By Milli Morgana Crow


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A silence fell as they saw this youth standing there clutching a sword in his hand. Ian didn’t see anything around him except Pixly who was sitting there behind a plate of soup and a large jug of malt-beer. He didn’t see Ian standing there and even if he had he would not have dared to move a muscle for Ian looked as threatening as a Fachen.

Before Pixly realized what had happened Ian had already made his way towards him and raised his sword. With all his might Ian had let it come down on the table that now lay crushed in half before Pixly’s terrified eyes.

“Where is my money you thief?” Ian shouted in a low growl. Pixly had gone pale as a sheet and did not dare to open his mouth but looked around to find an escape route, nevertheless it was blocked by Ian.

“I will not ask you again.” Ian said raising the sword up to Pixly’s neck that now swallowed out of fear.

“I…don’t…have…it.” Pixly peeped. Ian picked him up by his coat and lifted him up into the air so Pixly’s feet couldn’t touch the ground.

“Kill him!” Ian heard someone shout behind him. He nearly complied to the request but Pixly stopped him.

“Don’t kill me please…If you kill me you won’t get your money or your seeds back.” Pixly said looking only with one eye. Ian thought about it for a moment and the realized that this excuse of a living creature had right. Killing Pixly would only bring trouble and nothing else.

“Thank you.” Pixly said after Ian had lowered him to the ground below. Ian took deep breaths to calm down while Pixly straitened himself.

“Ok let’s go lad I’ll get your money in no time.” Pixly said walking away from all this followed by Ian.

“Hey where do you think you’re going?!” An angry male voice shouted behind them. Ian turned around and saw the bartender sprint towards them.

“Run!” Pixly said before Ian could realize what was happening.

“You haven’t paid for the table you broke!” The man shouted and now Ian realized in what trouble they were.

“Run you stupid fool!” Pixly called after him and indeed Ian agreed for the first time with Pixly that that was not a bad idea. And together they ran out of the Inn as fast as they could. From one street into the other they went their conscious telling them that the man was behind them constantly catching up. They only stopped when they were a safe distance away from the village.

“Oh boy…” Pixly wheezed as he threw himself on the ground. “Actually I have to thank you that meal wasn’t paid for either.” He said pocking into the dirt with a stick.

“Listen you foul rat!” Ian said in a dangerous voice. “You have taken all my money away and now I’m without seeds or transportation.”

“Calm down, calm down…” Pixly said trying not to look threatened and succeeded. He pulled out his flute from his pocket and started playing a merry tune on it. Ian sat down and let his hand feel the soft grass beneath his fingers while he listened to melody Pixly played on the flute.

“Why did you do it?” Ian asked trying to look into Pixly’s eyes that stopped playing.

“Because I needed the money.” He said in blunt tone that made Ian try to suppress his anger. “Listen I had some debts to pay and then suddenly you came along, a stranger, looking for seeds. So I took my chance clear. Fooled you and paid of my debts.” Pixly said jumping up.

“So now you want to tell me that you don’t have my money?” Ian asked and Pixly sighed.

“I spent it all. I had to pay my debts and with the rest of the money I bought my wife and my five children a beautiful blanket. Oh you should have seen the joy in their little eyes when their father arrived with a present.” Pixly said looking at the sky. Ian took a stone and threw it at Pixly.

“Stop lying you rat! Who would want to marry you?” Ian said and Pixly smirked.

“It was worth the try.” Pixly said playing another merry tune and this time he danced to it.

“So what are you going to do about the money you own me?” Ian asked and Pixly stopped and thought about it.

“I can promise you that you’ll get your seeds back if you let me go get them right now. I’ll be back before you know it.”

“Oh no you rat you won’t trick me this time.” Ian said grabbing Pixly by his coat.

“Ok…ok. I promise you’ll have everything you want tomorrow morning.” Pixly said and Ian ripped the flute out of his hand. “Hey that’s mine!” Pixly said trying to grab it but Ian wouldn’t let him. “You don’t understand it’s Magic!”

“Seems very old. Maybe even valuable. I’ll think I’ll hang on to it for safe keeping until you provide me with the necessary needs.” Ian said and Pixly growled kicking the dust on the road. This time he was tricked.

“Alright.” He said walking away. “I’ll be here with the sunrise. You and my flute better be here.” Pixly said not turning around.

“The horse and the seeds should better be here or else I’ll see what price I can get for this ‘magical’ flute.” Ian said grinning for he knew he had the little creature in his advantage.

Ian walked away following the path that the new moon had lighted with her pale light. He was emotionally exhausted and felt more tired then he could remember he had ever felt. The grass beside him looked invitingly back at him while the soft breeze seemed to give them voices. In the end he surrendered to the softness of the night and fell into a deep slumber.

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