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Perhaps you can splice in one of more of these folks to spice up your story.
Using a list compiled at Iowa State University, with liberal modifications, these would be:
- Initiator – Gets things started (sets your conflict)
- Info Giver – Reveals secrets the reader can’t be expected to know
- Opinion Giver – Someone set in their ways, in dire need of change
- Opinion Seeker – Innocent outsider, happens to ask the right things
- Orienter – A visitor to the group, stunningly able to put things together
- Integrator – A coach who can “get ‘er done” in spite of all odds
- Encourager – A nice-looking cheerleader
- Harmonizer – Someone who knows even more than the coach
- Compromiser – Has weak knees, hated by extremists
- Gate-Keeper – Tries to censor, usually fails
- Dominator - Protagonist
- Anecdoter – Jokester, Trickster – has more fun any anyone
- Special Interest Pleader – Drops a “plug” for featured products
What a list! Right? Best of luck!
Iowa State University, Group Member Roes for Group Effectiveness (June, 1981)
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