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Theorized probable reincarnation, immortality, soul-spirit essence living

By George Chun Fat (San Diego, USA)


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Chapter 11 Cardinal Psychometrics

I’ve seen mathematical lattices of small numbers transmigrate into the clouds.  I don’t know how long the person was in the mathematical lattice of small numbers.

You could practice transmigration from a small number mathematical lattice into an electroweak manifold.

You die into various dimensions of reality that as you die you want to soul-spirit mechanic into a transfinite mechanic strong force dimension; for becoming an immortal.  Pray to the celestially angelic.

The spirit mechanics of surreal numbers:  small number mechanics, soul-spirit mechanics

Transmigration to the heart of the spirit:  transfinite mechanics, ontological mechanics, soul-spirit mechanics

Your soul and spirit must learn to add positive numbers to the soul and spirit.

Try to define the soul-spirit mechanics of transfinite number spirit attractors:  the heart of the spirit

Try to define the substance of the spirit and the over coating of the soul:

Some of the mechanics of the physics of the earth are the number zero.  Some of the mechanics of the physics of the earth are traversable.  The planet earth has a soul attractor to the earth.  Try to practice soul-spirit mechanics of atmospheric set theory instead.  Try to find the spirit attractors of ontological high order mathematics.  Or add positive real numbers to your fading consciousness.  Try to manage your goods.

You have the potential of adding positive numbers because of negentropy, diffractive mathematical notation, meta-mathematics, and the spirit for a good afterlife.

Try to soul-spirit mechanic high order mathematics for finding spirit attractors of transfinite numbers.

Try to believe that afterlife mechanics are more comprehensive than just zero numbers.

Potentials of the heart of the spirit could let you use transfinite numbers for ontological mechanics for a long afterlife.

Ontological mechanics of transfinite numbers is doable by the heart of the spirit.  Practice soul-spirit mechanics.

Real number soul-spirit mechanics is a potential of the soul and spirit.  Practice soul mechanics of large real numbers as an afterlife mechanic potential.  You consciousness could possibly proceed to an afterlife mechanic of positive numbers.

Potentials of spirit attractors could let your consciousness proceed to transfinite number ontological mechanics.

Try to manage the afterlife order of the potential of numbers and the mechanics of the spirit to manage variables.  Be sure to practice potential and mechanics besides variables.

You want to travel the spirit realm of transfinite numbers.  Practice spirit mechanics of large numbers to do this.  The spirit has potentials of large numbers.  All you have to do is practice the mechanics of large numbers.  The possibility of afterlife living as a spirit is a function of the realm of numbers.

The spirit has a possibility of spirit or number realm dynamics as afterlife mechanics.  Physical death could proceed to afterlife mechanics of the spirit or number realm.  Spirit mechanics of useable numbers is what you want to practice.  Also, practice soul dynamics of counting large numbers.  Practice possibilities of the spirit and the soul as best you can.  You could practice chapter 1 of Life and Living for soul and spirit possibilities.

Practice large number mechanics of the spirit for a good afterlife.  Also practice positive number mechanics of the spirit for a good afterlife.  Try to practice number mechanics of the spirit as best you can.  Number mechanics of the spirit has good potential for afterlife mechanics.  Number mechanics of the spirit is a very good possibility for spirit mechanics.  Try to practice number mechanics of the spirit for your spirit mechanics.

You might believe your soul could only manage small number matrices.  If so, practice small number mechanics of the soul.  Practice small number psychometrics of the pineal gland for your afterlife mechanics.  A potentiated pineal gland has potential to use large numbers though.  Practice small, medium, and large number mechanics of the soul and psychometrics of the pineal gland.  Use chapter 1 of Life and Living.

The number realm is accessible by the number mechanics of the soul.  Your soul could transmigrate to an afterlife number realm.  Practiced psychometrics of the pineal gland and the soul lets you transmigrate to the afterlife number realm.  You should try to believe that you could get to the afterlife number realm as you die.  The mathematical potentials of universal set theory are sufficient for getting to the afterlife number realm.  The heart of the spirit resides in the afterlife number realm.  Your soul could transmigrate the afterlife number realm to the heart of the spirit.  Practice chapter 1 of Life and Living.  Pray to the celestially angelic.

The heart of the spirit is ontological fancies transfinite mechanics.  The heart of the spirit lets you live an afterlife in the number realm.  The heart of the spirit has the potential of immortality.  The heart of the spirit is the best potential of the human spirit.  The heart of the spirit exists in the number realm.  You want to practice transmigrating to the heart of the spirit for your afterlife.  The heart of the spirit is what immortals use.  Practice chapter 1 of Life and Living.  Pray to the celestially angelic.

About the soul attractor to the earth:  some people experience this phenomenon; their soul falls to the earth.  I believe that they might hit the ground and bounce back up as at least a very tiny electroweak ghost; or they are a very tiny electroweak ghost that fits between the molecules of the earth.  This depends on how many zeros or logarithmic numbers your soul has to endure.  If you are practiced at number mechanics of the soul you could conceivably transition to the positive set of real numbers and possibly transfinite numbers.  So try to accept zero numbers and logarithmic numbers as subsets of the number realm.  It is my opinion that some afterlife mechanics exists for anyone.  It all depends how much you practice this book.  Use chapter 1 of Life and Living.  Do not worry, practice this book.

The essence of the afterlife is that you might become an electroweak ghost, or a spirit ghost or being, or a strong force immortal.  These depend on how good you are and how much you practice this book.

I have seen spirit adepts that travel the number realm.  You might have to use your pineal gland to be a spirit adept.  Practice chapter 1 of Life and Living.

Any significance is always within reality mechanics.  Including afterlife mechanics.

The omnipotence of that that is determined probably determines afterlife space.  The circular relationship of determined-determining-free will is a universal set theory.  Your only hope is to use free will to use totality mechanics for positive afterlife space.  Otherwise the omnipotence of that that is determined determines your afterlife space.  The circular relationship of determined-determining-free will is a universal set theory factor of infinite good.  The omnipotent determined good determine your afterlife space.  Afterlife space has positive numbers and negative numbers and zero numbers and logarithmic numbers.  If you haven’t been good you might not get positive number afterlife space.  Also out-of-body consciousness of meta-mathematical numbers is larger than regular consciousness.  It is best to use totality mechanics of your free will for transmigrating to positive number afterlife space.  I have seen people that didn’t use totality mechanics that transmigrated to zero numbers of the material earth.  I have seen people that might have used totality mechanics of varying complexity that existed as an intact consciousness in positive number afterlife space.  Pray to the celestially angelic.

Finite numbers in the realm of singularities:  These are some of the low-order algorithms that you see on the ground.  You might want to figure out the percentage of finite numbers that exist in the realm of singularities.

Fractal finite numbers:  These numbers are most of the numbers of the planet earth.  You should figure out the orders of fractal finite numbers.

Negentropy finite numbers:  I am assuming the planet earth has negentropy finite numbers.  Especially the information theory of soul-spirit mechanics.

The variable vectors of down:

The variable vectors of up:

It is possible that out-of-body chakras enter your dying consciousness.  It is possible that the celestially angelic enter your dying consciousness.  Most of you believe blackness enters your dying consciousness.  As you die you must learn how to transition to large number high order algorithms.

You want to use number mechanics of the soul and number mechanics of the spirit for accessing transfinite numbers and strong force energies.

The bandwidth of the pineal gland has potential for afterlife mechanics.  The bandwidth of the pineal gland has potential for afterlife functions.

If you believe the number lines connected to zeros attract you to the planet earth; you might become a very tiny electroweak ghost.

Try to define the low order algorithms.

Try to figure out low order algorithms function in mathematical space.

Try to figure out if low order algorithms got any sufficiency of sufficient algorithm potential.

Try to figure out if the out-of-body bandwidths of low order algorithms got any possibilities of afterlife mechanics.

Try to figure out if low order algorithms let you exist as a mathematical space algorithm.

Try to figure out if low order algorithms and high order algorithms overlap.

Try to define the set theory of out-of body bandwidths and define the continuum of out-of-body bandwidths.

The number theory of the set theory of positive numbers of the number continuum:

Try to practice transitioning to the space theory of space because I have noticed the space theory of space.  Pray to the celestially angelic and the eternals.

The real set theory of the number theory of positive numbers of the number continuum is where the afterlifers and immortals go.  Your fading consciousness wants to use the real vectors of meta-mathematics and negentropy for transitioning to the real set theory.  The possibility of real vectors is so good that you become an afterlifer and immortal.  Real vectors of the real set theory that use the space theory of space.  So then the possibilities of the out-of-body vectors are the real set theory.  That is best for you.

A description of afterlife thinking, feeling and traveling:  usually because of positive numbers of the number continuum.

Vector algorithms that connect in real space:

Pathways of the number continuum in real space:

The line theory of planes of black numbers is at least 2 dimensional spaces and maybe 3 dimensional spaces.  But the space theory of space is 24 dimensional space.  So always try to transition to the space theory of space.  The 24 dimensions of the space theory of space have the potential of transitioning to high order algorithms.  In fact the variable vectors of down and the variable vectors of up do some traveling in 24 dimensional space theory of space.  The negentropy of the black part of light could be in 24 dimensional space.

I have seen the line theory of planes of black numbers that are not zero; and they’re positive because they are on the plane.  Maybe they got some possibilities of accessing the space theory of space.  I have also seen the line theory of planes of other color numbers.  They might be the algorithms of participative ordering by the universals.

All the earth is the variables of the varying potential algorithms of the earth.  Shadows, cracks, black spots, lights, lines, trees, dirt, boxes, structure, benches, paint, writing, notebooks, people and animals.

The significances of truth and of existence that is real for the dead:  the variables of the varying potential algorithms of the earth.

Your dying feelings is dying algorithms, then algorithmic vectors then real vectors then real algorithms because of the varying potential algorithms of all the earth.  Because of 24 dimensional space.

The afterlife is a collection of real algorithms and maybe some zeros.  Because of how much you vector connected to the varying potential algorithms of all the earth in 24 dimensional space.  If you vector connect to a sufficient amount of varying potential algorithms then you get a sufficient amount of real algorithms in the afterlife.  Instead of a collection of zeros.

2 dimensional line theory of plane is probably more zeros than vector connecting to varying potential algorithms of all the earth.  I have seen enough real algorithms for 24 dimensional existence.

All the varying potential algorithms of all the earth is more than zero dimensional zero.  So if you vector connect to a sufficient amount of potential algorithms you get a sufficient amount of real algorithms that exists in 24 dimensional space.  Because of the real truth of the number continuum.

Also with the collection of zero numbers exist potential numbers, algorithmic number and positive numbers because of the real truth of the number continuum.

How to vector connect to potential numbers, algorithmic numbers and positive numbers with a collection of zero numbers because of the real truth of the number continuum:

Explanation better than getting caught in 2 dimensional line theory of plane:  because of the real truth of the number continuum.

The realness of the number continuum is how you manage death.

How to manage afterlife mechanics in a number continuum that gives you more than zeros:

Proof that the realness of the number continuum manages you even in death:

Number theory that lets you feel the truth of the good parameters of reality 100%:

As your consciousness seeps out of your body into the number continuum; you transition to becoming a mathematical space algorithm.  Because of the existence of a universal geometry of fine points and fine lines there could exist the potential that some mathematical space algorithms could access potentials of immortality algorithms?

The free will parameters of afterlife functions:  Because of the universal geometry of fine points and fine lines.

The many variable equations parameters of afterlife functions:

The significances of truth of transition mechanics:

There exists a universal geometry of fine points and fine lines that allows you to traverse the reality continuum.  I have seen many people do this.  This universal geometry even exists in your internal dying.  Because the universal geometry is sufficiently comprehensive for your internal dying to access the reality continuum.  The universal geometry seems to have the potential for living a very long time in the reality continuum.  Additionally the universal geometry exists with the possibility of skipping death by accessing the vectors of the strong force.  It seems like the people that use the universal geometry are capable of accessing any point or line of the reality continuum; and of the many variable equations.  You want to use the universal geometry for managing negative numbers and logarithmic numbers.  So then your dying consciousness fades and seeps into the universal geometry of fine points and fine lines.

Try to figure out how wave mechanics lets you transition to the afterlife; and accesses out-of-body chakras:

Try to figure out all the methods a fading consciousness accesses out-of-body chakras:

Try to figure out all the possibilities of wave mechanics for a fading consciousness:

The definition of death is as you die and your vitality fades, the linear sequence of the fading consciousness becomes a reality functions consciousness because of the Planck constant.

Because the Planck constant determines reality functions; that is finer reality functions than death.

All the constants of all the truth determinants of the universe allows for an out-of-body consciousness:

You get to transition to an afterlife because the Planck constant is bigger and finer than the linear sequence of dying and death:

The Planck constant is bigger and finer than cemeteries:

You must objectively figure out the potentials and possibilities of the Planck constant; and of as many determinants and constants of the universe for learning how to function in the afterlife:

A theory of everything of the universe and of the afterlife; is the Planck constant:

Many variable ground space equations is a subset of mathematical space equations:

The solution for absolute loss of life is that the totality and eternity is more absolute than loss or life:

I believe the big variables of the Planck constant are the spirit:

The solution for absolute pain absolutely forever is I have an extra-totality paper that is the largest forever more dynamic than just pain:

The solution for more limited than the afterlife or immortality is that truth equations gives you hope for an existence after death; because mathematical space and mathematical space equations are a subset of truth equations:

Truth equations that determine existential algorithms of order are sufficient for determining after death times:

The universal variable of high-order math is sufficiently useful for transitioning to immortality:

The wholesome of eternity is good enough for life managing persistence:

More fundamental than the determinants of reality is potential totality nodes and outer-white omnipotent/ontological nodes.  These determine all the totalities and eternity.

Truth determinants enacts truth living.  The totalness of truth determinants includes a system of transitioning to immortality:

The subjective beliefs of the unknown and feared realities of dying and death are a subset of objective ontological fact that could let you believe that this is sufficient for the afterlife and immortality:

Pain does not exist in the afterlife or immortality; because eternity and infinity in this reality is more dynamic, more pervasive, and finer than just pain.  Therefore, you do not feel pain.

The algorithms of the electroweak force are the equations that make the variables of the earth, and people, and feelings and earth systems.  These are significantly connected to afterlife equations and variables of the afterlife; that you could use for transitioning to afterlife realms.  Many truths of the universe are the electroweak force.

Solutions for the specific truths of dying and death:

Solutions for fearing the specific truths of dying and death:

A method of your fading consciousness managing dying:  transitioning through the number line to mathematical space.  Because the number line exists with a fading consciousness and dying more totally than both.  Then your fading consciousness could step along the number line until you get to an out of body mathematical space algorithm that could live in the afterlife realms.

A method to manage the estimated 0 death point of dying:  existence and consciousness lets you feel some zeros and some numbers other than zero because zero is only finite and perception is large scale; and the time point of zero isn’t sufficient for out of body chakras and the continuity of reality.  So learn chapters 7 and 11 to function more real than zero.

The human range of function of consciousness of the afterlife:

The human range of function of the number line:

Figure out the time period from fading consciousness (and dying consciousness) to afterlife consciousness; how long it takes:  It seems like that it doesn’t take too long to transition to an afterlife consciousness; but then the afterlife consciousness has to be careful that it doesn’t get trapped in bad regions such as logarithmic numbers, zero numbers, negative numbers.  So then your fading consciousness (and dying consciousness) does transition surely to an afterlife consciousness for at least a little while.  I have seen many examples of this occurring.  But you have to be careful.

Figure out all the afterlife regions:

The ranges of the afterlife other than the traps of logarithmic numbers, zero numbers, negative numbers:

The domain of the afterlife for figuring out the set theory of how to manage an afterlife:  The number bandwave continuum is the domain of the afterlife.

Mathematical space algorithms are of the types that are low-order algorithms and high-order algorithms.  Low-order algorithms are more difficult to exist as for afterlife functions.  Because low-order algorithms do not have enough capacity for transition mechanics and accessing the heart of the spirit or strong force energies.  Low-order algorithms are more susceptible to traps.  High-order algorithms got sufficient capacity for transition mechanics and accessing the heart of the spirit and strong force energies.  High-order algorithms got enough capacity to avoid traps.  High-order algorithms use bigger numbers than low-order algorithms.  High-order algorithms are a more interesting afterlife.  Low-order algorithms dissipate, get trapped or become very tiny electroweak ghosts.  A high-order algorithm could become immortal.  Low-order algorithms do not have enough capacity to use ontological fancies or totality mechanics.  High-order algorithms got enough capacity for ontological fancies and totality mechanics.  You must use all my book to die into a high order algorithm.

All planes are a subset of cosmology.  If you know how to command the Planck constant; you could travel and manage any plane.  Also, if you know how to use the number bandwave continuum; you could travel and manage any plane.

Command of the number bandwave continuum should let your dying consciousness transition to out-of-body living.


Note from author:  I have asked you to read the entire file at least 6 times.  That is because I add to various chapters randomly.  I hope you appreciate the improvements.  Slowly, but surely I am writing a book of immortality.  You should try to learn the new additions to the book as much as possible.  Soon this book is going to be 60 pages.  Then I’ll get my 60 seconds and 60 minutes.  You should have read the latest versions of my books Conceptual Principles of Existential Parameters, Intuitive Happiness, Stress Management, Life and Living and How to Feel GoodHow to Feel Good is pretty good at describing the afterlife.  Of course, this book is more comprehensive.  You really should try to practice number mechanics of the spirit for your afterlife.  Thank you.  Until next time.  George


Dear people:  I am asking for donations for research for writing my immortality book.  Please send donations to:

George Chun Fat
4885 Cole. St., #41
San Diego, CA  92117

Message phone:  011-1-858-695-8885

I prefer you write.   Please send donations in any amount.
Thank you.
