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The Mystery of Creation, Destruction,
and Natural Calamities:
an exposition in light of science and the Qur’an
By S.M. Zakir Hussain (Bangladesh)
Part 2.12
(Author’s e-mail: smzhussains@yahoo.com)
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Table of Contents
Chapter |
Page |
Summary of the Book |
1 |
1. An Introduction to Creation, Destruction and Calamities |
4 |
1.1. What do the sciences say about natural calamities? |
4 |
1. 2. Whom God Does not Destroy |
6 |
1. 3. The Philosophy of Natural Calamities in Light of Science |
8 |
1. 4. The Causes of Poverty and Famine in Light of Economics |
9 |
1. 5. The Causes of Natural Calamities in Light of the Qur’an |
10 |
1. 6. Why We Cannot Learn to Be Wise Even after Losing a Lot |
11 |
2. The Theory |
15 |
3. Some Instances of Mass Destruction and their Causes |
37 |
2. The Theory
2. 13. In extreme cases, God punishes us with the forces that He created to help us.
41:13. But if they turn away, then say: I warn you of a thunderbolt like the thunderbolt (which fell of old upon the tribes) of A'ad and Thamud;
51:44. But they rebelled against their Lord's decree, and so the thunderbolt overtook them even while they gazed;
52:45. Then let them be (O Muhammad), till they meet their day, in which they will be thunder-stricken,
Continued ...
Author of:
Secret Knowledge of the Qur'an