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August, 2013


In this issue... Characters

Characters for Fiction

by Bruce L. Cook
Publisher, The Author-me.com Group

Here’s some help for fiction writers who are recruiting new characters. If you need more characters for your story, consult this list of likely characters. They come from an unlikely source - a business task group. (Continued below...)










Characters... (continued)

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Perhaps you can splice in one of more of these folks to spice up your story.
Using a list compiled at Iowa State University, with liberal modifications, these would be:

  1. Initiator – Gets things started (sets your conflict)
  2. Info Giver – Reveals secrets the reader can’t be expected to know
  3. Opinion Giver – Someone set in their ways, in dire need of change
  4. Opinion Seeker – Innocent outsider, happens to ask the right things
  5. Orienter – A visitor to the group, stunningly able to put things together
  6. Integrator – A coach who can “get ‘er done” in spite of all odds
  7. Encourager – A nice-looking cheerleader
  8. Harmonizer – Someone who knows even  more than the coach
  9. Compromiser – Has weak knees, hated by extremists
  10. Gate-Keeper – Tries to censor, usually fails
  11. Dominator - Protagonist
  12. Anecdoter – Jokester, Trickster – has more fun any anyone
  13. Special Interest Pleader – Drops a “plug” for featured products

What a list! Right? Best of luck!

Iowa State University, Group Member Roes for Group Effectiveness (June, 1981)

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Publishing New Writers,

August, 2013 (no. 1408)


Dr. Bruce L. Cook
7337 Grandview Ct.
Carpentersvville, IL  60110

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