...  Publishing New Writers  ...
Opt-In Newsletter for AuthorMe.Com and Galley-Proof.com

 May, 2001

Visit Our Re-Designed Home Page - http://www.author-me.com/default.htm

If [you] can continue to send me more useful information of any sort pertaining to writing it would be greatly appreciated. Your March newsletter has already been of a good deal of help to me. 

Thank you

Dave Fox

Writing Assignment:

Conflict with Environment

Like last month, now that you've done all the background work, the "easy" part lies ahead. All you need to do is lead your character toward the goal you specified earlier.

Last month you portrayed a character who blocked the main character from his or her goal. This week you will take a different tack.

This time select something from the environment which will block your main character's progress to goal. Use an earthquake or some other event which will radically alter your main character's quest.

Again, this is an exercise, so you may be writing chapters you will later throw away. But it's important to learn how to show environment as a possible hindrance to your main character's progress.

 Let's review now. You created a character and setting, and then aimed the character at a goal. Now it is your duty to introduce an environmental conflict to interfere with the character's quest.

Go! We look forward to receiving your exercise.

Good luck!


Writerly Websites...

Meet Sandy Tritt's new Critiquing Assistant, Kathy Hartwell.

Inspiration for Writers:

Go Back in Time!...

Check out our new all - immersion Life of Jesus (Part 1) from David C. Cook III.  You'll become a true believer. Visit... 


AuthorMe.com is dedicated to the memory of David C. Cook III.

Visit our sister websites...










What is an E-Book?

Here at AuthorMe.com we have become so accustomed to news about e-books that we may have left our audience behind.

Are you one of those asking, "What is an 'e-book' anyway? Is is like canned beans, or more like an onion?"

If so, now is your chance to truly understand. An e-book primer we all should read:

An E-book Primer

By Sarah Ormes, UKOLN, on behalf of EARL, the Library Association and UKOLN

An issue paper from the Networked Services Policy Taskgroup
Series Editor: Sarah Ormes, UKOLN



Ever wonder how much you could make if you just produced your own e-book? It'd do away with that pesky 10-20% for the agent, you may gloat.

Prepare yourself. The agent isn't the problem. It's the seller and distributor that does it.

Take Amazon.com, for example. Yes, they will list your book. But only if you obtain an ISBN Number (plan on $100). And it helps to provide paper copies (plan on $200-$300 or more). 

And then there's a 65% or so commission, extracted by Amazon before you are paid.

So we ask you... Which is worse. A distributor's rip-off or a publisher's rejection?

If you haven't seen the picture before, see it now. In the publishing process, the writer is taken for granted.  Many, many appeals to new writers are actually sales pitches, encouraging you to pay for your dream. (Wasn't it supposed to be the other way around?)

Meanwhile, the e-book has the potential to cut through this monopolistic opportunism. But  e-book marketing has to be done at grass roots level. Unless someone like Amazon steps back in wonder and notices - there are new writers, and they write good stuff.  How much effort would it really take for the "big guys" to encourage new writers?



New AuthorMe.com Features for You

Abbe Willner has joined AuthorMe.com as Writing Coach, She'll pull all you writing recluses out of the closet and into publication! Don't let anything stand in her way.

StoryThread. One of Abbe's major new ideas was our new StoryThread stories (visit our new site at http://www.storythread.com/) Read the current story and add a paragraph. We're  all very excited about this writing activity!

Hitlist. Another of Abbe's  brainstorms was our new "hitlist" listing that shows your story and, in the adjacent column, a count of the number of times someone "hit" it (clicked on its link) during the past week. Check your story or poem. You will probably be surprised to learn how popular your item is.

Editorial Department. Brand new, this page connects you with AuthorMe's inner workings and makes our specialists available to help you. Look for critiquing, typing, and grammarchecking/spellchecking. More to come. Visit... www.author-me.com/editorialdept.htm.


Publishing New Writers,

May, 2001 (no.205)

Editor Bruce L. Cook, P.O. Box 451, Dundee, IL 60118.  Fax (847) 428-8974.


© Cook Communication 1999 - 2006     (not affiliated with Cook Communication Ministries)