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May, 2013


In this issue... Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design

by Bruce L. Cook
Publisher, The Author-me.com Group

Many POD authors have a web page advertising their book. But few have a responsive web design. This means that potential viewers find it difficult to examine the work on a cell phone or tablet. (Continued below...)










Responsive Web Design... (continued)

(See <Author> - our Smartphone App on Google Play)

First, be aware that most POD authors are frustrated (and sometimes angry) because few visitors ever come looking for their book, let alone make a purchase. Energetic writers browse around to obtain free advertising, or even a few paid links, and even more enthusiastic writers to the more successful route – appearing in person wherever they can find an audience. But the lack of responsive web design remains a central problem.
In web designer lingo, a web page is responsive when the server adjusts format according to the viewer’s format. That is, it assures that the web page will display in either of three formats: smartphone (narrow), tablet (medium), and PC screen (wide).
In response to this problem, and out of awareness that the author-me.com website developed many design problems over the years since its first design in 1999, author-me now offers a responsive format for its main pages. Do visit the revised home page at www.author-me.com to take a peek.
Those preferring the old format (and using a PC screen), the old format is still visible at www.author-me,com/tabular.html.
We continue to revise the page and are happy to receive your comments at cookcomm@gmail.com

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Publishing New Writers,

March, 2013 (no. 1403)


Dr. Bruce L. Cook
7337 Grandview Ct.
Carpentersvville, IL  60110

Submissions/comments  cookcomm@gmail.com. Links are welcome.To subscribe and/or  review our archive of past newsletters, go to
