Literature Discussion -
Immortality By George Chun Fat (San Diego, USA)
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Finite numbers: finite numbers are all numbers less than the set Alef1. Transfinite numbers: transfinite numbers are Alef1… Practice mathematical spectrum analysis. You need four definitions of mathematical space:
Small number mathematical lattices aren’t necessarily negative number mathematical lattices. Try to use high order math for your soul-spirit mechanics. Use soul-spirit mechanics to communicate with the celestially angelic and with the eternals. The pineal and neocortical use of high order math could let you possibly become immortal before you die. The use of high order math and chapter 2 of this book could teach you transmigration skills for a positive afterlife. Learn as much information theory, set theory, and number theory as possible. Practice any good math for your soul-spirit mechanics. Use high order math for communicating with the celestially angelic and with the eternals. Practicing high order math could assist your transmigration into a positive electroweak manifold. Small number transmigration has a probability of an afterlife because small numbers are subsets of larger numbers. The mathematical sets of the afterlife are small numbers, medium numbers, large numbers, and very large numbers. The universal algorithmic set theory of small numbers: logarithmic numbers, surreal numbers, real numbers The spirit mechanics of small numbers: Soul-number interactions: logarithmic numbers, surreal numbers, real numbers, transfinite numbers, any ontological mechanics, soul-spirit mechanics How best to interact with numbers at death: spirit mechanic real numbers and transfinite numbers Soul-diffractive mathematical notation interaction: negentropy, meta-mathematics, the heart of the spirit, soul-spirit mechanics Soul algorithms of afterlife set theory: ontological mechanics, transfinite mechanics, real number mechanics, and soul-spirit mechanics The soul set theory of large numbers: ontological mechanics, transfinite mechanics, real number mechanics, and soul-spirit mechanics The set theory of the material earth: logarithmic numbers, surreal numbers, real numbers Use useable set theory of the material earth: positive real numbers, soul-spirit mechanics The set theory of the atmosphere: real numbers The useable set theory of the atmosphere: positive real numbers, soul-spirit mechanics The set theory of outer space: transfinite numbers The useable set theory of outer space: positive transfinite numbers, soul-spirit mechanics Afterlife mechanics sets of the spirit: The afterlife sets are surreal numbers, complex numbers, transfinite numbers, and logarithmic numbers and cardinal numbers and real numbers. Practice negentropy, diffractive mathematical notation and meta-mathematics reality functions in the real number domain. Practice soul-spirit mechanics more potentiated than the domain of surreal and logarithmic numbers. The useable number theory of the dimensions of the earth: any ontological mechanics, real number mechanics, soul-spirit mechanics The useable transmigration sets: positive real numbers, positive transfinite numbers, and positive cardinal numbers. If you transmigrate to a small number or a negative number you must wait for a high order mathematical function. How the sets of the soul transmigrate into the sets of the spirit: the usage of cardinal numbers, transfinite numbers, and real numbers. Soul set theory meta-mathematical transmigration into a transfinite number. Soul set theory transfinite mechanics: ontological mechanics, soul-spirit mechanics The useable number theory of the sets of the human spirit: real numbers, transfinite numbers, soul-spirit mechanics How to use cardinal numbers, transfinite numbers, and real numbers: the heart of the spirit, soul-spirit mechanics Try to define the reversibility of the real numbers of the planet earth: any ontological mechanics, any real number mechanics, and soul-spirit mechanics Try to define the universal set theory of zero numbers: subsets of infinity High order mathematics includes large aleph numbers and my ethics equations. Try to practice soul-spirit mechanics of high order mathematics. Try to believe that zero numbers are only a subset of universal set theory. Try to believe that zero numbers are only a subset of the soul and spirit. Try to define the spirit mechanics of aleph numbers. Learn the difference between negative and positive numbers. Negative numbers subtract from potential. Positive numbers add to potential. Try to define real number mechanics as it pertains to zero numbers. For using real number set theory to manage any zero numbers. Dead space is a subset of real numbers. Use spirit mechanics to attain larger number mechanics and potentials. Practice spirit mechanics of positive numbers for transitioning to a transfinite number. After you define real number mechanics practice soul set theory for transitioning to the spirit for afterlife mechanics. Practice large number set theory of your pineal and neocortical brains for afterlife mechanics. Try to define the domain of small number variable space as it pertains to spirit mechanics. Practice spirit mechanics of positive transfinite numbers for afterlife living in a positive domain of reality. Try to define mathematical domains of positive afterlife living. Try to define positive effects of the various mathematical domains for spirit mechanics. Try to define negative effects of the various mathematical domains for spirit mechanics. Try to define the spirit realm. Try to define the number realm. How various size numbers interact: numbers of various size matrices interact with each other. Some small and medium numbers are within large numbers. The small and medium numbers interact with the large numbers. Sometimes the large numbers are accessible by the small and medium numbers. Also sometimes small numbers group together. You want to avoid these small groups of numbers. Try to notice the large number matrices within any group of numbers. Use number psychometrics of the pineal gland to transition to large numbers. Sometimes I see ghost images of large number matrices within small number matrices. These ghost images might be accessible with the psychometrics of your pineal gland. In any case, use the number psychometrics of the pineal gland to manage any size number. Pray to the celestially angelic. The afterlife has static significances and dynamic significances. The static significances are logarithmic numbers and some surreal numbers. The dynamic significances are number mechanics of the spirit and meta-mathematics and diffractive mathematical notation. Do not use static significances of the afterlife, use dynamic significances of the afterlife. You want to practice number mechanics of the soul and number mechanics of the spirit with meta-mathematics and diffractive mathematical notation. Because meta-mathematics and diffractive mathematical notation is the way for your soul and spirit to transition to afterlife functions. Spirit mechanics could transition to transfinite numbers. Transfinite numbers got the potential of ontological fancies and totality mechanics. Spirit mechanics is the way to immortality. Practice number mechanics of the spirit. Count transfinite numbers. Try to define the potential of meta-mathematics for transitioning to transfinite numbers for residing in the heart of the spirit. Try to define the potential of meta-mathematics for ontological fancies and totality mechanics. Try to define the potential of meta-mathematics for number mechanics of the soul and number mechanics of the spirit. Try to define the potential of meta-mathematics for afterlife mechanics. Diffractive mathematical notation has potential for out of body experiences. Diffractive mathematical notation has potential for your soul to transition to the afterlife. Diffractive mathematical notation has potential for electroweak ghost living. Diffractive mathematical notation has potential for number mechanics of the spirit. Diffractive mathematical notation is the method to transition to the afterlife from your fading consciousness. A fading consciousness has the factors of diffractive mathematical notation and meta-mathematics for the progression of the fading consciousness from the body to the afterlife. Some significances of afterlife mechanics are potentials of universal set theory after you die; such as transmigration, transitioning to the heart of the spirit, electroweak ghost functions, seeping into transfinite numbers, seeping into white light, meta-mathematical set theory, diffractive mathematical notation set theory, out-of-body electroweak physics, number mechanics of the spirit transitioning to strong force set theory. These are proof of an afterlife that is the mechanics of universal set theory. Practice meditating brow chakra kundalini. Believe that number theory is the same for your life and the same for your afterlife; because the numbers maintain the fabric of reality. The mechanics of truth stay equal for your life and your afterlife because truth is a totality mechanic. You got some basic factors for making yourself live in the afterlife; and some intricate methods for a healthy afterlife. Practice meditating-contemplating out-of-body chakras and extra physical breathing and feelings as best you can. Contemplate that your soul and spirit extend in large numbers and physics. Use chapter 1 of Life and Living. Be positive. The heart of the spirit is probably transfinite numbers. The geometry of the soul: finite numbers, transfinite numbers. You must use the geometry of the soul that is transfinite potentials of the brow chakra for transmigration to the afterlife. If you use the geometry of the soul that is finite numbers you might not transmigrate to the afterlife. The geometry of the spirit: finite numbers, transfinite numbers, infinite numbers. The best potentials of the spirit are transfinite numbers and infinite numbers. Try to access the constant of transfinite potentials. The geometry of afterlife space: small finite numbers, finite numbers, transfinite numbers. The afterlife space of small finite numbers usually transitions to logarithmic singularities. Unless you use fractal numbers. The geometry of afterlife space probably has universal constants. Try to define the set theory of finite numbers and transfinite potentials. The brow chakra and the pineal chakra have the potential to access out-of-body chakras. Out-of-body chakras include finite waves and transfinite waves and infinite waves. You want to use your brow chakra and your pineal chakra to access out-of-body transfinite wave and infinite wave chakras. The potential of your fading consciousness to transition to brow chakra and pineal chakra potentials of accessing out-of-body transfinite wave and infinite wave chakras is possible because the brow chakra and the pineal chakra potentials are larger than the human body. The larger than the human body potentials of the brow chakra and pineal chakra lets your fading consciousness transition to these larger than the human body potentials. So you could access out-of-body transfinite wave and infinite wave chakras. You have to be a very good adept to use finite wave chakras. High order algorithms: It is conceivable that the chakra diamond could transition to high order algorithms. If that is true, then the pineal gland has the potential of immortality. High order algorithms include large universal constants and very large finite numbers. The definitions of all the lines of the set theory of the earth: some lines are connected to zeros. Some lines are connected to other finite numbers. I am assuming that some lines are connected to transfinite numbers. You should figure out the percentages of lines that are connected to zeros. I have noticed various algorithms of numbers of the planet earth. Some algorithms of numbers seem to connect to zero. Some algorithms of numbers connect to fractal numbers. Some algorithms of numbers connect to other finite numbers. Some algorithms of numbers seem to connect to potential space possibly. Some algorithms of numbers seem to connect to transfinite numbers. You want afterlife mechanics that transitions to positive numbers. You want a mathematical space algorithm that transitions to positive numbers. Practice counting positive numbers. Try to define positive number transition mechanics. Try to define positive number mechanics. Try to define the positive number continuum. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to positive number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to negative number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to zero number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to logarithmic number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to surreal number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to small number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to medium number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to large number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to transfinite number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to smooth number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to chaotic number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to totality number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to even number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to uneven number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to manageable number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to conflicting number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to useful number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to healthy number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to painful number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to worthless number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to conscious number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to unconscious number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to sweet number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to bitter number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to agreeable number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to disagreeable number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to lush number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to barren number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to celestial number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to heavenly number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to hellish number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to plane number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to electroweak force number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to strong force number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to brow chakra number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to pineal chakra number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to out-of-body number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to pure number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to fractal number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to hue number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to black number theory. If you pray to the celestially angelic, they enter your dying consciousness and put you in good number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to up number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to down number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory of real number theory that transitions to high order algorithms number theory. Try to figure out the set theory of real number theory that transitions to low order algorithms number theory. Totality algorithms, surreal number algorithms, math algorithms, physics algorithms, number continuum algorithms, mathematical space algorithms is useful for traveling black holes and their physics. These algorithms are more significant than 0 number space. These algorithms are more significant than zero number time. Because all these algorithms are larger. Zero number space and zero number time are usually more finite than these algorithms because these algorithms are much larger. You probably could use these algorithms to travel black numbers. Internally fading to nothing is improbable because of these algorithms. Because these algorithms permeate all of truth. Try to figure out how to travel all the ranges of mathematical space; including ground ranges, underground ranges, black ranges, dark ranges, zero number ranges, negative number to very small number ranges, logarithmic ranges, zero point ranges, black hole ranges and negative infinity ranges. Use chapter 7. Try to figure out how to travel all the regions of existence and reality. Because I believe that is a potential of the number continuum and mathematical space. Some people believe that all the many variable equations are chains that trap you in death. In reality, a variety of many variable equations exist. Region, space, line, potential many variable equations exist, at least. These many variable equations got some mathematical possibilities for transitioning to an afterlife. Read chapters 7, 10, and 11. Try to figure out how math and physics manages zero symmetry. If you were to figure out how you could make your soul transition to an afterlife. Then you would survive getting killed by zero and become nothing. Because managing zero symmetry is real the possibility of transition mechanics is possible. Transition, line, space, time mechanics is a partial solution for black symmetry at least. Transition, line, space, time mechanics is the basic parameters for transition mechanics. Because transition, line, space, time mechanics is the basic parameters for transition mechanics it has some factor for transitioning to and accessing strong force numbers. Mathematical sets of ground space equations: you don’t have to worry. Because these sets are finite and can’t kill you. Mathematical sets of people equations: these sets are infinite because of the brow chakra and the pineal chakra. They let you use the out of body chakras and smoothly transitions to out-of-body space as a mathematical space algorithm. These are larger than the finite sets of the mathematical sets of ground space equations. Much larger. What the reality sets of cosmology do to you in life and the afterlife: The reality sets of cosmology are so large that they are the previous paragraph and more. You could conceivably use these sets for ontological mechanics for making yourself very powerful so that you could live very well. Also you could use these sets for making yourself an immortal. The linear multiple simultaneous ground space equations: These sets are the finite sets that are all the various shapes on the ground that sometimes look scary to you. These sets are all finite so the people equations are much larger so you don’t have to worry. You sometimes look at all the ground space equations on the ground and don’t know what to do; you should really realize they are all finite equations and you could have these equations finitely with your infinite potential. The out-of-body potentials of your mathematical space algorithm. What diminishes and what does not diminish of meta-mathematics: your body diminishes; but your spirit and your mathematical space algorithm does not diminish for some time after your die (as far as I am concerned) so you could transition to an afterlife in the afterlife continuums of mathematical space. Practice out-of-body transitioning. Nonexistence and existence reality percentages: Your decaying body is nonexistence as you die but your spirit and your mathematical space algorithm goes on into the afterlife continuums of mathematical space. Practice seeing the out-of-body chakras. Number bandwave continuums finer than the Planck constant that let you transition (while securely avoiding the number zero) to an afterlife of basic buses of number band waves. Big buses such as black holes might be a significant problem. But if you know how to use big buses such as transfinite numbers then you got it made. ================ Note from author: I have asked you to read the entire file at least 6 times. That is because I add to various chapters randomly. I hope you appreciate the improvements. Slowly, but surely I am writing a book of immortality. You should try to learn the new additions to the book as much as possible. Soon this book is going to be 60 pages. Then I’ll get my 60 seconds and 60 minutes. You should have read the latest versions of my books Conceptual Principles of Existential Parameters, Intuitive Happiness, Stress Management, Life and Living and How to Feel Good. How to Feel Good is pretty good at describing the afterlife. Of course, this book is more comprehensive. You really should try to practice number mechanics of the spirit for your afterlife. Thank you. Until next time. George
Dear people: I am asking for donations for research for writing my immortality book. Please send donations to: George Chun Fat Message phone: 011-1-858-695-8885 I prefer you write. Please send donations in any amount. George