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April, 2018

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In this issue... Submitting to a Publisher using British Standards


Submitting to Publishers with British Standards

By Bruce L. Cook

When submitting to European or other publishers still following the British standards, be sure to consider some changes that may make a difference..... (continued below)


Submitting to Publishers with British Standards

By Bruce L. Cook

Submitting manuscripts has become more fluid in recent years now that Amazon has led publishers into the EZ-to-print-books era, but this new informality does not necessarily extend to publishers outside the USA. Be sure to explore the publisher’s web page to discover what’s needed.

When submitting to European or other publishers still following the British standards, be sure to consider some changes that may make a difference. As a first consideration, one needs to choose between paper and email. Note that email is emerging as the primary submission medium because it is more convenient for the publishers.

Another set of decisions, there’s a choice between 8 and a half by 11-inch paper and the alternate standard, A4, which is 8.27 (21 cm) by 11.69 inches (29.69 cm). A4 is the overseas standard, and is widely used. This may not seem important for an email submission, but please remember that manuscript reviewers frequently print out the file you submit.

It is typical for these publishers to specify a typographic font (often 12-point Times New Roman). Page numbers are usually expected to be centered in the footer. (NB - Never type the page numbers in without using the footer. It’s hard to believe how long it takes to remove these and replace them with the automatic version in a word processing program.

The word processing program, Microsoft Word, is almost universally used worldwide, although one leading American company does all it can to promote its own program called Pages. This is a leftover from the long-time rivalry between Microsoft and Apple and basically serves to confuse the marketplace. Fortunately, one can convert to doc or docx or simply use the standard rich text format.

At the upper right of the first page include: author name, phone number, e-mail address, and word count. Text should be double-spaced. The publisher usually will specify whether you should submit a synopsis, bio, sample, etc.

Further, as for all publishers, it’s important to review the publisher’s booklist to determine whether your manuscript is a good fit. A convenient list of publishers and agents is available through duotrope.com.

Best of luck with your submission. Times are tough for writers, but only those who persevere will eventually enjoy publishing with a recognized commercial publisher.

Handbook of Research on Examining Global Peacemaking in the Digital Age, Bruce L. Cook (ed.)


Violent behavior has become deeply integrated into modern society and it is an unavoidable aspect of human nature. Examining peacemaking strategies through a critical and academic perspective can assist in resolving violence in societies around the world.

The Handbook of Research on Examining Global Peacemaking in the Digital Age is a pivotal reference source for the latest research findings on the utilization of peacemaking in media, leadership, and religion. Featuring extensive coverage on relevant areas such as human rights, spirituality, and the Summer of Peace, this publication is an ideal resource for policymakers, universities and colleges, graduate-level students, and organizations seeking current research on the application of conflict resolution and international negotiation.


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Publishing New Writers,

April 2018 (no. 1904)


Dr. Bruce L. Cook
1407 Getzelman Drive
Elgin, IL 60123

Submissions/comments  cookcomm@gmail.com. Links are welcome. To subscribe and/or  review our archive of past newsletters, go to
