1. An Introduction to Creation, Destruction and Calamities
1.1. What do the sciences say about natural calamities?
1. 2. Whom God Does not Destroy
1. 3. The Philosophy of Natural Calamities in Light of Science
1. 4. The Causes of Poverty and Famine in Light of Economics
1. 5. The Causes of Natural Calamities in Light of the Qur’an
1. 6. Why We Cannot Learn to Be Wise Even after Losing a Lot
2. The Theory
3. Some Instances of Mass Destruction and their Causes
2. The Theory
2.15. All types of afflictions are meant for inspiring us to change our minds, so that we become fit for this life and the hereafter.
6:42. We have sent already to peoples that were before you, and We visited them with tribulation and adversity, in order that they might grow humble.
6:43. If only, when Our disaster came on them, they had been humble! But their hearts were hardened and the devil made all that they used to do seem fair to them!
6:44. Then, when they forgot that about which they had been reminded, We opened to them the gates of all things till, even as they were rejoicing in that which they were given, We seized them unawares, and Look! they were dumbfounded.
6:45. So of the people who did wrong the last remnant was cut off. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds!