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Foreword to Nahiliolani

By Ramon Kwok


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“Nahiliolani”   is a fictional story.  The characters are fictitious any similarity to people or places is purely coincidental.  This usually is a statement by the author to protect themselves from any claim arising from the publication of the story. Although, Nahiliolani is a fictitious name there are thousands of Nahiliolani’s, in the real world. They have similar names like, Rebecca, Susan, Margaret, and Jean,  who are trapped in the world of drugs. This story is dedicated to all the Nahiliolani’s who become statistics and leave a life time of suffering behind them.

          The legalizing of soft drugs is the burning issue today. Politicians, Lawmakers and Law enforcers and even the clergy, can never come up with a solution. How can you legislate morality. Or a more simpler solution. Take away the customer and you destroy the business.  It’s really up to the individual. I admit this is an over simplification of the problem.

There is another issue facing society. Euthanasia.  Here again the politicians lawmakers and now the medical institutions are at a loss for a solution. “The premeditated act of causing death painlessly so as to end suffering.”  Or the more moral and legal charge of  “Premeditated first degree murder.” I leave it to the reader to decide.




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