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Alpha and Omega

By Rudy Chase


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The facility at the planet of Tharx, was the state of the art as far as computers were concerned. The facility could practically run itself; that is how far computer science had developed. Tharn the director of the complex, was very hopeful the new program he was directed to run would perhaps shed more light on the universal constant, with special software designed for this project which would map the evolution of the cyber universe.

The next day the program began to run, Thran was able to watch the developing cosmos from the beginning of the singularity to the explosive birth of a space time reality, to the births of galaxies and planetary system and into this reality. Thran and his associates planted a hidden code for any developing intelligence.

Within the cosmic background .the starship Dromos of the imperial navy of the empire of the Thalians had been tracking a signal that someone had cleverly hidden in the very stuff of creation itself.

The commander of the research vessel Dromos, wondered why anyone would take the time to do that . The signal seemed to be coming from every direction. It was madness how were they supposed to track down the source of the message but then the big break came during a routine sensor sweep. Although the signal seemed all around them, the sensors detected the strongest point of the signal from a planet circling a medium-sized star, a main sequence sun near the edge of the galaxy in a system of nine planets. The third world to be more precise. The captain gave the order to the helm to go in that direction. Since the ship was capable of faster-than-light speed, they would be there in a very short time.

The ship came out of warp near the ninth planet and proceeded to the third world at safe planetary speeds. .Shortly they were in orbit above the third planet. As they began to make sensor sweeps of the planet, it became quite clear the inhabitants of this world were not responsible for the message, whatever the meaning of the signal was!

The people of this world were barely into the industrial age.

No the answer lay in another direction even through the strongest area of the signal was in this solar system. With that in mind they began to look elsewhere. They left orbit and never returned. What a pity that they were shortsighted.

If they had bothered to probe the planet's interior they would have had their answers, for in the interior of the planet was the prime sequence to the mystery end program alpha and omega.
Thran and his associates were quite pleased with the initial results. On the morrow they would continue the experiment and take it to its end

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