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May, 2011

Preview: Authorme.eu !

by Michèle Ohayon


Bruce Cook and I, Michele Ohayon, have joined forces to create authorme.eu, a mix between Bruce's charitable activities endowing writers and my artistic and conceptual site, www.latitudesobjectives.com or Loungeactneteditingshouse.com, also endowing writers and artists but in commercial terms. .... (Continued below...)


Rejection from Publishers: What to Do Now


by Keith Henry

So you’ve written a book and now, you want to share this work of art with the world; publishers are the only people standing in your way. It doesn’t really matter what genre you specialize in, the fact of the matter is, when you send your work to editors or publishing houses, you can get rejected.

Nothing can be more frustrating than getting rejected by publishers and here’s how you can deal with the rejection. Instead of sulking at home, refusing to write another word, you can try sending your manuscript to another editor. When that’s done, you can sit back, relax and spend your time doing other things besides thinking about your book. More often than not, publishing houses and editors work under strict guidelines with manuscript submission and you’ll be putting yourself in danger by sending your manuscript to other editors at the same time.

Meanwhile, you can keep a close eye on your email for a letter from the publishers. When you receive a letter, expect a no. Expecting the worst will be easier for you when you do get the worst. For this particular circumstance, you can scream and shout, rant and rave for a few minutes about how these people just let a good thing pass them by. You then get back to reading the rest of the rejection letter. Here, you’ll be given a number of tips how you make your work better. When all these tips have sunk in, you can start submitting your manuscript to another editor.

Simply repeat the process of sitting and waiting, keeping an eye out for a letter from the publisher, etc. For the first rejection slip you’ve received, you can file this letter away or you can simply throw it out. Remember that that was just one publisher’s opinion. You have a long list of publishers to go through. In the meantime, you can continue revising and editing your manuscript. When you think you’ve made it even more perfect, you can send this out to another editor. Rejection from publishers is just a part of the process for becoming a successful writer.

About The Author

For more information about publishers, visit the Bookpal website.

The author invites you to visit:

Article Source: http://www.articlecity.com/articles/writing/article_2212.shtml



Welcome Authorme.eu .... (continued)

Doing so, I hope to bring us on a new avenue, that of authentication of art and writing through our times and news, those we live in today, as twisted and distorted as they are as we look through them.  

Art and literature are the two main means I hope to bring forward to solve problems and drawing on them the attention of politicians, problems  that I as a journalist picked up on, structural problems such as abusive detentions of persons, public or lay people  in remote countries, attempts at restructuring our formal constitutions, be it in France or in America, blatant denials of freedom of expression and of writing, endued with crimes and bodily abuses and abuses to criminal justice systems and emergence of sorts of illegal private militias roaming the streets and pavements of all the cities I've traveled to and lived in.  

This shows neglect and mayhem caused by private interests and their policies stemming from old-timers, powers from even before the First World War which are still followed strategically.  To me it started with surrealism and the exploitation of it made by both freelancers in the medical industries then and obscure powers in the art industries and led us to the path of war in the 20th Century.  

This subject is yet to be featured in one of my magazines, Lounge Act Magazine. This is the kind of subject, in this case European history, I am willing to acquaint American and worldly readers with after I have investigated it formally and wish to prove through our historic records with analysis of paintings, works of art and photography making the points.

The European market is fascinating for anybody outside Europe, especially culturally, even for us who live here.  However it is rife with discrepancies and lateness regarding advancement of societies, due to the genocidal tendencies in the East, and the temperamental politicians in the West.  The EEC is however there to disrobe us of the weight of Second World War which is still in every mind, a ghostly reminder of horrors of war and  cares to really punish those whose nostalgic deeds threaten the very balance of our continent.  

These reasons and some artistic and ethical reasons, ethics stemming from my profession as a journalist, and my artistic endeavors, lead me to believe this market is crucial to understanding why the world revolves around Europe and cares for its creativity.  If and when politics here are not satisfactory, art comes in and gives a further escape.  I wish to look for and find that thread where art and politics meet, so we stay and participate democratically and in full conscience of our importance as individuals living here or coming from abroad, citizens of a world we love to create.

This is my goal, and while writing and collecting books and turning articles into anthologies from authorme.com, I hope to bring with all of you an excellent addition to my collections who display these ideas laid out to be collected through the whole year, in a constant modulation and evolution and which I urge all of you to read and analyze and contribute to with your writings and books related to each of the subjects described.  I will read all direct contributions to these collections and evaluate them with the writers for content and style.  

I do welcome all of you to authorme.eu and hope to hear from you on these ideas and others.  Please give your feedback to us at micheleohayon@authorme.eu or headlinenews@live.fr.  


Michèle Ohayon

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Publishing New Writers,

May, 2011 (no. 1205)


Dr. Bruce L. Cook
6086 Dunes Dr,
Sanford, NC 27332

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