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Benefits of Writing Fiction

By Amanda Watson


 Benefits of Writing Fiction
 by Amanda Watson


My work tends to be non-fictional. My friend constantly encourages me to put my Thoughts into Fiction. Startlingly, there's some validity to his points of view:

The Advantages of Writing Fiction

Our education is a dynamic process. The act of writing motivates us to move around and do something. There is a correlation between incorporating what we learn into a text and our increased retention of that information. Writing is a fantastic tool for imparting knowledge to a broad audience. Even if no one else ever reads what you write, you will benefit from the process of putting your thoughts on paper.

The senses play a role in memory. What we take in when seated will be retained while seated. Memory is impaired if we study in bed but then must recall the information when seated. Action muscles are flexed as we write. When we write again, we will remember the details of our previous efforts more clearly because of the association between memory and motoric experience.

Writing takes time. It won't be put to any urgent use, that's for sure. We can either engage in gradual, active memorization or commit the information to long-term storage, or we can memorize large amounts of information, review them frequently, and retain them for the long haul. It doesn't matter whatever method you go about as long as you're true to your tastes. Particular techniques for learning and remembering information can be especially effective with some topics. Use it, because why not?

Using a Story to Remember Information

We take notes to remember the essential information most often. That's fine, but it doesn't exactly get my blood pumping. The best teachers know that tales and stories are powerful memory aids. We are more likely to retain the information we gained if we record our experiences in writing. Most works of fiction are just re-imaginings of well-known tales. For example, if we need to learn about a specific topic, we can look up related stories and then make up our own.

History is a bit more story than we can knob, and we need to emphasize unambiguous people and events. A medical case is a worthy story. Legal models are great stories. Scientific findings are pretty often great stories. Everything involving products and clients is an ongoing saga.

The protagonists, side-quests, and other plot elements of these tales are all pre-established. Put in some enthusiasm, gaming elements, and special effects, and you've got yourself a winner.

Words in Pictures

It's important to memorize a lot of information when studying. A skilled author may convey various ideas through vivid and precise descriptions. These elements are easily encoded into the text as object placement, discussion themes, and subplots. Having strong visuals in your story can help. The recollection of the visual details of a story can be sped up considerably.

In most cases, we can see animation-like sequences of complicated visual cues for short-term learning. Recycling previously written passages can make our writing more coherent, flesh out our scenes, and develop an original plot.

Inner Sanctuaries

The act of using a complex mental palace simultaneously creates a narrative for us. Our travels through the mental palace are usually routine, but the furniture we encounter may be anything unusual.

We usually make up an explanation for why we encounter these things in this precise sequence. You have the first version of the tale. Write an interesting plot to enhance it and establish associations with other materials; a detective novel is a great choice for this kind of investigation.

Today, quest rooms are more well-liked than ever. The physical manifestation of a quest room is a narrative palace.

Mastering the Art of Argumentation

Convincing others of your position is difficult. Several strategies have been shown to be effective. There's usually a way to work them into your narrative. One way to retain information is to employ mnemonic devices, which can be introduced and demonstrated in the context of a compelling story. A tale can evoke stronger feelings than numbers or even well-framed questions.

Usually, we don't study something just because we want to know it; rather, we learn it so that we can use it to accomplish something else. Usually, we'll have to convince people, rally support, and come up with ideas. Each of these activities is made easier by turning events into stories.

Sharing Knowledge with Young Minds

Everyone, no matter their age, enjoys a good story. Children have the same capacity for story construction and comprehension as adults. Children have a natural talent for creating fascinating tales. Similarly, many nerds enjoy stories set in fantastical worlds. Both groups have a pressing desire to acquire knowledge rapidly, and fantastical thinking may facilitate this process.

There are numerous benefits to reading fantastic tales:

  1. When we are freed from the constraints of our everyday lives, we can produce original tale ideas better.
  2. It's not hard to find some heroes. You can take elements from several tales and weave them together to create your own.
  3. To remember something, exaggeration might be a useful tool. Everything is magnified in fanaticism.
  4. You're free to use more colorful vocabulary, incorporate construction aspects unique to you, and emphasize the reader's emotional responses.
  5. Colorful prose is a hallmark of the fantastic. It is easier to remember information when it is presented in a variety of colors and textures.
  6. Children who read fantasy literature are more able to learn new terminology, cultural norms, and rhetorical tactics and strategies than those who read realistic materials.
  7. Creating fiction for children is a great way to both educate them and gain insight into their minds.
Theatrical Query

A dramatic question is often at the center of a story and catalyzes the hero's actions. Learning the answers to complex philosophical and legal questions is notoriously difficult. The question will stick in our minds if we reframe it as a dramatic one and create a story to illustrate it.

In addition, one of the moments in our narrative will likely serve as a visual marker for the inquiry. In addition, the story encapsulating the argument is at our disposal whenever we find ourselves in a position where we must use the question.

The emotional impact of a story is what really makes it effective. Intuition in a given area can be honed through the creative process of story writing. To avoid having the part of the brain that recognizes this as a story gets in the way, we'll need to use a lot of imagination.

Curative Considerations

Intense therapeutic value can be gained from writing. Reading a work of fiction might help you work through difficult emotions and memories. We can exert control over what we're writing that we rarely experience in real life. Dopamine reward circuits in the brain are stimulated, and stress levels are lowered when we write. As a result, we'll be able to concentrate better and push over our limitations.

Positive emotions, reduced stress and procrastination, and a sharper emotional IQ have all been related to writing from the heart. It makes sense to write daily just to experience these benefits.

For What Reason Am I Not Narrating?

Writing fiction has been shown to increase long-term memory, facilitate the demonstration of complex questions, and positively impact well-being.

Why am I bothering to write non-fiction when there is so much to enjoy in fiction?

Ultimately, we write not only for the people who will read our work but for ourselves. Unfortunately, not every topic can be hidden in a novel. In some cases, a readership may not enjoy fiction. I believe that if I were to write a work of fiction, I would lose half of my current readership.

Stories can even be included in non-fiction works. These tales are typically brief but entertaining to craft. Experience of a certain kind is necessary for writing fiction. School and the workplace rarely provide opportunities to hone our fiction writing skills. Without that background, it isn't easy to develop imaginative works. There is a lot of public scrutiny over the standard of fiction. Putting together a compelling piece of fiction requires a significant investment of time.

While I enjoy reading and writing fiction for personal enjoyment, I do not believe I am yet proficient enough to write for you.



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