she would say to him. She felt a mixture of nervousness and excitement.

The next morning was a blur of anxiety. Every time the door opened; Emma expected to see William enter. And finally, he appeared. Wearing the same navy-blue scarf, he smiled when he saw her.

“Hi, Emma,” he said, as he approached the counter. – “Merry Christmas!”

— Merry Christmas, William — she replied, trying to remain calm. — I... found something that I think is yours.

She showed the book, and William's eyes widened.

—"Where did you find this?” he asked, surprised.

— “It was in the romance section. It's yours, isn't it?”

William took the book, looking emotional.

- “Yes, it's mine. I wrote this book a few years ago, but I never thought anyone would find it. How did you know?”

— “Your name was written on one of the pages” — Emma explained. — “The story is complete and well-written, William. I felt so connected to her.”

He smiled, visibly touched.

— “Thank you, Emma. This means a lot to me. In fact, I've always dreamed of finding someone I could write with, someone who shared my passion.”

Emma felt her heart race.

— “Maybe we can write together, William. I have some ideas I would like to share.”


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