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In This issue... The Mindset Shift Every Writer Needs by Danielle Perlin-Good


Have you ever considered the idea that writing a book doesn’t always start with a pen or a keyboard? ... (continued below)

Note: As of January 27, 2025, this newsletter ("Publishing New Writers") has 14,922 subscribers on Linkedin.com


The Mindset Shift Every Writer Needs

by Danielle Perlin-Good

Vulnerable storytelling lingers. Vulnerable content deeply impacts you. A strong bond is formed between you–the reader–and the author. The willingness to put something real on the page—something that feels a little uncomfortable—creates impact.

Stronger writing comes from a braver voice, not fancier words

. When we don’t incorporate vulnerability, then we have, what I call, a surface-level sentence.


: “I went to an exercise class today.”

“There’s a balloon in the sky.”

“I felt sad when I heard she lost her job.”

Now, we’re going to take a surface-level sentence and incorporate vulnerability into it:


“I’m going to start a business.

” Rewrite:

“Starting my business felt as though I were jumping out of a plane into thin air, not knowing if the parachute would open. Each morning brought hesitation, as decision fatigue settled into my daily routine. Would I fail publicly? Maybe I couldn’t run my own business after all. Yet, despite these fearful thoughts, I kept going, because I refused to let fear drive my business, my achievements, and my goals.”

We’re incorporating emotions and sensory detail here, which are key elements of vulnerable storytelling. Yet being vulnerable is no easy feat. Resistance comes, beckoning to stay present.

Vulnerability is a risk you need to be willing to take.

Thoughts, emotions, and experiences can stay tucked away safely, or you can choose to open old wounds, navigating the difficult healing process at play. We crave protection at all costs, and sharing a personal anecdote can feel like leaving your diary wide open in the conference room for all to see. The moment honesty reveals itself, doubt creeps into the psyche. This happens with each and every one of my clients:

“Does my idea matter in a saturated marketplace?”

“Does anyone care what I have to say?”

“What if others judge me harshly?”

So, how do you push through?

1. Let go of perfection.

A “terrible first draft” (also known by another name) is real, true, and raw. Get those surface-level sentences down on paper, then expose what’s underneath them to create a connection with your reader.

2. Start where you are.

Clarity develops as you write. Tell yourself that you’re a work-in-progress. If you find it difficult to get anything onto the page, start by observing what’s around you, and work from there–the small moments, the desk objects, the cookware in your kitchen. Don’t pressure yourself to create a masterpiece on your first try. Let your perspective breathe.

3. Follow your fear.

Fear holds us accountable to our best stories. That idea that makes you nervous holds value. When doubt shows up, ask: What if this is exactly what someone needs to hear today?

Your writing is a powerful tool to create a new, powerful, and vulnerable voice in the world–your own.

*** Interested in learning more about Danielle? Go to https://www.thesoulalignedghostwriter.com/, or connect with me on LinkedIn. LinkedIn link: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/vulnerability-mindset-shift-every-writer-needs-danielle-bruce-cook-ppxdf


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Publishing New Writers,

March, 2025 (vol. 26, no. 3)


Dr. Bruce L. Cook
1407 Getzelman Drive
Elgin, IL 60123

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