Literature Discussion -
Immortality By George Chun Fat (San Diego, USA)
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Does universal set theory include non-biophysics consciousness? Do alternate biophysics consciousnesses exist for humans? Do people that die into black small numbers have a chance at afterlife existence? Could a black small number transmigrate to an electroweak manifold? Is a non-afterlife existence adequately comfortable? Do you realize conscious thought as a surreal electroweak ghost? I have seen surreal electroweak ghosts that seemed happy and alive. Do you have a possibility of soul-spirit meta-mathematics strong force immortality? Probably only with assistance from the celestially angelic. Practice advanced use of the pineal gland and neocortical brain for soul-spirit mechanics. Use soul-spirit metamathematics for positive number transmigration. Use soul-spirit meta-mathematics for transmigrating to a positive electroweak manifold. Try to transmigrate to an afterlife region of positive manifolds for a good afterlife. Try to figure out where the positive regions of the afterlife exist. Try to believe that positive afterlife regions are reachable. All you need are psychometrics of the diffractive mathematical notation that is positive numbers for a worthwhile transmigration. Pray about positive diffractive mathematical notation. Try to define the set theory of soul-spirit meta-mathematics. Try to define the heart of the spirit. Try to define how accessible for the soul the heart of the spirit is; even at death. How to spirit mechanic the set theory of the material earth: use spirit mechanics of real numbers How best to soul mechanic in the afterlife regions: any ontological mechanics, any transfinite number mechanics, any real number mechanics, and soul-spirit mechanics The spirit mechanics potentials as your consciousness fades: real numbers, transfinite numbers Try to practice spirit potentiating with high order mathematical functions. Use potentials of your soul to potentiate your spirit. This sentence is iffy. Try to think of a method of transitioning from your fading consciousness to an intact consciousness. Possibilities include meta-mathematics, diffractive mathematical notation, number mechanics of the soul, number mechanics of the spirit, negentropy of the black part of light, counting transfinite numbers, praying to the celestially angelic, letting your consciousness seep into transfinite numbers, letting your consciousness seep into transfinite white light, mechanic fading consciousness psychometrics into positive numbers, mechanic fading consciousness psychometrics into ontological fancies, mechanic fading consciousness psychometrics into totality mechanics, cardinal number psychometrics, ordinal number psychometrics, electroweak ghost consciousness, ontological fancies, totality mechanics, transmigration to positive number space, photonic activity of very tiny electroweak ghosts, mechanic transitioning to an intact consciousness as a function of electroweak physics, meditating transitioning to positive numbers, letting your consciousness seep into potential space. If you practice these methods you got a good chance of transitioning to an intact consciousness. Try to believe these methods truly are afterlife possibilities. Take royal jelly and ginseng for strength and endurance. Try to learn any potentials of the soul that lets you transition to the spirit. Try to learn any potentials of the pineal gland that lets you transition to the spirit. Try to learn any potentials of psychometrics that lets you transition to the spirit. Try to learn any potentials of chakra balancing that lets you transition to the spirit. You want to learn that the spirit has intact high order chakras. Some spirit adepts are good at spirit consciousness. Try to contemplate transitioning from physical death to spirit consciousness. Practice kundalini and yoga. Cerebral death needs to transition to spirit consciousness. Cerebral death could transition to diffractive mathematical notation then meta-mathematics then potential space then the heart of the spirit. Cerebral death could rebalance into spirit consciousness. Spirit consciousness might be a natural progression of afterlife mechanics. Try to contemplate soul-spirit mechanics of afterlife mechanics. Try to avoid logarithmic numbers of the afterlife. Practice pineal gland consciousness. You must practice adequate meta-mathematical consciousness to choose fractal numbers for transitioning to positive afterlife space. Your meta-mathematical consciousness probably notices various orders of real numbers extending into white light and black light. That might depend on how good you have been. If you are practiced at number mechanics of the soul and number mechanics of the spirit you might choose a very ordered fractal extending into white light. Your meta-mathematical consciousness potentials depend on number mechanics of the soul and number mechanics of the spirit. Some people’s meta-mathematical consciousness transitioned to logarithmic numbers for some reason. They might have become very tiny electroweak ghosts. Some people’s meta-mathematical consciousness chose fractal numbers and transitioned to positive afterlife space. If you are good and practice adequate meta-mathematical consciousness you could probably manage number mechanics of the soul and number mechanics of the spirit. Learn about meta-mathematical space and fractal numbers. Pray to the celestially angelic. Try to accept function in after death consciousness in meta-mathematical space. That is your out-of-body consciousness as your brain ceases to function. Your out-of-body consciousness has some similarities to your regular consciousness. Your meta-mathematical consciousness has to travel in meta-mathematical structure. You meta-mathematical consciousness notices lines of real numbers and lines of zero numbers and lines of fractal numbers and lines of logarithmic numbers. If you adapt to your meta-mathematical consciousness you could transmigrate to lines of real numbers or lines of fractal numbers. I have seen ghosts in meta-mathematical space. Your out-of-body consciousness could reside in meta-mathematical space indefinitely. You have to be careful with the lines of zero numbers and lines of logarithmic numbers in meta-mathematical space. Some light in meta-mathematical space is probably positive afterlife mechanics. Meta-mathematical space has some dangers so you have to travel in it carefully. You might be able to live as a spirit adept in meta-mathematical space. Meta-mathematical space might be fifty percent positives and fifty percent negatives. Practice spirit potentials. Pray to the celestially angelic. The fade out of the body consciousness into meta-mathematical space consciousness seems a probable truth. You probably have to function intact as meta-mathematical space consciousness. I do not know how long it might take you to adapt to meta-mathematical space consciousness. Meta-mathematical space is probably mostly lines of various numbers. Meta-mathematical space might look like the center of a galaxy. The utilization of number variables in meta-mathematical space is what you want to master. Ideally meta-mathematical space consciousness progresses to ontological fancies consciousness and totality mechanics consciousness somehow. Meta-mathematical space consciousness might be electroweak ghost consciousness. If electroweak ghost consciousness is meta-mathematical space consciousness then meta-mathematical space permits intact travel through meta-mathematical space. You should practice soul-spirit mechanics for learning how to adapt to meta-mathematical space. Practice learning about out-of-body consciousness. Try to coordinate your mind to accept that out-of-body consciousness is true. Practice spirit potentials. Pray to the celestially angelic. Your body and your brain are hardwired lines of numbers. As you fade out-of-your-body you fade into space wired lines of numbers. Meta-mathematical space wired lines of numbers and electroweak space wired lines of numbers. I have seen ghosts and cloud people that used space wired lines of numbers. The probability is probably fifty percent because the lines of numbers are real numbers, fractal numbers, zero numbers, and logarithmic numbers. You want to practice soul-spirit mechanics to transition to useable lines of numbers. Practice chapter 1 of Life and Living. Pray to the celestially angelic about positive afterlife space. The variables of the range of the afterlife: soul, spirit, various real numbers, reality mechanics, universal variables, finite numbers, transfinite numbers, infinite numbers, electroweak force physics, strong force physics, real number continuum, meta-mathematical continuum, singularities, space, matter, geometry, sets, extreme physics, surreal physics, logarithmic physics, multivariable significances, truth, mechanics, universal equations, variable interactions, determinants, constants, infinite good, graininess, dead space, universal processes, ranges of continuum space, fractal physics. The fear of death is logarithmic number singularities. The afterlife is spirit attractors in the geometry of afterlife space. Try to define the variables of afterlife mechanics geometry: There is a time period after the fading consciousness of afterlife space geometry. You must use this time period for finding a spirit attractor for afterlife transmigration. Try to define the range and the variables of the geometry of afterlife space: You want to practice number mechanics of the soul and number mechanics of the spirit for noticing transfinite numbers and strong force energies. The methods of transitioning to afterlife mechanics is noticing and accessing large numbers. You could manage the possibility of accessing afterlife mechanics with an active belief of the afterlife as your consciousness fades. Possible methods of transitioning to an afterlife:
Bandwidths of out-of-body chakras of the pineal gland and bandwidths of large numbers are existential components that you could use for transitioning from your body to an afterlife. These bandwidths might let you transition to transfinite numbers and strong force energies. You want to be sure that as your consciousness seeps out of your body that you seep into bandwidths of out-of-body chakras of the pineal gland and into bandwidths of large numbers. This method has good probability for transitioning to an afterlife. The variables of some of the out-of-body bandwidths include afterlife functions. The out-of-body bandwidths are logarithmic numbers, negative numbers, large numbers, and pineal gland numbers. Pray to the celestially angelic that you access large number bandwidths, and pineal gland number bandwidths. As your soul seeps out of your body the next process is out-of-body bandwidths. The potential of the spirit is why you access large number bandwidths and pineal number bandwidths. Then you could access strong force energies. The large number bandwidths and the pineal number bandwidths are connected to the heart of the spirit. Mathematical space includes the range and domain of positive numbers. You want your seeping consciousness to transition to positive numbers of mathematical space. If you transition to positive numbers of mathematical space you could access large number bandwidths and pineal number bandwidths that are connected to the heart of the spirit. If you are lucky the positive numbers of mathematical space might be connected to the heart of the spirit. Practice methods for traversing positive numbers of mathematical space. As your consciousness seeps out of your body into mathematical space you want consciousness streaming into positive numbers. Mathematical space permits consciousness streaming. Useful consciousness streaming is consciousness streaming into large number bandwidths and pineal number bandwidths. Then your consciousness could use the potentials of the bandwidths for soul-spirit afterlife mechanics. This is how to transition to the heart of the spirit and strong force energies. Consciousness streaming and soul-spirit transitioning is probably the basic method for afterlife mechanics. Consciousness streaming is probably capable of thinking in positive number mathematical space. I have seen some afterlifers that had does this. So with consciousness streaming thinking in positive number mathematical space you could use soul-spirit transitioning into large number bandwidths and pineal number bandwidths for accessing the heart of the spirit and strong force energies. Algorithmic potentials of the streaming consciousness have to learn how to access out-of-body bandwidths. The variables of mathematical space give your streaming consciousness a chance to access out-of-body bandwidths. You want your out-of-body consciousness to function in positive numbers of mathematical space. Your fading consciousness fades to an algorithmic potential of a streaming consciousness. You have to learn how this could access positive numbers and positive bandwidths. Your streaming consciousness has to find positive number vectors for accessing out-of-body bandwidths. The algorithmic potential of the streaming consciousness has some positive number vectors that gives you time for accessing out-of-body bandwidths. Learn about out-of-body bandwidths. Positive vectors of the streaming consciousness must access positive number bandwidths. You must use positive vectors as your consciousness fades and streams. You must to try and access the positive significances of an out-of-body existence. An after-death vector is the streaming consciousness. You want to figure out the interactions and relationships of the streaming consciousness and reality determinants of mathematical space. You want after-death vectors of positive possibilities of mathematical space for an out-of-body existence. The streaming consciousness of initial positive vectors has some will for connecting to positive possibilities of an out-of-body existence. Afterlife mechanics is after-death vectors of the streaming consciousness willfully connecting to positive possibilities of mathematical space for realizing positive numbers of an out-of-body existence. Try to figure out the set theory of mathematical space for defining the positive possibilities of the streaming consciousness after-death vectors; and the set theory methods of what an out-of-body existence is. You must believe after-death vectors could use positive reality determinants for afterlife mechanics. Positive possibilities of reality determinants is transitioning to positive numbers of afterlife living. Possibilities for an out-of-body existence exist. The various pathways of the streaming consciousness: the variable vectors of up of the electroweak layers of mathematical space. Transitioning to positive sets of numbers. Connecting to positive vectors of mathematical space. Sufficient algorithmic potential that manages an out-of-body existence. Transmigrating to afterlife mechanics. The possibilities of the pathways of the dying mind (fading consciousness) is the set theory of the bandwidths of mathematical space. The various pathways of a dying consciousness could include an out-of-body existence. You must learn the variable vectors of up of the electroweak layers of mathematical space to personally transmigrate to an out-of-body existence. The various pathways of a dying consciousness could include that the celestially angelic enter your consciousness and transmigrate you to an afterlife. The various pathways of a dying consciousness could include positive transitioning as a function of prayer. Try to learn about streaming consciousness methods for dealing with many variable equations and completeness theorems. Try to learn about the variable vectors of up for dealing with many variable equations and completeness theorems. The streaming consciousness must deal with the determined-determining-free will relationship. The streaming consciousness probably has to be in sync with the many variable equations for transitioning to an afterlife. Try to learn about the variable vectors of up of the many variable equations. Try to learn about the variable vectors of down of the many variable equations. I have seen some people traveling the many variable equations on the ground. You want to figure out the mathematical space processes of anything and everything. You want to figure out the mathematical space processes of the ground. You want to figure out the mathematical space processes of the dark. You want to figure out the mathematical space processes of the sky. You want to figure out the range and domain of mathematical space processes. You want to figure out the mathematical space processes of small numbers. You want to figure out the mathematical space processes of non-potential significances. You want to figure out the mathematical space processes of difficult algorithms. Functional mathematical space processes is a method for transitioning to afterlife mechanics and for an out-of-body existence. As your consciousness fades it seeps out of your body and becomes a mathematical space algorithm. This is the streaming consciousness. Your mathematical space algorithm has to positively manage mathematical space variables for afterlife mechanics. Your mathematical space algorithm has to manage functional mathematical space processes for useable mathematical space variables. If your mathematical space algorithm connects to useable mathematical space variables then your mathematical space algorithm could function in mathematical space. Functioning in mathematical space is the afterlife. I have seen life in both the variable vectors of down and the variable vectors of up of the many variable equations. Life of the variable vectors of down was mostly part of the many variable equations. Life of the variable vectors of up had more autonomy. The process of dying into an afterlife is dying consciousness then fading consciousness then seeping consciousness of the body then streaming consciousness then getting to exist as a sufficient algorithmic potential of mathematical space that didn’t get punished by other advanced life. Then functional mathematical space processes. Then methods of transitioning and transmigrating to an afterlife. The set theory of mathematical space allows mathematical space algorithms. I have seen many mathematical space algorithms of various people. Even very tiny electroweak ghosts are mathematical space algorithms. It seems like the mathematical space algorithms that got functional mathematical space processes got the most capacity for afterlife mechanics. You want the skill that as you die into mathematical space you got a healthy mathematical space algorithm. Try positive number mathematical space set theory. As you die you want to connect to useable mathematical space variables. You want to feel functional mathematical space processes. Some set theory of mathematical space is positive mathematical space variables. As you die you got the possibility of positive mathematical space variables. As you die you want to proceed to sufficient function in mathematical space. You must learn mathematical space function in real time. I have seen various people function in mathematical space. You want to figure out how a mathematical space algorithm functions in mathematical space. You want to figure out the functions of a mathematical space algorithm. So that you could connect to positive vectors of out-of-body bandwidths. The functions of mathematical space algorithms probably include transition mechanics. If this is true you could connect to high order algorithms. Number mechanics of algorithms: heart of spirit access. Transition mechanics of algorithms: transitioning to out-of-body chakras. Try to define the algorithmic continuum. If your consciousness transitions to the algorithmic continuum you could connect to positive algorithms for your afterlife. The out-of-body chakras exist within the algorithmic continuum. The algorithmic continuum contains positive infinity so that you could access the heart of the spirit for a conscious afterlife. Your out-of-body existence is that you’re a mathematical space algorithm within the algorithmic continuum. Besides the negentropy of the black part of light, try to figure out the negentropy of mathematical space algorithms and the negentropy of diffractive mathematical notation. You could find some sufficient algorithmic potential for transitioning to positive numbers of the algorithmic continuum. The algorithmic continuum permits mathematical space algorithms transitioning to positive numbers of the algorithmic continuum. Pray to the celestially angelic. Praying to the celestially angelic helps you with algorithmic potential for transitioning to positive numbers. The number continuum allows you to navigate internal numbers and out-of-body numbers. The numbers you want to use is those of the brow chakra and the pineal chakra. These are internal numbers and out-of-body numbers. Your fading consciousness transitions to the number continuum of internal numbers that becomes a streaming consciousness within the out-of-body numbers. Then the number continuum has positive vectors that you could connect to. Then you could continue your thinking in the afterlife of the number continuum. How a streaming consciousness connects to positive vectors: Meta-mathematical feelings of good possibilities. Because the streaming consciousness wants to feel good. Your fading consciousness has internal numbers of number continuum potential. That is a sufficient positive number for becoming a streaming consciousness. Number continuum potential has positive vectors for the streaming consciousness. The number continuum potential is obviously a potential greater than zero. So then your dying reduces to a potential greater than zero because of the number continuum potentials. Therefore your internal numbers do not reduce to zero. So then you must agree that the number continuum potential provides for afterlife mechanics. Practice counting potential numbers. Your internal numbers feel various number continuum bandwidths. Practice counting whole number bandwidths. Good number theory factors: How to transition to out-of-body continuum mechanics of good number theory: feeling meta-mathematical potential more significant than zero. Soul-spirit number continuum mechanics: How to proceed from realities of blackness: because of number continuum potential and good number theory. How to proceed from on the ground realities: because of number continuum potential and good number theory. How to proceed from logarithmic realities: because of number continuum potential and good number theory. I’m trying to figure out simple methods of transitioning to afterlife mechanics. Number continuum travel is possible because of number continuum potential. Pray to the celestially angelic. The range and domain of the number continuum: How to interact in the number continuum: act faithful in ontology. Usually you can only shrink so much because of the number continuum. Processes and functions for transitioning to significant number continuum living: Traveling the number continuum with the variety of waves in the number continuum: The percentages of waves in the number continuum: Good number theory proofs: The physics of ontology that could have the possibility of hopefully managing a believed fate of zero numbers, negative numbers and black numbers: Potential determinants that could have the possibility of hopefully managing a believed fate of zero numbers, negative numbers and black numbers: The physics of ontology that could have the possibility of hopefully managing a believed fate of on the ground: Potential determinants that could have the possibility of hopefully managing a believed fate of on the ground: The afterlifers figured out the set theory of the number continuum for existing in the space theory of space. How to deal with the variety of algorithms of the number continuum: How your streaming consciousness could transition to the space theory of space of the number continuum: Methods for dealing with the line theory of planes for transitioning to the space theory of space: The set theory of negentropy lets you deal with the set theory of the continuum of plane: I have seen planes that had 3 dimensional angles. I have seen planes that had point angles. There were some planes with 3 dimensional angles and some planes with point angles. The planes with 3 dimensional angles are why I have seen large groups of galaxy-levels moving around in 2 dimensional planes on the sidewalk. The planes with 3 dimensional angles allow afterlife mechanics. The planes with point angles probably make you a very tiny electroweak ghost. The set theory of the earth has planes with 3 dimensional angles and planes with point angles and planes with line angles. The planes with 3 dimensional angles might have the potential of the variable vectors of up. Most of the angles of planes are line angles. Line angles of planes got a finite amount of information theory; that some of them seem connected to potential numbers. This is also true of 3 dimensional angles of planes. Some line angles of planes taper to point angles of planes. The line angles of planes with finite information theory are most of the line angles of planes. Any shape you see on the ground has some finite information theory. You could practice the information theory of the space theory of space and the information theory of the number continuum for proper travel of any line angles you may encounter. The information content of some angles of planes should be sufficient for transition mechanics. You body is real numbers. You soul and spirit is at least real numbers. Your chakras are at least real numbers. Your existence is at least real numbers. You could transition along real numbers to large real numbers at least. Read chapters 2 and 3. These are positive vector factors. The number continuum has all the set of real numbers. The space theory of space has very many real numbers. Therefore, the afterlife has very many real numbers. Your streaming consciousness has the possibility of transitioning to real numbers. You could use positive vector factors for transitioning to positive algorithms. The potentials and possibilities of continuum physics: These are how the afterlifers used the universal geometry of fine points and fine lines. These let you transition to afterlife vectors and numbers. You want to be sufficiently skilled at these for managing black numbers, negative numbers and logarithmic numbers; because such skills let you travel these three. You travel black holes with the possibilities of continuum physics. The various afterlife realms are for various line spaces and various number spaces. The various immortal realms are various line spaces and various number spaces. All reality mechanics is determinants of place realm. You want good determinants of place realm. You want large number determinants of place realm. You want spirit number determinants of place realm. You want interacting transfinite determinants of place realm. The best afterlife interacting determinants of place realm is ontological mechanics. Because place realm is interacting with determinants. Then you could get to the afterlife realm and the immortal realm of line space and number space. All of reality is mathematical space algorithms and arrays of continuum physics. Your consciousness exists as a mathematical space algorithm within arrays of continuum physics. The consciousness is always the state of a mathematical space algorithm. Since all reality is mathematical space algorithms your afterlife consciousness (including your dying consciousness) has to be a mathematical space algorithm. Therefore because of the pervasiveness of mathematical space algorithms and arrays of continuum physics you do not experience a death of your consciousness but rather transitions (of transitions physics) of mathematical space algorithms into the afterlife realms. Try to define all the afterlife realms: Finite structure continuum physics is the same as arrays of continuum physics. A possible method for afterlife immortality: Three factors determine afterlife immortality: wave mechanics, mathematical space algorithms mechanics, and arrays of continuum physics mechanics. Wave mechanics is what you use as your consciousness seeps out of your body. Then mathematical space algorithms mechanics allows you to exist as a mathematical space algorithm; within the mechanics of arrays of continuum physics. Then you get to travel the range and domain of afterlife space. That is how you do it. The afterlifers exist as indefinite mathematical space algorithms in the number continuum. The information theory of mathematical space algorithms: It is extremely important to know the information theory of mathematical space algorithms to transition to afterlife space. As your consciousness seeps out of your body some information theory exists in the number continuum. You must the information theory that lets you become an intact mathematical space algorithm. Living heart, soul, breath and feeling are determined and factored by the total truth continuum. The basic parameters and basic sets of the total truth continuum: existence, unit, variable. Why internal determinants and factors are subsets of external continuums that allow for transitioning to afterlife functions: The differences between internal factors and external factors are subsets of the total truth continuum. They are both within the total truth continuum. Because this is true, internal factors of capable of transitioning to external factors. Because the total truth continuum permeates internal factors; the total truth continuum could let you transition to afterlife functions. Because of the total truth continuum, positive factors are possible, even after death. Some basic parameters and basic sets of internal factors and determinants are subsets of the total truth continuum. ADDITIONALLY, THE INTERNAL FACTORS ARE REALLY DETERMINED BY THE TOTAL TRUTH CONTINUUM; LIKE THE TRANSITIONING DETERMINANTS AND OUT OF BODY CHAKRAS. As you die you got the afterlife potentials of chromatic dimensions that permeate existence; chromatic number continuums and chromatic truth continuums that permeate existence. So your fading consciousness fades into these potentials. So then you got the possibilities of transitioning through the chromatic scales of existence. Because math and physics is more developed than just zeros. So then this paragraph proves why what else and why what for after death. How what else and how what for after death: the number continuum and math and physics are what you get after death. The proof is that all reality is mathematical space algorithms. So you just keep flowing from mathematical space algorithm to mathematical space algorithm and so on all of the existence of your life and afterlife. How the various continuum regions are connected so that you get an afterlife: How the math and physics of the chromatic number line lets the dying and dead transition to an afterlife region of space: Why the natural causes of dying and death give you something after dying and death: the natural causes of dying and death include truth vectors, reality algorithms, significance vectors, existentialism, and others. All these exist after death for afterlife functions. How the truth expressions of reality give you after death algorithms because of ontology: How significance algorithms of your life is sufficient for continuing after death because of ontology: Why feelings are sufficiently developed for feeling in the afterlife because of ontology: ================ Note from author: I have asked you to read the entire file at least 6 times. That is because I add to various chapters randomly. I hope you appreciate the improvements. Slowly, but surely I am writing a book of immortality. You should try to learn the new additions to the book as much as possible. Soon this book is going to be 60 pages. Then I’ll get my 60 seconds and 60 minutes. You should have read the latest versions of my books Conceptual Principles of Existential Parameters, Intuitive Happiness, Stress Management, Life and Living and How to Feel Good. How to Feel Good is pretty good at describing the afterlife. Of course, this book is more comprehensive. You really should try to practice number mechanics of the spirit for your afterlife. Thank you. Until next time. George
Dear people: I am asking for donations for research for writing my immortality book. Please send donations to: George Chun Fat Message phone: 011-1-858-695-8885 I prefer you write. Please send donations in any amount. George