...  Publishing New Writers

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 August, 2004


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The Next Step: Self Publishing

by Sandy Tritt


So, after a lot of soul-searching, you’ve decided to self-publish. Or maybe you intended to do so all along. A few years ago self-publishing was looked upon as “vanity” publishing—only those with money to buy immortality considered it. However, things have changed. For one thing, many of the publishing houses have merged and it has become even more difficult and more time consuming to land a traditional publisher. For another, some authors prefer to maintain control over their manuscript and want to keep all the proceeds from it. And some people have intentionally written their books for a small audience: a memoir, for instance, in which they’ve simply wanted to leave something to their descendents. Therefore, self-publishing has become widely acceptable. So much so that the major Internet book sellers (like Amazon.com and BarnesandNobel.com) now sell self-published books.
So how do you go about it? Again, there are many ways and entire books are devoted to the process. Your first consideration is probably your budget and your goal. How much can you afford to spend and what do you expect in return? If you have the financial resources, you can hire a full-service publisher who will do everything for you. All you do is provide a readable version of your manuscript and a check. The publisher will typeset it, help you design or choose a cover, get an ISBN and UPC code for you, print it, and then, if you want, even help you market it.
The opposite end is doing all the work yourself and simply hiring a printer. This is the least expensive way to go. However, you must supply the printer with a type-set version of your manuscript (this isn’t difficult, but you must either have type-setting software, such as Adobe Pagemaker, or hire someone to typeset your work for you). If you are wanting to sell your book at bookstores (physical or Internet), you’ll have to get an ISBN and a UPC code for it.
The ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a unique, machine-readable identification number. You can get these (in sets of ten—you can’t order just one number) at:
U.S. ISBN Agency
630 Central Avenue
New Providence, NJ 07974
Tel: 877-310-7333
Fax: 908-665-2895
E-mail: isbn-san@bowker.com
Website: www.isbn.org

As of this printing, the fee for ordering ten ISBN numbers is $225 and takes about ten days to receive.

The UPC code is the Universal Product Code. In the United States, call the Uniform Code Council at1-937-435-3870, or visit their website at https://catalog.webec.uc-council.org/application. To get a UPC code, you must become a member of the Uniform Code Council, and the fee is based upon the size of your “company.”

Another consideration in self-publishing is the copyright. By law, you automatically own the copyright to any work you have created. However, you should place a copyright notice on the back of your title page. The copyright symbol ( © ) should be printed (or you can spell out the word “copyright”), followed by the year and the owner of the copyright (your name or company). It should also include the statement: “All rights reserved.” An example of how this should look: “© 2002 Sandy Tritt. All rights reserved.” To register your copyright, you must first get an application from the Copyright Office website (www.loc.gov/copyright), or by calling the Forms and Publications Hotline at 202-707-9100 (You will want Form TX). Once you’ve completely filled out the application, send it with a $30 filing fee and two copies of your book to:

Library of Congress
Copyright Office
101 Independence Avenue, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20559-6000

Now, if I haven’t confused you yet, let me keep trying. Besides just having a UPC code and an ISBN number, you also need to have them in barcode format. Unless you have a printer that prints barcodes (or know someone who does), you’ll probably be at the mercy of your printer to do this for you. This service should not cost more than ten to twenty dollars per barcode.

Once you’ve finally gotten all the necessary paperwork done and have gotten your book printed, it’s time to market it. As I mentioned earlier, most Internet bookstores will accept your book. However, most want to keep 50% of the selling price. But half is better than none, and you need the exposure. But they aren’t going to do anything for you as far as making you more visible. You’re going to have to do this yourself. You should contact bookstores and see if they will allow you to come and do booksignings. Contact the newspaper and see if they will write a feature article about you. How many books you sell will depend upon how much work you put into selling them.

Of course, if all you want is a memoir to pass on to your grandchildren, send your work to a printer, skip the UPC, ISBN and copyright notices, and just do it.

There are books devoted to self-publishing, and if you are serious about going this route, I suggest you pick up one or two and study them.

(from Section 5, Workbook)

Want more great tips and techniques? Our Inspiration for Writers Tips and Techniques Workbook is now available. Expanded tips, more topics, reproducible worksheets, exercises to practice what you learn and much more--check it out! Free shipping anywhere in the United States.

(c) copyright 2002 by Sandy Tritt. All rights reserved, except for those listed here. September be reproduced for educational purposes (such as for writer's workshops), as long as this copyright notice and the url: http://tritt.wirefire.com are distributed with the pages. For use in conferences or other uses not mentioned here, please contact Sandy Tritt at tritt@wvadventures.net for permission and additional resources at no or limited charge.

   Keep writing!

Sandy Tritt

Inspiration for Writers tritt@wvadventures.net























Review of 'Pressions


by Linda Alexander

Edith Holmes came to me via the internet, and at
first I wasn't sure how to handle her blatant honesty and deep, searching words and questions. She became personal almost immediately and, in many cases, this would've turned me off. However, because I knew why
she contacted me and understood the bond she felt, a bond I was, in turn, beginning to feel with her, I was not only drawn closer to this
straightforward, honest and caring woman, I also saw and shared her vision -- because it was, in essence, identical to my own long-standing dream. Our vision, our dream, was so closely aligned -- without us ever having met in person or even had any sort of previous contact -- that it was both downright eerie, otherworldly, and breathtakingly wonderful.

I tell you this, as Edith's readers, to introduce you to her creativity as the author of 'Pressions, an mazing book, and also to forewarn you about her internal eye. It is a supernatural tool which she uses to not only weave an intricate tale of fiction, but also to invigorate it with a blatant, deep, soul-searching reality. This reality may make you wonder, as you read her story, whether it is, indeed, fiction. Seems far too real to be simply a product of a healthy imagination.

Here is where I must explain the complicated
connection between me and Edith Holmes, a writer, an extraordinary storyteller, a soothsayer, and a historical spokeswoman for people of color -- no matter the color or how many drops of it that may be in a person's make-up. We are all people of color, and Edith understands this.

Edith found me through an internet writing site to
which we both contribute. She learned that my great-grandmother was a secretive woman. I knew her when I was a child and even at such a young age I knew she was "different." How she was different was the mystery, a mystery no one in my family seemed interested in discussing with a precocious child. Besides, I believe they thought I was only dreaming up stories.

Indeed, I was, stories that were to become the truth behind questions I had about my family heritage. The questions lingered, remaining unanswered for over 30 years until one day, as I searched census records at the National Archives, I discovered the missing piece
to my personal historical puzzle: my great-
grandmother had been seen as a "mulatto" in early life in New Orleans. A mulatto! A shock, because I am about as white as a white person can be. I, and those before me, were "People of Color." Varying shades, but colors, nonetheless.

Because I'm about as honest as my new friend, Edith, and because I hate hypocrisy and racism, from that point on I made it my mission to tell my family story to anyone who'd listen. I gave speeches, wrote articles, put letters in publications. Edith read one of my articles, contacted me, and, as the ol' saying goes, the rest will eventually be history -- the past. Her past. My past. Your past. And it all contributes to our present, and our collective future.

All of us are mixed, part of a greater (and larger)
whole, and we must begin to truly communicate. I
don't mean a passing "hello" to our other-color
brother or sister; I mean deep, soul-searching,
painful give-and-take communication. We might say things in love that the other person won't at first understand, or even like to hear, but even that, with continuing discourse, will help to bridge the very real color gap still between the races so we can actually ultimately DO what we keep saying we want to do . . . but rarely accomplish.

What is that? Share life, in truth and light and
openness. This sort of communication will bring about love, real love, between all of us, no matter skin color, or even race or religion or sexual
orientation. It's crucial. It's the answer to all of
society's ills, both all too simple and far too

And this is what Edith is doing with 'Pressions. Read on. Read and enjoy the well-written and very creative story, while also soaking in its message, because there most definitely is a message, one not to be missed. It's a novel. It's a book of truth. It's both, all in one. The best storytellers over the scope of time have written this way, giving readers a tale too engrossing to do without, while also imparting a truth too crucial to all humanity to neglect.

I thank Edith for contacting me, and for everything that's happened since. I'm blessed that she's crossed my path, and very happy to be acquainted with her talent, a talent that's only now becoming known to the world. Remember the name: Edith Holmes, Storyteller. You'll hear it again, and again.

-- Linda Alexander


Critiquing Special

  • Limited time special, one cent per word.  Just mention Publishing New Writers  Newsletter (August, 2004).

    Critiques by Sandy Tritt

  • Unlike most editors, I consider my role to be a mentor or a coach. Instead of just telling you what is wrong, I explain how to correct the problem, and I work with you to teach you how to write effective prose. More than 50% of my business is repeat business, and I relish establishing long-term relationships with other writers.

  • Treat you with respect and compassion. All criticism will be of the "constructive" sort. My purpose is to improve your writing, not to destroy your confidence.

  • Mark your manuscript, correcting grammatical and spelling errors and suggesting alternative wording where appropriate, line-by-line.

  • Highlight areas that are especially well-written, so you will know where your strengths are.

  • Where appropriate, offer suggestions for plot development, character development or other areas that could be strengthened.

  • Return a two-to-four page written analysis of your work. This will include evaluation of: plot, setting, characterization, dialogue, special effects (flash forwards, flashbacks, etc.), voice, point of view and any other areas particular to your work.

  • If appropriate, recommend reading or resources to strengthen your areas of weakness.

  • Answer any questions you  have via email.

  • Provide my telephone number for a personal follow-up, if you desire.

For Sandy's success stories, see http://tritt.wirefire.com/Manuscript_Critique.html

Write Sandy at tritt@wvadventures.net

(See Sandy's article above.)

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Publishing New Writers,

August, 2004 (no. 508)


Publisher: Bruce L. Cook, P.O. Box 451, Dundee, IL 60118.  Fax (847) 428-8974.

Submissions /comments  cookcomm@gte.net.

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My Self Publishing Experience

by Edith Holmes

The People at my Self publishing Company are the nicest people anyone could ever meet. They have done their jobs well, and I am very appreciative. However, I didn't know what I know now, and that isn't very much.

Remember, after writing your novel, you have maybe three choices, self publishing, traditional publishing, or let your work sit in the box where you placed it. All three have downsides and upsides.

Self Publishing is how I chose to publish my novel. It was my rock and I personally struck it and stuck to it; I wasn't going to stop until the last breath left my body. I wanted everyone to have a copy of the novel.

The big joke is promotion, or marketing. There are many books out there that tell you how. But none talks about the amount of money you will need in order to get the job done well. Promotion costs thousands of dollars. What?

I just finished drinking tears for water in order to do the Self Publishing thing. The joke is that I am not self published. My ISBN number belongs to my self publishing company only; therefore I am not self published. I only paid my publisher to self publish me.

It makes no sense! The company works with you. Stop??? You work with the self publishing company in order to get your novel out to the public. What's the difference? You can do the same with a printing company, which saves you money that you can use to promote your novel.

My self publishing company has someone who prints the book for them at a good price, cheap really. OH---Now I understand about self publishing.

No, I don't understand about self publishing a novel even after all this crap. It is the publisher who will make as much money as they can off your work, while you try and come up with ways to buy your book so you can make money. I don't even know this to be the truth.

What's real and even more heartfelt, is when you see your book listed, and the company who will sell it, can sell it much cheaper then what you as the Author can buy it for from your Self Published Company.

Yes, it is POD. Part fiction, Off the Chain, and DDDDDON'T do it until you have done the research needed to be successful.

It is your job to get out there and promote your book so they can make even more money off your book. Stop!!!!!! If you are going to self publish, you need to be able to place your own ISBN number on your novel, and you need to be able to go to the same book publishing company as the POD company you hired to get your book printed.

Don't put your money into the POD Publisher or a self publisher of your novel that never will be yours. Do the research first. Unless you are rich or maybe Bill Clinton, and can follow up on all the things that need to be done, DON'T self publish with a POD Company of any kind. And if you do go this way, make sure you have saved enough money to do it with.

Now to the good stuff, I have a copy of my novel in my hand that I have paid dearly to have published. It feels good and I want to sell-sell-sell.

I am so excited about this novel, the name of it is 'PRESSIONS and that is what I am going through to get it out to the public. I wrote it from my heart, and I want it to sell. If I could give it to everyone I would, simply because I think it has the abilities to heal in some small way. At least, it healed my soul.

And I think the Great Creator of all things has plans for 'PRESSIONS, be it that it makes it or not. It is his plan that I am interested in.

Try to have a support system in place before you get started with the publishing of your great work. It will help you when you are down and out.

I am lucky in that I have Authorme.com, Readincolor, Disilgold, Sisterfriend, Bookings Matter, Linda Alexander, TEE C. Royal with the Rawsisters club and on and on. I am a member of many writing clubs who are there when you need someone.

I have met so many helpful people on this walk to authorhood, and I thank each and everyone one of them. I think about those people all the time, and often wonder what they saw in me, that I did not see.

Again, never give up on your dreams. Work like the ants, keep moving until you have found your destination.

Edith M. Holmes

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