He was moving astray, not knowing where to go. Usually he plans for his actions, but now everything is different. A brilliant idea whispered in his mind, “Go to the wild.”
Without planning, he decided to go. The difference between rationality and irrationally is the difference between whispering in the mind and whispering in the ears.
Sunset is close and he might find himself in a total dark wilderness. Of course, he is afraid of wild animals, but in his country, there is a strategy of killing unnecessary animals = especially Hyena and wolf and sometimes dogs because they affect public safety. The place he intended to go to is deep in nature, full of fear and death. If he didn’t give attention to where he put his feet he might be killed.
The hugest threat is from humans. He will try to walk where nothing can reach, on the cliff. All of these ideas were too early to be considered because he still on the outset.
If you ask him now why he was making the journey, he would not answer. He tries to be rational but that was far away.
Before that night, he had tried to make communication with nature. He was trying to get answers for questions in his mind. Instead of talking with stones and rocks he would interrogate turtles, the only animals he could find there, but he never got answers.
Sodom and Gomorrah are two ancient cities mentioned in the Book of Genesis. Both cities were destroyed by fire from God because of their sexual wickedness including rape, child sexual abuse, and indecent assault. This country is all of that and even more. The government of this country couldn’t lick its fingers signing legislations supporting Sodom.
Sodom is mentioned in the Quran and its punishment was to be risen into the sky by angels’ wings and turned upside down. The punishment of Sodom in Islam is to throw someone from a high building, and he will land with all his bones broken.
Nevertheless, he continued walking, his journey was on foot. He will pass a village named Natfa and cross a valley called Gafar valley. In all of its aspects, it’s a safe journey but not at night.
I don’ know the driving force for all of this. This journey has no perspective. Why would someone put themself at risk. No answers anywhere. Just nothingness, more and more.
He crossed by a cave, the first point on the cliff of the valley. Its way was between two rocks. It was the first time he had encountered that cave. Only an ill-minded person would enter, but he entered - driven by curiosity or even insanity.
The cave was circular, so he imagined that the cave was somehow the command room for a space ship an alien built. It was a crazy idea, but he loved it.
After spending some imagination time in the cave, he went down into the deep valley, from the village side. He crossed by the old Masjed. He looked inside. It was full of excavations, for gold hunters had passed through here. This Masjed had been abandoned for decades.
The darkness came through and fear came with it.
He looked in all directions but there was no hope. He wondered where to go. It was a long way. He saw a light on the first turn of the valley. It meant nothing, but there would probably be someone. Despite all circumstances, he went through the valley.
When he reached the first turn, he was afraid. He found dogs and a tent. He looked around tom decide where to go and concluded “What you know is better than what you don’t know.”
He decided to bypass the tent and the dogs. It was an unimaginable decision. The risk with its teeth.
There was a girl alone in the tent with countless dogs outside. He didn’t retreat. He stayed calm and took a fighting stance. One leg was in front and one leg back and the rest of his body down.
The girl didn’t like the result, the dogs were barking without attacking so, she took a stone and threw it at the dogs so they would attack the stranger. Instead of dogs to attack, each dog changed its place. Not only was he in fear, but also all the dogs.
He stood normally and bypassed the girl saying Salaam.
He ran away, but a dog followed him, and it was too late.