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Fortune in a Cookie

By Barbara Mather

Copyright 2001 Barbara Mather

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An unexpected relationship will become permanent. The

message from inside the fortune cookie stared me in

the face and I stared back, first at the broken cookie

then at the scroll type message within, and finally at

the man seated opposite me on the table. Was it an

omen, a premonition, or a warning for what lay ahead?

There were so many thoughts cramped up in my head in

that instant of a second that I was truly able to

appreciate Bill Gates’ phrase, “the speed of



It was the first time that we were out together and he

looked terribly handsome as he sat there chuckling at

what his fortune cookie said, completely oblivious to

my state of mind at the time. I’ve always been a

superstitious person. I have a lucky pen, a money

plant that I never dare to neglect, and a set routine

that I never defer from. But treating a fortune cookie

as a message from God was a bit much, even for me. For

the moment I relegated the incident to the back of my

mind and joined in his laughter.


As we sat in his car in the parking lot just below my

apartment, we chatted easily, neither of us wanting to

break the momentum of a lovely evening by saying

goodbye. I had the urge to lean over and kiss him on

his cheek. I had the urge, but not the nerve. For all

technical reasons it was not a date. We were just two

friends, out to dinner and I had no intention of

spoiling that.


By the next afternoon, I knew I was falling in love,

because I had completely lost my appetite and my

interest in anyone or anything else. It had certainly

been unexpected. Yet it was neither a relationship,

nor did it have any chance of becoming permanent. What

struck me with a jolt was that I wanted it to be.  It

was probably the best time of my life - as falling in

love always is. The smallest smile would give me the

biggest thrill; a shy look would accelerate my

heartbeat; and happiness was found in the smallest,

simplest gestures. I was looking at the world through

rose tinted glasses.


To be honest, I really had no idea what he was

thinking. But there was an undeniable chemistry,

visible even to the most disinterested passer by. We

went out several more times, after that but always

with friends. I had developed a certain level of trust

and comfort with him, and before I knew it, I was

telling him my most intimate secrets. And he began to

reciprocate. That was when the bombshell fell. He was

in love with someone else. As he told me all about

her, over the phone one night, it was time for me to

make a quick decision. I knew that I would rather have

his friendship than nothing at all, so I put my

feelings aside and spoke to him as any friend would.

And our friendship continued.


An impromptu trip to Atlantic City changed all that.

We were an eclectic group of five. The night was

young, the lights breathtaking, and the spirits high.

I was the only one winning on the tables and as he

lost hundred after hundred, he seemed to become more

and more charming. I stuck to him like araldite,

content to just watch him enjoying himself, and join

in the occasional hug whenever he won. Maybe it was

the cool sea breeze on my face as we walked along the

boardwalk after we’d lost all our money, or maybe it

was the way he looked at me that night, but I knew

then that there was no turning back for me.


It took four glasses of rum and coke, for me to

collapse into his arms and declare my undying love for

him. In my inebriated state, it was a shock for me to

hear his crisp response. “Shut up”, was all he said,

as he proceeded to help me walk towards the room. He

seemed neither angry nor surprised as he tenderly

tucked me into bed while I continued rambling. The

next day it was my turn to listen as he teased me and

narrated some of the stuff I had said. Somehow, I

wasn’t embarrassed and instead of laughing it off, I

chose to admit my feelings. He acknowledged it, but

said nothing.


Surprisingly, there was no awkwardness between us, and

as my feelings grew stronger, I noticed that he also

wasn’t exactly lacking in affection. The problem now

was that I wanted to know how he felt about me.


No, let me rephrase that. I was dying to know how he

felt about me. The tussle between the mind and the

heart is one that the former rarely wins. Every time I

broached the topic, he would avoid me. And I was

relentless. In his endeavor to avoid my questions, he

soon began to avoid me and before I knew it,

everything had gone horribly wrong. For several months

I continued to try and keep in touch with him, but to

no avail.


“I’ll call you back”, were the last words he said to

me. As I put down the receiver, I knew by the number

of times I’d heard that phrase before that it was

finally time for me to walk away.


The truth is that our loves, our relationships and our

desires are all in our own mind and tend to remain as

temporary or permanent as we allow them to be. For me,

his memory, his touch, his smile, is etched forever in

my mind. My relationship with him is the most

permanent thing in my life. And that’s the way I want

it to stay. I have no interest in getting over him or

moving on or trying to find someone else, simply

because my relationship with his memory continues.

Each night that I go to bed, each morning that I wake

up, he is right by my side. And I am still very much

in love.


Well maybe this wasn’t exactly what the fortune cookie

had meant or planned it to be, but it’s prediction was

certainly right.


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