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Statement for Existence

By Khaled Anobani

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Statement for Existence
Khaled M.Kh.S Alnobani, M.Sc. Chemical Engineering, Middle East editor,

Abstract: At this point in time we, humans, have attained two symmetry axes. They are, due to
repeatability myths, one over time, and the other due to human-screen interactions which make
symmetry over personality. We need an engine that makes the surrounding capabilities available and
at our disposal. We ended as a part of a mechanical existence, even our choices are taken according to
"game theory". It is a convergence-divergence point  -either we choose to continue as humans or turn up
as biological machines owning nothing. We have not yet completed our first step, the engine, and we
claim to reach the theory of everything. This thesis is not preaching. I stopped when preaching began.
This thesis states that our universe is actually exploding, what is not stated with its reasoning is that
when we complete explosion, there will be no notice for our new off-state. No neighboring – what ever
is it- recognizes our presence; we are so hidden that we make no difference. This is a warning I care
not to reach its destination.

Keywords: Combustion, Convection, Enthalpy, Explosions, Heat pumps, Kinetics.

Energy was introduced to science by Galileo Galileo (1564-1642). In 1760 Joseph Blank laid the foundation of quantitative heat transfer and demonstrated the concepts of latent heat of fusion and evaporation. In 1798 Count Rumford ended the "caloric theory" which prevailed for 50 years with a new concept of heat as motion. In the 1840s, Joule and Mayer set forth the idea that heat transfer and mechanical work were simply different forms of the same quantity. In 1848 Kelvin suggested an absolute temperature scale and used the terms "thermodynamic" and "mechanical energy". In 1850 Clausius constructed the 1st law and he used the term "entropy" for the first time. In 1859 Rankin wrote the first thermodynamics textbook. In  (1803-1889) Ericson invented the shell-and-tube heat exchanger. Gibbs (1839-1903) received the first engineering doctoral degree in the United States; in 1878 he first introduced the phase rule, the basis for the field of physical chemistry.

All these efforts were a pack of hunting hounds questing after an elusive quarry [4]. Energy has yet four distinctive representations: internal energy, non-flow availability, enthalpy and flow availability.
With the help of mere observations, energy as we know it could be born within three kinds of fields: electrical, magnetic and gravitational.

It is known that time changes within the last field (gravitational). The approaches for thermodynamics differ about the point of view from which one is looking to his system. The molecular-microscopic level is different from the macrosystem level.

Until now there is but one way of getting information, beginning with experiments and ending with unknowns. Thermodynamics in its essence is an applied mathematical science. It has a few laws which are totally dependent on observations and experimentation; the rest are mathematics of equations and formulas.

Obtaining energy from our surroundings depends on finding (Clean energy) or making (until
now not clean) a non-equilibrium state (De-stabilizing) which takes a path of losing energy to reach equilibrium. The three signs of energy wealth in a system are: motion, temperature difference and/or radiation.

The nature and properties of dark energy are still a complete mystery (because the whole concept is hypothetical) but the effect is sure. Dark energy does not dilute with the expansion of the universe. The total energy of the universe is neither conserved nor lost- it is just indefinable; this is what Tamara M. Davis’s work rises, an inquisitive question; but she dares not to answer it.

Dark energy was assumed because the universe is expanding with acceleration which needs a continuous supply of energy. Now there are three steps taken by energy to reach us, energy content (internal or
enthalpy), availability (flow or non-flow), efficiency of our invented engines, and practicality (our materials and processes limitations). Until now we have not passed the engine point, our first obstacle, and we want to reach the end of the tunnel without passing every break of it.

If we imagine that the way is something we know or can know without being well behaved then we are totally wrong. Our driving force for more knowledge is totally unethical. This ethicality is transformed out of us to meet our first ejector, energy. Clean energy is anything which gives without taking. As we have never done that, the surrounding is rude enough to treat us diplomatically. This means that the system should be unstable with respect to our dead state. Dams, wend mills, burners, turbines, nuclear reactors, solar energy collectors and engines are all unclean if we found sometime that it requires us to
compromise our living for theirs.

Once nuclear energy reached our disposal we thought we had reached a source with no limits; we trusted materials more than good behavior. At Chernobyl, the operators were experimenting over their working engine. They looked to the process as managing a tool, not driving a car, when changing direction a different destination.

Now when civilized nations are abandoning nuclear energy, some others are taking its choice. Extracting Uranium from environment and de-stabilizing it. They are just selling their home ceiling for more money, the only driving force for any mechanical human being.

When we will reach a conclusion saying "do not trust instruments"? The answer is that when we put some logic in it we see that another controlling able player is in the environment and part of the rules of the game theory? If we reached that point then we have solidified a God - isn't this what we are hiding for?
Warring for a flag (a piece of texture) and a text, we take years to understand or agree on a suitable understanding.

Webster’s dictionary meaning of postulate is a hypothesis advanced as an essential presupposition, condition, or premise of a train of reasoning; other meaning is axiom. Its relation to its founder is "it is his assumption". Where are our certainties of laws of nature in our postulated thermodynamics sciences? We are taking out of it more than it puts in; this is mere un belief in it.

Energy as we know is a concern of whatever is moving. Heat is motion. Our none settable dispute is over forces through distances or space; we think we know contact forces and zero sum work fields. Both statements of the second law state that the reverse of Carnot cycle cannot occur naturally, which means that any cyclic operation that has a forward chronological order cannot have a backward natural process.

As our universe does not realize that Mr. Man has utilized the energy (created) by the engine, we are continuously pumping energy to the dead state of our boundary closed universe as mechanical work.

Because of all of this, until now we could not find the origin of the black energy. That is solely because it is a kind of transformation within the same form as our categorized energy; its spring is under our ass (pardon me I cannot be polite).

What we call an engine is actually creating energy that has never been found or is intended to be found in our universe.

The overall process is a typical identified well defined, perpetual-motion machine of the second kind, which states:"a heat engine which produces no other effects than the extraction of heat from a single source and the production of an equivalent amount of work". URL: Email:

Chemical Engineering Communications
Our universe does not recognize a "dead state". Surely Mr. (Man) has used some of the wave energy in its ever last condensation. The availability or our miss understood word, exergy (which means producing heat) is simply a call to exit.

This concept (availability) is the second step that completes the conversion of the extracted heat into work. The whole process is creating energy, we call "dark". The condensation front of this created energy is accelerating our expansion which was initially harmonic.

Our problems began when someone said: "We see a thing because it reflects light"; this was the first perception solved paradox. The phase of civilization which solved this paradox was changed and another phase completed the train of reasoning, but with different values (ways of interacting with the surroundings). The change happened basically from encrypted physical knowledge in Islam to an Information paradox in the western civilization. The train of reasoning used for discovering laws of nature was different from that used to initiate their knowledge. As I know the west has lost its last logical reasoning foundations with string theory (Argument form logicbased), so a unified logical reasoning approach will not be adopted in these three pages of work; the best reached number of the prophet Mohammad.

1. Bernard G. Harvey, Introduction to nuclear physics and chemistry, Prentice-
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2. C. Stephen Layman, The power of logic, Mayfield, 1999.
3. Holy Qoran.
4. John R. Howell, Richard O. Buckius, Fundamentals of Engineering
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5. Tamara M. Davis, Is the Universe Leaking?, Scientific American, 27 -21, July
6. Kays, W.M., Convective heat and mass transfer, .1966
7. Incropera, F.P. and Dewitt, D.P., Introduction to Heat Transfer, .1985
8. R.C. Sachdeva, Fundamentals of Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer, 2nd
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9. M.M. Rathore, Comprehensive engineering heat transfer, Laxim Publications,
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10. V. Lsachenko, V. Osipova, A. Sukomel, Heat Transfer, MIR Publishers,
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11. Hendrick C. Van Ness, Michael M. Abbot , Classical thermodynamics of
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12. B.S.Massey, Mechanics of fluids, Chapman and Hall, .1989
13. Kenneth Wark, JR , Advanced thermodynamics for engineers, McGrow-Hill,
JR. .1995
14. Roy Mcweeny, Coulsons Valence, ELBS, 3rd editioin, 1979.
15. C. Stephen Layman, The power of logic, Mayfeild,2000.
16. Michel Modell, Robert C. Reid, Thermoddynamics and its applications, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1983.