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Story from the Future

by Khaled Alnobani (Jordan)

“This is my story.”

“A long time ago I was a human being.”

“I was free of misery and illness.”

“Once upon a time I was not able to imagine what happens to me now.”

“Talking to myself was not an option like what is happening now.”

“I’m talking to you from the future, let us go to the present or may be to the past.”

“I’m the one, I have dreams, ambitions, visions, opportunities and a little money to achieve all of that.”

“I’m here and can’t breathe; something closes my nose and mouth.”

“I can’t touch or smell.”

“You will be OK,” a man with a white coat told me.

“I will give you an injection; don’t move please,” he said while I was sweating.

“What you are going to give me? I don’t want to take it,” I said because I was frightened of this stranger.

“It’s OK, my love - there is no problem,” my wife said.

“Was I married when this happened or not? I am not sure.”

“I was something before that injection, but now I am not sure,” I remembered that moment with all my feelings alerted.

“Oh, my God,” I said, becoming suicidal, I had already committed unsuccessful suicides three times.”

“The person who I trusted to heal me, actually destroyed me.”

“I opened my eyes on a whole new, frustrating world.”

“All the time after, I see myself there,” I am buried now with my clothes on.

“What do they want from me?” I own nothing.”

“Or, what? Is that possible? Do they actually want the only thing I have and could be sold, my organs?”

This was circulating in this poor patient mind while he was in a center for mental health. The authorities put him there to protect the community. The medication they gave him was Primitive because he was poor and could not afford advanced medication.

The physician approached the woman with the patient and told her:”If you donate the organs of your husband for needed patients, we can arrange for his death. Just sign some papers.” The woman was shocked; how dare him?

“It is my husband in that bad.”

“He is hopeless.“

“You want me to sell my husband?“

“No, not selling. Donation.“

At that moment the wife couldn’t find any words to describe what she was hearing.

The physician added:”But if you need money, it could be arranged. There are patients who are willing to pay for an organ; They are desperately in need,” he said without batting an eyelid.

“What if I go to the police?”

“I’ll put you down beside your husband and I will donate your organs too. Believe me it’s so easy. Let us both benefit from this opportunity.”

He added: ”I’ll give him hallucinating drugs. From then he’ll not feel anything.”

“The woman left the health center and, with her first step outside, she went into a deep cry.” The only word that could describe her was, grief.

Her father tried to help.”This ill-minded person I saw in the center must be stopped and I will stop him,” he said.

He added: ”Humans are not spare parts,. I’ll rescue your husband even if this coasts me my life.”

The father went to the center, demanding,”I want my daughter’s husband out of this place now.”

The physician replied.”How have you come to this place to make this request? The only one who can give orders here is me.”

The father stood his ground.”Are you serious? My children are outside, and we can hurt you out there.“

“Please, I beg you don’t hurt my children.“

The physician replied with calm. “Your daughter’s husband has already died. Heart attack. Do you want to donate his organs? We have a limited time.“

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