The best experience I have ever had is being with the
football team
while playing at the dome in Minneapolis. We played there for the two games that led to a state championship and a 3-peat to top that. There was an incredible feeling surrounding those two weeks of playoff mayhem. The hotel was lots of fun, even though the older guys took our bed sheets before we went to sleep. The high we felt at the locker room was as great as it will ever be. Feelings of triumph and victory exhaled from my body as I left the tunnel onto the main field barking and clapping. As I left the tunnel, it was like the whole world opened up in front of me and we all jogged into the madness. After the game started, things settled down for us on the sidelines. We watched as the Vikings led our town to yet another championship game. But of course, there is nothing without a price. The clapping and cheering of both crowds died at the end of the first game as a star player of ours, Matt Gwash, threw his heart and soul into the game and broke his leg. The locker room after that game was a morgue as we knelt down and prayed for a great friend and athlete. The next game, the championship game, was played for Matt Gwash. We all wore his number, 69, on our helmets as we sprinted into another victory, which gave us three state championships in a row. I can't help but feel really fortunate now. I have gone through one of the greatest emotional tests. The loss of Matt Gwash, the state championship victory, and the fame we received were all parts of this test. Many adults or kids will never even come close to the feelings of what we've been through, yet I'm only 15 and I think this has made me more ready than most people will ever be for the rocky road of life.