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We at AuthorMe are furious about the scam operations that are continuing to
rip off writers. We believe you should spend your money on pads and pencils and
work on your craft. Don't worry about putting a book together until you've
published many poems in first-rate publications. Then, your manuscript will be
carefully considered by University Presses. Just don't get burned out there in the
marketplace; it's filled with quick-fingered scammers ready to empty your purses
and wallets.
The following is a listing of references to poetry scam websites. Chances
are, as an online poet, you have considered or even posted and published with
one of these websites. Unfortunately, there are always people who are willing
to take advantage of every poet's desire to be published and recognized. All we have to say to them is, ... for shame. There is no reason for a website to charge $50 to publish one poem in a book
That's outrageous. Help us, and thousands of poets, keep track of the scams. Please write the address
below and let us know which website should earn the "Worst Poetry Scam" award.
We'll publish a running record of responses.
By the way.... the scams have gone to new depths of degradation. Did anyone
receive a copy of this hilarious spam?
Author-me.com on Facebook |
Hello everyone, today I found a FREE Teeth Bleach kit
Participate in poetry.com Free contest, and check your email for redeeming
FREE Teeth Bleach kit Sample after you participate in poetry.com!
Participation is Free, you have to submit an original poem, 20 lines
or fewer, on any subject, in any style.
In a related scam... In June,
2005 AARP Bulletin approached us, asking for further information on
the information below At this time, they let us know they could publicize this
page to millions of readers. However, once they had the information, we believe their editors reviewed
author-me.com, saw that we were courageous enough to include certain topics in our main subject headings, and these
editors reneged on their offer, Which begs the question: does AARP sell life insurance and lobby for
one extreme in American politics? Or is it an association serving elderly people? if you have any questions, look for
recent news stories on Harry Belafonte. Maybe HarryB. could answer any questions.
Report received 5/31/05 I hope
this letter finds you well. I’m writing you today to see if you would
add my poetry
warning section to your webpage. I have an important update on the page
concerning WRITERSWORLD (www.writersworld.tv) My husband & I are outmore
than 1300 dollars because of this POD publisher. I would appreciate if
you could
help me pass the word.
Report Your Poetry Scam Experience Here
Join the poetry scam discussion at author-me.com's Authorboard.
Please note. Lulu Poetry has purchased poetry.com and, to our knowledge, is doing its best to render a fair service to poets. Sadly, we believe
the poems listed on the old poetry.com are not available through the new owner of this domain name. - eds.
I written about 6 poems on Famous Poets and a few on peoms.com. Entered many contest got all the way into the finalists they wanted me to come to the conference concerning my poem. They i won even signed some papers giving permission to read my poems with music in the background. I wrote all my poems between 1999-2003 no one has any record of anything is there any kind of way i can find them. Also how many years are they kept before the take them down?
I have been with Poetry.com for sometime and I was
due to get my next badge but they have wiped all my
marks off their site I am really annoyed about this
as I have bee writing for 25 years and have never being
treated like this. I think it is time Poetry.com
came clean and stop hiding fro everyone I know there
are a lot of people hurting with the treatment they
have been given.I love my Poetry but it is leaving
a sour taste in my mouth thank you I look forward to
hearing your answer
- Pauline
have participated in several online poetry contests
including the ones by World Poetry Movement and Eber
& Wein. I was flattered they would consider including
my poems in their anthologies. I also saw this as
an opportunity to get my work out there and also have
great gifts for my friends and family. They do not
require you to buy anything for your poems to be published.
You are given the chance to purchase the books which
are of fine quality, if you wish. The only thing misleading
I found was after I ordered the books, they said I
should expect to receive them within a week or so.
My copy of the latest one from Eber & Wein took 5
and a half weeks to arrive. I had written them two
emails about it and no response for a long time until
the book arrived. It just takes longer than you would
expect to receive the book. If you go into it with
your eyes open, it's not much of a "scam" as scams
go. There are a lot worse out there. I was very pleased
with the quality of the book an
This isn't so much a scam, but more effed up. They
were right when they said they published your work,
but they're not right in the fact that they're charging
you to see your own work. It's not right for them to
charge as much as they do for amateur poetry, where
real published poets will charge so little for books
full of their own stuff. The World Poetry Movement
still publishes your work, but they don't offer you
to see it like they should, and (again) there's no
way anyone should pay that much for amateur poetry.
You'd be stupid to buy it. My way at getting back at
them is to post MY poems on free sharing websites.
It will show that I am the sole creator of that poem.
And if I'm really that good, someone will find me.
I won't enter into another stupid poetry contest like
this again. It's just not right.
- Jessica
W.P.M ( A.K.A What a Pound of Manure) And I,
like all writers, Spent years chasing my dream Then
came along, the W.P scheme. So, finally, I'd be published
Well I just about shit! Called up my Grammy 'Cause
it seemed so legit. Buy the book, buy the plaque
They did not have to coax DON'T send them a dime
World Poetry's a hoax! I am submitting this poem
I do not want to miss That letter!! I'm a fucking
- Melanie
Ok so the world poetry is a scam everyone knows this.
I was supposedly with my 'Destruction' Poem for Stars
In Our Hearts: Dreams supposed to be in second place
on that. I disagreed on having to pay for MY OWN work.
That is fraud. They scammed me when i was 20 years
old. Making empty promises only making clear the results
of this near the end and not prior to my submission.
They should be handled this is unfair to aspiring writers.
Now i never submit my work i keep it all to myself
and family.
My daughter received a letter regarding a contest for
poetry from Eber & Wein Publishing, 50 E. High St.
New Freedom, PA 17349. My husband, who wrote: Eagle
Flight gave her permission to mail a copy of his work
to them. On Jan. 27, 2014 we received a letter to
my husband stating that he had "penned a wonderful
verse" and that his poem had "advanced to the semi-final
round of the National Amateur Poetry Competition.
The letter talks about the opportunity to be published
and feature the poem in their multi-volume series,
"Across the Way", stating next month we would receive
an Author's Proof. They state that there is no cost
to have the poem published but would "certainly welcome
your order if you would like to own a copy of the book".
(Publishers list price $69.95) with a $20.00 discount
to us (single copy $49.95 plus $9.00 S/H). They gave
my husband a Poet ID # G0017561. We both starting
thinking about the possibility of a scam and saw some
information regarding them from you...
Al & Lynn
I am 16 years old and wrote a poem about my battle with depression, I sent it to a poetry website and now almost a year later there are all these people saying they wrote that poem and are uploading the poem as their own :(
For the past few years, I have been entering the America library of poetry that my teacher convinced me to enter in about 5th grade. Every single year, they would send me a letter saying that I was super talented and they wanted to publish my poem in a book. I paid about 40 bucks for a book.
Worlds Last Chance company comitted theft of intellectual
property of mine yesterday. I submitted 2 pieces and
one Ive been able to find with someone elses name attached
to it. I havent found the other one yet. They failed
to contact me back when I notified them of this. I
contacted the law firm Christopher Day lawfirm and
a newspaper to see if I can get them to do an article
and expose the fradulent activity.The site is worldslastchance.com
I entered a new "poem" to WPM a couple of weeks ago.
Last year I had entered a complete nonsense "poem"
that was about 5 lines and they loved it. Undaunted,
the poem I submitted this year was along these lines
(I don't have a written copy). Title World Poetry
Movement Sucks There is a company out there that
rips off people. They make you think that your poetry
is special. They prey on the naive and the elderly.
The name of that company is World Poetry Movement.
Guess what?!! WPM loves it and wants to feature it
by itself on a page!! I might actually pay for a book
just to see this in print!
I don't really know if it was a scam or not, but I
"won" a couple editor's choice awards from poetry.com
& was published in a couple books. How do you even
prove that it was a scam? For those of you who sent
poems to poetry.com but didn't save copies of your
work or lost it, you just have to search yourself on
the website. I just did that a few minutes ago & found
my poems.
To Who's Who In Poetry 2012, I sent the following entry
or submission. I have yet to hear back. To think
that this is something you would do, To con a poetaster
fool like me, Suggesting that I made it in Who's Who,
Disgraces our fine art of poetry. Though I suspect
this poem writ by me, Will not, I fear, appear in
your Who's Who. It makes me just as proud as I can
be To say poetically, THE SHAME'S ON YOU.
I sent in three poems to World Wide Poetry, and I
International Who's Who in Poetry. To get in, I was
asked to pay 49.95 for each poem. I did so. I received
my books. The last two book are the ones I'm concerned
with. The rules clearly state that all poems entered
can not have no more than 26 lines. When I received
my last two books I noticed that several poems had
more than 26 lines. I contacted a women named Kathy
from World Wide Poetry. She stated that there must
have been a oversight. If you need two pages to put
a poem on, this could not be an oversight. Kathy
had the nerve to tell me that I could send in a poem
with more than 26 lines and she would put it in herself.
Isn't that still cheating. I demand that they do
not hold the contest for these books. They are scamming
us to get money. What can I do to? Please get back
to me ASAP. I want to sue them. They should not
be in business. Why is it that this scam can go on
and noone is doing anythin
- Barbara
I have entered a number of pomems and Wow , Could you
believe that I won on each of them? I just wanted to
for kicks and giggles wanted to see if I sent in the
stupidest and child like poem in to see if that would
win. By chance once again my poem was given an award
and I was told this poem would be published as well.
I had to purchase my pins for $79 and would recieve
my free published book for free. I never got my book.
How surprising. Scam , scam , scam is all a wham and
here I am telling you not to send in any of your cherrished
work. It will not bring you enjoyment to know that
it is a scam. Sorry that there are people out there
with not a care in the world for anyone else. Just
another person in the pool of lies tis person has made.
Suzanne Hillary should hang here head in shame for
this thoughtless game......
- Kenneth
I'm nearly 18 years old and while I was 16 I entered
a "World Wide Poetry Movement" contest. Weeks later
I got a letter telling me I was a semi finalists. I
was so freaking happy. My mom came up with the money
and we sent it to them. Months later I got a book called
"Stars in our hearts" and I was given credit for my
work. I'm still unsure if it's a scam or not, but I
did get my book that I was published in and now they
want to publish me again for being one of the best
poets of 2012.
- Jasmine
http://www.importantpoets.com/vip/ this is the site
that tricked me, I had sent in my best poem I had when
this site popped up on my facebook. I didn't think
I would get picked because I'm only 17 (I was 16 at
the time) and although I've been writing poetry all
my life, i doubted my sonnet would get picked. When
I got the letter in the mail saying that the "International
Who's Who In Poetry" was going to publish my poem,
I was SO happy that i begged my mother to buy the book
for my birthday present...she did, that was in September...and
i found out before my birthday...that it was a scam.
So my birthday present was a $50 scam. How lovely,
right? Poetry is my passion, and finding out that
my present was getting my hopes destroyed was not a
very nice surprise.
- Victoria
I entered a few poems at poetry.com and thought it
wasn't a big deal, just did it for fun. About a week
ago I received a letter saying that my poem has been
selected as a semi-finalist and will be published.
I was so excited, until I came across this site- now
I don't know if it's a scam or not. I'm debating whether
or not I should send in the form. IT clearly says in
the letter "you are under no obligation whatsoever
to submit any entry fee, any subsidy payment, or to
make any purchase of any kind" So I don't know how
it would be a scam if I don't have to give them any
money; I don't know maybe they'll just steal my poem
but my poems still on the site so I'm not sure what
to believe.
- Demi
"After carefully reading and discussing your poem,
our Selection Committee has certified your poem as
a semi-finalist in our International Open Poetry Contest.
Your poem has been automatically entered into the final
competition. As a semi-finalist, you now have an excellent
chance of winning one of 116 cash or gift prizes -
including the $1,000.00 Grand Prize." These are
the words that can make you cry of happiness. Until
you read online that it's a scam. I personally don't
know if it is or not, but I hope it's not. If it's
a scam then oh well... I hope one day I can call myself
a published poet though.
- Haylie
i got mailed and emailed about this "great poets across
america" i got two pins and a certificate with my name
on it but still havent recieved the book? and now the
same company is trying to get another poem for an "international
Who's Who in Poetry" contest are they legit would really
like to know!!!
- Kaylila
wrote a poem for the WPM and i got my book it took
5 months but it came, my name was in it and i got credit
for my poem. i was not taken advantage of. when you
write your poem it does not get printed the next day
it takes time. and if your that impatient thats is
your problem not theirs. some of you are saying i waited
a month and nothing. well there are 300-400 poems to
be put in a book, the printing time and everything
else. stop whining. it is NOT a scam. its a real book.
A scam is where you are lied to and you pay for something
that is not real! they are not printing books with
one persons name on it and selling it, no they are
selling them at places like barnes and noble and amazon.
with the Poets name in them!! meaning they are not
taking credit for your poem, they gave you credit the
book is real. and really do you know how many poems
they probably recieve and only 300 make it in thier
book!! thats huge and if people you know make it thaen
they are probably really talented, th
- Melanie
Okay,so this can be years before anyone reads this,
but I entered world poetry contest last summer and
I got a letter saying I'm a semi-finalist.GET THIS
A SEMI-FINALIST.just two poems for every 100.anyways,it
takes a long time for the book to be finished printing.
And if it is a scam,then I will do something about
it. I am not someone who lets other people get away
like that.but for now,I'll just wait and see.
- Violet
I submitted several poems over 100 at least to poetry.com
before 2010, I have no hard copies of these poems and
now they seem to be lost is the any way I can access
the ones that were posted on the site before they shut
it down?
- Paul
I entered my poem on line with The World Poetry Movement.
I received a letter way back in April 2012. I sent
in the copyright and also sent a check for the book
in May. I have sent many emails with no real reply
and finally sent a letter two weeks ago and still no
reply. It seems if you pay for an Item in May 2012
that by October 2012 you should hear something. Any
- Valarie
World Poetry Movement is real but if you have a problem
receiving your book threatening to report them to the
feds. as a scam never hurts. I have my book and though
it seems they just let every poem in I have no complaints.
I collect books and I can still say it is one of the
nicest books I own. It's expensive but most new books
nowadays are.
I wrote a poem for the world poetry movement and they
stated I was a finalist in there 2012 poetry contest.
I hear people on here saying nothing is free and they
bought the book. Well my poem was a gift. I did expect
to get something for it.. Why would I have to pay for
something that I helped you build? I will never again
share my poetry online. I feel cheated, robbed, and
completely taken advantage of. They wanted something
for free and got it, then tried to charge everyone
for their work that they put in a book. Sorry WPM,
put a poem in with the World Poetry Movement and
after there futile attempts to get me to buy a book
or more and or award pins. Also asked for my permission
to print my poem in a book and now I am not able to
get results of the winners of the June 2012 awards.
Has anyone had dealings with The UK Poetry Library,
I recently uploaded two of my poems onto their website,
I then couldn't locate where they had uploaded, sent
them an email,reply said they are uploaded 'manually'?,
after a couple of days, which they were. Three days
later my poems had disappeared, to reappear after I
sent an email asking what had happened to the poems.
I have rec'd a letter from UK Poetry Library saying
one of my poems has been selected to appear in a poetry
book they are publishing, they are charging me £40.00
to buy five copies of the book.I haven't gone ahead
with this because of a gut feeling. Would really appreciate
any responses/ comments about other people's experiences
with UK Poetry Library.
I entered a poem in an online contest. And they sent
me the packege accepting my poem, so I told my parents.
They were happy and exited for me, untill they reaserched
the people who where printing my poem. And they read
about it and saw that it was a total scam. So then
i did not send my 'Author's relese form' in and emailed
them asking them to leave my poetry out of their book.
And i havent got an actual answer, they keep sending
me BIG BOOK DEALS making me feel aboused... This contest
was the World Poetry Movement, and I feel abused and
I got a.letter from WPM saying I was a finalist. And
tjat im going to be published. I was do excited but
then they askedme to pay for my own certificate. WDF.
After 6 mnths my poem was not on their site or fb page.
It is obv this id a scam. Also 12 of my friends entered.
How did they end up as finallists. Luckily my mom relized
it was a scam. They stole my work.
I do not feel that the World Poetry Movement, or Great
Poets Across America are scams! I had my poems published
in both, I received my pins just as I was told I would.
There was no obligations to purchase the book, they
did request that you proofread your material; which
would only make sense for publishing. I chose to have
a copy of my work. If I don't feel my poems are worth
much who else will! (Not to be insulting, but this
is my opinion) I kept my copyrights. I see it as a
great opportunity for myself; as well as, others to
share our talent. Very little in life is free! So,
I don't mind investing in me! A scam is when you are
offered something for a cost, and it is not delivered,
or a blantant lie. That is not the case. It did take
time for the material, but I can truly say that I am
satisfied. I truly feel bad for those of you who did
not have the same wonderful experience that I had.
I wish all you Great Poets Success, and Happiness!
I entered a contest by World Poetry Movement and a
few weeks later I received a letter in the mail saying
I had been chosen as a semi-finalist and could compete
on an International level. It also stated that they
would publish my poem in the book Stars In Our Hearts
if I sent in the copyright. They also gave me the opportunity
to purchase a copy of the book for a "special author's
only price". I along with my mother purchased one copy
of the book. A couple of weeks after sending in the
check for the book I received a Certificate of Publication
and a few weeks after that when the book was due to
be sold in stores I received my copy of the book in
the mail. However, I am not certain that this is real
or if it is a scam. I found the book being sold in
Barnes&Nobel and on amazon.com. I am not certain that
I can actually say I am a "published poet" though because
it might be fake. I was very excited when I found out
I was given this honor but now I feel like a fool because
it might be fake.
Most poetry contests have "reading fees," and award
a prize derived from these fees. WPM does not have
a reading fee. They do not require that you buy a
book. If you want a copy of the book your poetry will
appear in, they sell books to you at half price. About
two of every 100 submissions are published. In my
opinion, it is reasonable.
So I hear from people that these things are scams and
well I should have listened to my dad when I heard
of this. Good thing I didn't send in my money for the
Great Poets Across America, I was devastated that they
would put a scam on me and everyone of who entered.
They just used me and other peoples writing as a joke,
well I suppose.
I can assure you that world poetry movement is NOT
a scam. Sure, the books are expensive, but that company
needs money to survive, you know. Also, if you don't
get your book right away and ordered with the pre order
or whatever it was called, well, the book hasn't been
published yet so yeah, you've got to wait a couple
months. And another thing, if you dont get a letter
about your poem and don't findit on their site or whatever,
that probably means yo didn't get into the semi finals....
It isn't the end of the world you know. But, I repeat,
I have a copy in frontof me right now from last year
that I got from my cousin, and hes satisfied. Sorry
if I sounded aggressive, though, but it isn't a scam.
I am like a lot of you others. I sent in my poem, perfect,
no grammar errors, I made sure. I put it in just for
fun! Writing is what I want to do and what a great
way to persue that dream by becoming at least a finalist.
I got a letter in the mail and it explained how I was
a semi-finalist and my poem would be published in "Stars
of our Hearts" by World Poetry Movement. They told
me to edit my poem. It had some errors. I was confused
but too excited to think about a scam. I told my friends,
my family! Then my parents were suspicious that I had
to pay 50 bucks for a book and an extra 30 to put a
tidbit of info in. We searched it up and my hopes died.
We found out that it's a scam. I could've sent in my
poem and not just bought the book. But no. I refuse
to send in my poem. Who knows what they'd do with it.
I don't want to let go of my poem. I bet it's worth
way more to me than it's worth to their little book.
The World Poetry Movement is NOT a scam. I found the
book and my poetry (I received credit for my work)
at amazon. On the other hand I believe that Great
poets across America is a scam or just money hungry
because in April I sent a poem and was promised a book
and 2 pins. It has now been 4 months.....still nothing
after several emails. Beware.
I entered my poem in the World Poetry Movement contest
and I got a letter saying that I was a finalist. I
was so excited up until today, when a girl in one of
my classes said that her friend had entered a poem
too and that she had "won", but it ended up being a
scam. After hearing this I was devastated because writing
is my life and it is what I want to do with my life.
I went and looked it up and confirmed that in fact,
it is a scam. Please, save yourself the heartache and
DO NOT enter your poetry into that bogus contest. I
wish I had known that it was a fake before I had entered
my work.
I won publication in the World Poetry Movement contest
book "Stars In Our Hearts" and these are my email correspondences
with one of the representatives trying to sell me not
only the book they put my stolen poem in but all kinds
of other "free" crap that cost "$60.79". YES, its
a scam! Dear Suzanne Hilary, Honor my poetry
(that is actually 1% out of a hundred) by giving me
ten free copies of the book my poem graced, if you
TRULY designed the FREE pins "in honor of [me] and
[my] poetry". Don't send me anymore lying ego based
high powered psychological sales pitches. I signed
up for this contest because it was endorsed by my hero
Neil Young but now I'm questioning his credibility
and plan on showing "The World Poetry Movement" and
Neil Young the power of my written words depending
on the ending to this story. Want to see your contests
lose entrees due to my consumers reports all over the
web? Humor me, and send me MY FREE copy of the book
Stars In Our Hearts, or else! Sincer
I had posted several poems on poetry.com and really
enjoyed sharing as well as experiencing other poets
works of art. Then, one day I went to visit the website
and poof, it was gone, taking my poems with them. I
am still heart broken over this horrible experience.
A friend of mine had the same experience with this
poetry.com but came to me the other day and said that
he was able to go on their "new" website which is "under
new management" and retrieve his poems. Me? No such
luck! I have emailed them several times and have yet
to hear a response back from them. I wish I had never
visited that sight, they have taken a huge part of
me that I fear I will never have back in my life. I
wish with all my heart I could find my poems and what
has become of them.
World Poetry Movement sent my daughter an letter stating
that she was an international semi finalist and would
be published at no charge in a poem anthology... She
was extremely excited. Unfortunately it was my job
to tell her that this was a scam. She was very disappointed
and discouraged. These companies need to be held accountable
for not only the money they scam people out of but
also for the fact that they willingly target children.
It is one thing for an adult to deal with this kind
of slimy business tactic but it is quite unfair to
expect children to know how to handle this.
I cried and felt my dreams fall right in front of my
eyes when i discoverd that they fooled me..i honestly
thought my poetry was worth for America to read..i
admit i was really sad for days because they put my
hopes up. im just 16 and the money i was to win since
i was a "semi-finalist" was for my parents..sorry mom
and dad...
I have been published in two books by world poetry
movement and I did not send them any money, I purchased
the books off amazon along with some of my family members
and to see my work displayed in those books was a great
honor. I also received a certificate from great ports
across America and will be published in that book as
well. I find it amazing that when people are so quick
to post negative comments this company has a web site
as well as a facebook page. If you have an issue follow
up with the company they do have a phone number and
email for customer service. They are legit.
I was published in several ILP books from 1996 until
2008. I was aware that it is/was a "vanity" publication.
I used it for expression of a long time craft and not
looking for fame. I have read other statements regarding
the "new" poetry.com site. I personally logged in (you
do have to have a current account to log in) and clicked
on the pink button for poetry prior to 2012. I then
proceeded to remove all of my original work from the
database. There is a missing poem (the very first one
published), and someone elses work that was erroneously
attributed to me. I advised the new management of
the falsely attributed work and requested that my name
be removed as the author. I am waiting to hear from
poetry.com regarding this issue. In short, if you
would like to earn money through your art, then the
"old fashioned" way of submittal through reputable
publishers or self publication is best. There is
nothing wrong with entering poetry contests if that
is something that you like t
- Susan
I entered into a poetry contest at http://www.worldpoetrymovement.com/
, but I can find no trace of my poem. Their Facebook
"contest" does not pull up my poem through the search
option. I attempted to share my confirmation email
link on my own Facebook page and it won't link anyone
to the poem only to their website! Have you heard anything
about them? I am seriously questioning the legitimacy
of their contest. The top poems are the most "liked"
on Facebook, and many of them contain serious grammatical
errors and lack any formation whatsoever. Thanks for
your help! Sincerely, D'Auna
I'm curious about the World Poetry Movement. People
keep saying it is a scam, but the book they say they
are publishing, "Stars in Our Hearts" shows up in Amazon
and Barns and Noble. The book its self is real... I
did send them a poem. They made it sound as if they
were going to publish it even though the copy they
showed me was kind of messed up. Since then I haven't
heard from them. I'm wondering if anyone else has heard
from them recently?
Dear Maria, It makes me sad to give away your FREE
Poetry Award Pins to someone else! You have earned
these pins and they belong to you! You were selected
as a Semi Finalist poet in our International Competition!
Your poetry was chosen for publication by our editors!
And now you can receive two beautiful lapel pins
that have been designed in honor of you and your poetry!
You may order these two beautiful pins for $39.95
each, or GET THEM FOR FREE when you place an order
for the book that features your poetry. But this
is your FINAL NOTICE, you must act right now! You
get one pin FREE (a $39.95 value!) with any order,
or get BOTH PINS FREE (a $79.90 value!) with any order
of $60.00! Your Poem In Print... Your poem
made the cut in our new Deluxe, Hardbound edition of
Stars in Our Heart. Less than 2 out of every 100 poems
we review ever appear in print. You should consider
it a great honor to be included in this beautiful book
full of wonderful poetry!
I'm only 14 and for a laugh I published my poems with
WPM and alas I was a semi finalist and now, just to
test whether it was a scam, I submitted a rather stupid
poem with no depth or overly descriptive language and
NOW LOOK I'm a GPAA. I live in Canada. -.- It's really
stupid and rather hurtful to have your work taken advantage
of. Thankfully, I never gave any money and I dearly
hope that other people don't make the mistake of giving
their work in.
Personally I think you guys are all stupid no one put
a gun to your head and said buying the fucking book.
It your own fault you bought it and got ripped off
I get that crap all the time about buying the pins
and book but I ignore it maybe you should try doing
that too and if you buy the book and get ripped off
don't bitch and Moan because of your own stupidity
- Lisa
Hi, i too have received letters from WPM and GPAA. You ppl are only having issues b/c you are sending money away. Here's a simple solution; DON'T SEND YOUR MONEY AWAY.
To all those saying World Poetry Movement is a scam..i'm
not saying it is. But the book hasn't been published
yet, of course you haven't gotten it. I've emailed
them complaining, and literally screamed at them because
i thought it was fake. I've received a letter today.
They constantly press the fact that it will remain
your own work. I even have my name copyrighted. I may
be just hoping here, but look at the facts people.
Most of you are complaining it's a scam..notice how
most of you said "Semi-finalists" ? That means you're
NOT GETTING PUBLISHED, SEMI finalist, not finalist.
They've reminded me to get the book, but past those
emails, i've never been pressured to buy it. When i
emailed them freaking out and saying "if my poem is
so special and being published in this sought after
book, why the hell do i have to buy it?!" and they
emailed back saying i didn't if i didn't want to. YOU
chose to send the money in, so don't call it a scam
just because you decided to pay money and b
I posted my poem that meant the most to be about my
grandpa that I never got the chance to meet. And well
They keep sending me letters that I need to edit my
poem and also they keep trying to sell me books and
pin's but I didn't spend my money on that. And now
they tell me my poem made it to the second part of
the compitition and now they keep sending me lots of
emails about paying for pin's buy one get one free.
and the book. It's become so crazy. Now I'm supposed
to be waiting for a respnose by 6/30/2012. It's bearly
6/12/2012. so I'm not really holding my breath.
I entered into WPM because it seemed like a fun thing
to do. When i got a letter in the mail saying my poem
had been published I was so happy! I ordered the book
and it never came! Don't do this contest and have
26 dollars taken from you.
World Poetry Movement It is a scam. They tell you
you have won and that whatever your poem written it
is good and ask you to buy the book the your poetry
is going to be published in. It cost you nothing to
enter and you could win up to 1000.00. No one had
received any money for winning they just pay anywhere
from 50.00 to 149.00 for the book or books. |
This whole year i've been depressed, im going to make
this story short. I turned 16 in march idk when but
a couple months before i entered one of my poems in
world poetry movement. I got emails saying my poem
was published in stars in my heart or w.e its called.
I got soo happy. I havent been this happy in months
i tell my mom and sister, i even felt like crying cause
i felt good and felt accomplished. Then i go on the
internet and i hear this can be a scam. To be honest
i felt like crying, i got my hopes, confidence, and
happiness up for nothing. Honestly my heart aches considering
the fact i've already been depressed. All this actually
happened to me today. I am highly upset and dissapointed.
Never trusting anything like that again!!
I just had a poem published with World Poetry Movement
and have received a beautiful book displaying my poem.
So clearly the company itself is not a scam. Its a
great way of enhancing ones ability to do something
fine with poetry which is loved by many. For the people
who have concerns, it certainly does not hurt to call
and speak with someone at the company to ease your
mind. 1-435-776-9339 Good luck to you all! :-)
ok so i barely entered in the WPM contest and incidentally
i got a letter back saying they wanted me to be published!
i got so happy, but then as soon as my mom came home
and saw it she was so suspicious, and i didn't believe
her! but she said they didn't even have a # to call
so that was weird. now researching, it seems that it
IS bogus and not trustworthy at all. so disappointing
that people would do that to everyone. i don't want
anyone else to get caught up in it. can we report their
fb page? cause that's a hazard right there.
It was just a random contest bu The World Poetry Movement
that i had stumbled upon, so i decided what the heck,
and gave ii a shot. Two months later i received a letter
in the mail saying that this company wanted to publish
my poem, so naturally, i was ecstatic. I've been waiting
just about forever now for the book i paid 70 something
dollars for to come in the mail, and still nothing.
This is ridiculous; i wasted my money and was tricked
by a company with false promises. Hopefully this doesn't
happen to any other aspiring writers and poets.
- Samantha
For everyone who said the World Poetry Movement has
their poem and concerned about getting it back, my
question to you is Why do you send your work out to
anyone without your copyright. I suggest you submit
your work to the US government copyright office for
authentic ownership, this way if you loose your work
there will always be a copy on file and NO one can
use your work without your permission. It only cost
$35 and you can submit as many poems n one application.
I too sent a poem to World Poetry Movement and was
selected as a semi-finalist and the opportunity to
buy the published book which is also sold on Amazon.com
so the book is real. This is a great opportunity for
someone to see your work like magazines or if you are
like me I write lyric poems which could be professionally
composed. Remember, even if you have your book published,
you will have to pay the publishing company an upfront
fee. With WPM there is no upfront fee for a chance
to be discovered.
Poetry.com is still a scam. I'm getting unsolicited
emails from them announcing new management, that they
want to release my poetry, etc. You should never
have to pay to have your award winning writting published.
The only thing you should be paying for are entry
fees for legitimate contests and those fees are usually
never more than $50. Check out legitimate publications
like Poets & Writers for contest lists. Poetry.com
is a vanity press just like most of the "Have your
poetry published" sites. And a vanity press also makes
you self promote your book and do little in the way
of getting it on the shelves of a bookstore.
In the beg. I too was excited about posting my God
given poems w/The Int'l Library of Poetry. In the beg.
There were no warning signs. All seemed "ligit". Until,
they started publishing book after book, wanting you
to buy them. As fast as I purchased one. They had another
coming out, w/my poetry in it. Then all these contest
& meetings. We were paying for our own gift. Then the
web site just disappeared. I still can't get poetry's
I created on the spot. That mean a lot to me. I will
say this. There is a jugdment day. Its wrong. And they
should contact people and compensate them, for all
their hard work. I pray God shut them down, for good.
They are all scams, if you ask me. Even though they
may publish your poem when you don't give them money...look
how much money they are making from the book. They
get our poems and get rich off them...and they want
to give us a plaque. No thank you. In the past I
use to let them publish my poems but never again.
They won't get rich from my hard work.
I just got an Email back. Not only was I published
in Stars in our Hearts which is a real book that has
list prices on Barnes and Noble, but I am guessing
the organization told others about me. I was Just solicited
to be published in a book called "Great Poets Across
America" in celebration of National Poetry Month, and
that my Acceptance into this archive will put me into
a pool of cash and prizes totaling 10,000 Dollars.
I looked this book up, and have already found a
list price on Barnes and noble, BEFORE THE BOOK EVEN
GOT COMPILED. Great Poets Across America: A Celebration
of National Poetry Month by World Poetry Movement
Add to List + Pre-Order Hardcover $47.21 BN.com
price $69.95 List Price (Save 33%) Eligible for FREE
SHIPPING details Available for Pre-Order This item
will be available on May 1, 2012. WPM may not be
the best company to buy from, but it feels very good
to be the one being asked for my poetry instead of
the other way around. I have paid a |
Yea I'm 15 and sent my Poetry into world poetry movment and they kept wanting me to buy stuff. They cant be able to reck people's dreams like that it's just not right. |
World Poetry Movement. I was told I was in the semi
finals, and was to be published. The book I guess came
out in March. All I got was one letter, and an email.
They wanted me to buy stuff, but I never did. Come
to think about it, I did get a second email asking
why I never purchased my book. Well because I had heard
nothing since November 2011, and no award like said
was given. I dont care about awards, but to build up
some ones hopes like that is disgusting. I have seen
they have done this to MANY people. From 15+! |
The worst one I found is Famous Poet's Press. They
are totally lame and their products are pitiful. I
don't have a lot of experience, but have found that
poetry contests that require a small entry fee are
usually on the up and up. I am assuming the people
that won are real and not somehow linked to the company.
Anyone have a different experience?
I just don't get it. They sent me a letter sayin i
was in the finals or watever and then they wanted me
to buy the book they kept sending me emails sayin its
my last chance to order. Well this is all bull. I was
so happy that someone liked my poems but i guess it
was just for the money... |
I submitted my poem to World Poetry Movement. i also
got the winner email and purchased a book in early
january. now its april and my book still hasn't come.
from that i learned my lesson and started making my
own poetry books with my artwork at walmart or shutterfly,
for about a third of the price of their ripoff books. |
i am 16 and am looking to publish a poetry book of
my own this summer, i would like some advise on any
online poetry publishers so i dont fall prey to a scam.
Well I sat here about 20 Minutes and read Quite a few
of the expereinces. Disatisfaction and satisfaction.
I Myself can say It is truley an Honor to know that
thousands of people all across the planet will read
a poem that I have written. I too, Am i semi-finalist
and have been published with (WPM) and am Encouraged
to write many more. 50$ To see my Poem in a Book, Sure
why not? It's Something to be Very Proud of, and is
an accomplishment. Something to share with the family,
And when your dead and Gone, Your Poem will Live on
Seshendra : Visionary poet of the millennium http://seshendrasharma.weebly.com/
Seshendra Sharma better known as Seshendra is a colossus
of modern Indian poetry. His Literature is a unique
blend of the best of poetry and poetics. This poetry
collection site presents essence of the millennium
in a powerful tone and style. Seshendra Sharma is a
towering personality of the contemporary Indian literature.
His works have appeared in all modern Indian languages
and in English too. His poetry reverberates the quintessential
spirit of our millennium. In all his poetic works
, we find that he has touched upon intensely Man's
travails and triumphs. Seshendra Sharma Memorial Trust
, located in Hyderabad India is involved in the task
of promoting Seshendra Sharma's literature in print
as well as on the web. His poetry sings the eternal
victory of the mankind and man's achievments through
the ages. His poems are replete with spontani |
i was also selected as an advanced prize winner in
a world poetry movement contest.never received any
kind of prize.and was also emailed to let me no my
poem was published.even though i never sent back any
release.got email today saying only 3 books left for
me to get my copy.I emailed them back telling them
I'd let my attorney know that I was published without
consent.should get copy of book and charge them with
copywrite law.
World Poetry Movement is not a scam I'm published with
them twice and I love it. Agreed the books are overpriced
but it's a good book and a great oppertunity and if
u dont buy they still publish so no harm no foul. I
love WPM!!
well everytime I go and write my poems somebody always
says you stole that off somebody it doesnt always mean
I did when I didnt I know I didnt I write deep Poetry
becuasae that's how I feel just telling the truth doe |
In all technicality, this isn't a true scam since you
aren't paying to have your poem published. However,
they charge ridiculously high prices for a book of
amateur poetry by unknown writers and everyone who
enters gets published. This type of poetry site is
known as a 'vanity anthology.' If you say you were
published by them, you will 9 times out of 10 make
yourself a laughing stock, so my advice would just
be not to enter at all. There are far better places
to submit poetry.
I enter the world poetry movement what ever and I received
letters in the mail telling me I won. I was so happy
but I never paid them to publish my work. I'm a cheap
guy and when I seen it was like 50 dollars it blew
my mind!. I send them more poems and kept getting the
email saying I'm in the semi finals. I got suspicious
about it then I did my research. I found out that it
was a scam I was abouts. To send them money too.
Thank god
My opinion: No scam at all,not rip off money from "World Poetry Movement"; i'm satisfied and thank them !
Okay I'm not sure if this is a scam or not. But y'all
know that the book wont be published till June 1st.
So I wouldnt complain or anything like that yet till
then and see if the book is out or not. If its not
then sue them. Easy as that...And yes I did put a turned
in a poem. And no this isnt my first time. So stop
y'alls bitchin and fucking wait. Then like I said...If
its not out by then, then sue. But maybe you all should
read the full paper. Thanks...
I got the same email from the World Poetry Movement.
I was so excited. I've always wanted to be an author
and I was proud of the poem I submitted. I wrote it
on the spot, so I can't even remember what it was about,
what it said, or anything. I got an email today stating
that this woman's boss was "angry at her because I
wouldn't buy the book." Fortunately for me, I haven't
purchased anything. I don't plan to. For all of you
who have, I am truly sorry. I want my poem back, but
the chances of that happening are probably very slim.
I'll never remember what I submitted, and that's a
true shame. It's sick that people actually do this
to us.
I entered the world poetry movement and i recieved
a letter saying i was going to have my poem published.
I was so happy like yiu would expect, but i soon foound
out it was a scam. Im so mad. I want my poem back.
my mom sent a check for 74.95 for the book and the certificate .they sent me the certificate with no book. then they emailed me asking me why i didnt get the book there is only 5 left. still waiting
I got a letter from world poetry movement that they
wanted to publish my poem...I got really excited...I
felt that my poetry actually reached someone...But
I wasn't sure if it was a scam or not..so I took no
action to the letter...I've heard it is a scam and
I'm disappointed in my poetry...But I'll win back my
entered World poetry movement and was so excited
when I was going to be published in stars in our hearts
and picked for the semi finals...then I got a letter
just recently about them wanting to published me again
in "best poets of 2011." They wanted me to send in
a new poem. I was so excited of course I payed for
the book...then I read up on them and word on the street
is it's all a big kiss ass vanity scam. I feel like
a huge jackass. It's really shameful that people can
do that to artist...
I just wanna let you guys know that all of you are
F... idiots if you sent money in to these places
not even knowing any thing about it. I did enter a
poem in that world movement s... and forgot about it
until I got a letter in the mail about my shit being
published and as soon as I saw that they want a ridiculous
amount of money for the book I threw it away. I can
care less about the poem its not that serious. If you
write and try to publish online your F... retarded.
World Poetry Movement, they keep sending me many emails
telling me how it's my last chance to get my poem published.
Just early this morning, I decided to do research and
found out that WPM is nothing more than some vanity
anthologies. I hate them. I was so glad when I received
my letter in the mail from them, now I'm just disgusted
with myself that I was naive enough to get excited
over something so fraudulent.
i recently sent in a poem to world poetry movement.
I dont know wether its a scam, but they said i could
win $1,000. im only 14 but ive been published twice.
i really got my hopes up because i really needed the
money. i got arrested a year ago with my friend. turns
out she stole about $40 worth of stuff. i obviously
got in trouble by assosciation. the store sued me for
$603. i believe i learned from my mistake and feel
sad. poetry is my outlet and if i was taken advantage
of i will try my hardest to get justice.
i do think world poetry movement is a scam..but you
dont need me to tell you, i want to tell you that if
you want a reliable poem website try poemhunter .com..ive
been using it before and after my other poem site dropped.
Just as claudia did in the very top of this article
i lost a poem that was very dear to me through poetry.com.
and i cannot find it today... not in a book, not on
the net and worst of all not in the originals in my
binder... recently i tried to retrieve my poem as i
wish to do something further with it and i cannot find
it on poetry.com nor can i find this book it was to
be published in, i do believe it was called the darker
side. and when i emailed poetry.com i only recieved
a generic email not helping my situation in any way.
i looked further into the contact info and found a
personal email of someone at poetry.com and even still
have not recieved any word back. now not only am i
distraught about not being able to find my best piece
of art im also furious at poetry.com for not responding
and even more so after trailing across this on google
while looking for my poem...
I have no idea if this is a scam, but if what people
are saying is true, then World Poetry Movement is a
total scam! I just got a letter saying I am a semi-finalist
in there contest. I was excited to hear that my poem
was to be published in their poetry book " Stars in
Our Hearts" I sent in money even though it was an outrageous
price and I am still waiting to hear back! Do they
own my poem? I worked hard to come up with my poem,
and now I am tricked into thinking that my talent will
win one of 116 cash prizes! Poetry is important to
me, and world poetry movement just took that away stealing
my work.
I just got suckered in by an email for WORLD POETRY
MOVEMENT. I entered a poem in their contest and then
did research to find out they are a scam. I'm not
worried about being scammed out of 50 bucks for the
book -- I want my poem back. I don't want it in their
hands. I'm angry about it. I responded to their mass
email asking them to withdraw me from the contest,
but if they're that unscrupulous about stealing money
from people, why would they care about the sanctity
of my poem?
I published a "tester" book on poetry.com to see what
iy was like and how it turned out. I later retired
my book so it wouldn't be available, as it was really
onlt halfassed. When I loged back in a few months later,
I found that it was still available. Then I googled
it and found it was also available on several other
websites! As far a I know none were sold, but if they
were I'd never find out. I DIDN'T WANT MY BOOK MASS
DISTRIBUTED. I thought "retiring" it would prevent
that. I guess the copyrights they claim to assign aren't
legit. No one ever asked me if I wanted to do anything
with my work, so I assume now it is property of the
publisher. I have also tried to write to them several
times, but they never answered.
submitted poetry and $45 to Eber and Wein publishing
for contest and a copy of their book. After a proof
was sent to me, I heard or received nothing. They
did not respond to emails. DO NOT SEND THESE PEOPLE
Poetrycraze.com will not let me remove, edit, or delete
any of my poems nor my account. Once you sign up and
post your poetry you are stuck. I have talked to several
other people who are going/have gone through the same
ordeal, and they claim the owner is selling member's
don't know whether this was a scam or not but...I
entered world poetry movement poetry contest. I had
my poem published and my mom sent in to purchase a
50 dollar book. I got it after months of promising
that it was coming and I was dissipointed. It was a
small hard cover book that had I felt like they just
slapped poems together and sold us back our poem. There
was only one poem I truly enjoyed in my copy of Stars
in Our Hearts journeys. I felt ashamed of my own Poem.
I would rather be rejected because there are poems
better than mine than be accepted because I entered
the contest. I want to return the book but I'm not
certain I'll get my money back. And I regret sending
in my Poem. Do they own it now?
I wrote a poem thru Poetry.com and received a letter
about being a finalist and wanted money from me to
receive a book that my poem was suppossed to be published
in. I wasn't married at the time and had a different
last name than I do now but cannot find my poem anywhere
and it definitely isn't on their new site.
I wrote on poetry .com sight for about 4 years, Big
SCAM. But sadly I did not know. A lot of my poems I
still have but some I do not because I didnt copy
. I just wrote them on the spare of the moment, Does
anyone know How I can retrive these poems. ?
+++-WorldPoetryMovement- is one of the scams+++ On
Facebook i saw an advertisement for a "contest" from
-WorldPoetryMovement-. I did not entirely care if
i won anything but i submitted one of the poems that
i wrote, i soon found out that i was not the only one
who found it suprising to be picked as a "semi finalist".
the people from world poetry movement asked me to
pay a outrageous fee to publish my poem in a book of
other Scammed Poets poems to me, at the time i had
forgotten the fact that the Artist is the one who is
supposed to get paid by the publisher, not the other
way around. But unfortunately i wasn't thinking at
the time and ordered the book. Atleast it will be
a nice gift for the grandparents or something though
but all i know is that i will never fall for the same
thing again and i post this here in hope of helping
you fellow Artist's avoid such pathetic people as these
I used poetry.com and submitted alot of work there...
to have them insult me with a letter asking for money
from me to get my work published.which is bull i should
be getting paid for my work not them. there trying
to make money off me and give me nothing in return
but a book that i would have paid for. Now i cant even
find my work on their new site... absolutely bullshit.
if I knew who was orchastrating this scam they would
get beat to the floor and left to die. i apparently
am not the only individual that they have done this
too, taking peoples work that in some cases like mine
took years to compile all gone..im f.... pissed
I had roughly 10 poems on poetry.com back when it was
still running and one day it just stopped working.
Everyone says that going to Lulu.com will help you
figure out how to get your poetry back, but on a forum
on there one of the founders said that the poetry will
never be given back because it is gone. All poetry
websites online are just a scam and you will never
get your poetry back just like I did. Thankfully though,
I have a hard copy stored so I still have mine but
many people no longer have their own poems thanks to
poetry.com and lulu.com.
I have always written poetry. Until the Day i posted
my most prized poem on poetry.com. It was a very personal
poem about my grandfathers death and my struggle with
it. IF you see it online anywhere i would be most Thankful
if you could inform me. I want to find out who has
taken it and why. Poem Title : My Long Good-Bye
Auther : Georgia Meade(Selvage)
My Long Good-Bye By Georgia Meade-Selvage Today
I made a cut that went so deep that all me feelings
started to seep seep out of me like a dripping faucet
Seep so fast i almost lost it Lost it all i feel
so numb Lost it all just like a bum a bum who sleeps
out on a bench all his worries gone in a cinch Gone
in a cinch in the blink of an eye I leave today so
say good-bye Good-bye in a forever kind of way Good-bye
Tomorrow, I leave today Today is the last we'll speak
my friend Today is the last we'll meet again So wipe
those tears and please don't Cry This is the end of
my long good-bye
I wouldn't recommend Lulu If it was the only Recommendation
I had as they Run their Organization very unprofessional
they lost A lot of my poems they give credit to anonymous
and they don't reply my e mails a group of middle
School students can do a better job of serving their
clients Als Poem Zone |
I sent $45 to Poetry Nation for an anthology which
presumably would include my poem. After some elaborate
proofs were sent to me which I signed, I'm hearing
nothing about the anthology from the web site. It's
been at least six months since my submission. My emails
are not being returned. Wondering who else had contact
with Poetry Nation. |
I found poetry.com in high school back between 2000-2002.
I had many poems on there. It seems the site has changed.
I cant seem to find my work anywhere. and the poetry.com
site that is there today is a major JOKE!!!!!! Does
anyone know how to locate the people who ran the original
site or how to find the work that was posted on that
I entered the World Poetry Movement contest for September.
I got a letter in the mail saying that I was a semi-finalist,
and that my poem was going to get published in a book
called "Stars of Our Hearts". Then, I never heard
from them again. I checked their website and found
that I was not one of the winners. I was alright with
that, but I then discovered that I had perhaps been
fooled into a scam. I am so angry at myself and at
the World Poetry Movement, but I am not 100% sure if
it is a scam. If it is, I want to say that I want
justice. Poetry is to be respected, not to be used
for someone else's monetary gain. I feel like I just
gave part of me away for someone else to use that part
for selfish purposes. I feel like a fool and am ashamed
of myself.
Most of these are vanity-press scams. I sent an incomprehensible
piece of garbage to poetry.com and got the letter indicating
that I was a semi-finalist, I needed to send them money,
etc. That's where the name "vanity press" comes from;
they plat off of your vanity because you all think
you are great writers. |
hi..i'm chanyn. i'm 16 years old. i came across this
website looking for a book that's supposed to be published
soon with one of my poems in it..i read some of the
comments above and a lot were about scams from poetry.com...
i got a letter last week saying they'll publish one
of my poems in a book of theirs. ($50 of course) but
i haven't heard from them since..and since my sister
once did this and it actually happened (wasn't poetry.com)
i figured, hey, this is legit. and i was so happy to
hear they'd publish it in a book, so i sent them the
money and all. but i haven't heard back, nor found
this book that's supposed to be published anywhere..
i mean, i never thought of my poems ever getting published.
i just did it so i have them saved somewhere even if
my computer breaks down or i lose my notebooks. i don't
show my writings to my friends or family because it's
so embarrassing and personal, and i never thought any
of them were that good. so i was extremely happy and
excited when i re
World Poetry movement sounds like all of these just
the same 116 cash prize winners the whole thing about
a book and published for free how disappointing this
is for people, outrageous that some persons would do
that. If I had I lawyer I'd try to take them out hope
someone makes them pay for taking other artists money
i have send my eight poems to poetry.com but i cannot find them on net i dont even have any copy of those poems how can i search for my poems please help.
I my self had entered a Poem on Poetry.com called 'I'm
Dreaming a Dream' It had already won an award at my
high school in Las Vegas in 2004. In 2005 I came across
Poetry.com, and put my award winning work in one of
there contest. About a week later I got a letter from
them saying that out of thousand of entries my poem
was hand selected by the judges as a semi finalist
to be in a book called 'External Portraits.' They
told me if was going to be displayed on it's own page,
and that i could have a copy of the book if I sent
them $50.00 a discount price. The full price I can't
remember, but I never sent the money, and never got
the book. I have looked for it on line, but never could
find it. After I sent in my work, I started hearing
about the scams and everything. But I just refused
to believe it. I still find it hard to believe. To
know that my work is gone forever, never to be seen
again is heart breaking.
the library of poetry got the best of me.
Yeah i got a letter from Eber and wein publishing saying
i was getting my poem "alone" published but after sending
them the authors proof and sending payment for the
book i havent heard back from them at all. So what
the f**k i need to know is Eber and wein a scam from
hell or an incompetant company?! |
Hello, we have a problem on originalpoetry.com. I
have what information I have posted here. Please help
me get our books published, and the contest removed.
The Poets on O.P. http://www.originalpoetry.com/forum/view/topic/topic_id/5173
I had an account with Poetry.com back in 2002-03. After
submitting my first two poems, I recieved a letter
in the mail congratulating me and inviting me to Nevada
for a readers convention. I would have to cover the
full cost of travel and hotel myself, of course but
in doing so I would "get published" and meet other
poets like myself with a need and desire to express
ourselves. I would get my face on tv and all my dreams
would come true....yea right. I had submitted several
poems which I feel were pretty good. One in particular
I was extremely proud of. It was titled "Bleakness
of Day". It was basically a very well worded rant about
my ex. I never heard of this scam till a few years
later. But before that that time I have tried repeatedly
to access that website to remove my poems seeing that
the website had the only copies. Needless to say I
was extremely disappointed learning that they were
forever lost to me. I suppose it's better that they
went out of business. They can't take advan
In 2005 I enterd poetry.com's contest and was sent
a certificate acknoledgeing that my poem was chosen
to go into there book to be sold. I have not recived
an address to them nor do i know where they are located
and no phone number. I am wandering if they can be
brought up on charges for plaigerism.
Me and several of my classmates enetered poetry on
Poetrynation.com. In about a week or so, some of us
got a letter from Eber & Wein Publishing. It said that
we would get our poem published in books, if we paid
a fee. One of my friends sent in the money, then later
found out that the website was a scam. She emailed
the website several times asking for her money back,
but she never got a reply. When you start an account
on Poetrynation.com, they ask you for basicly all your
personal info, but if you want to take your poems off
of the website, you will find no option to delete or
take down your account and poems. POETRYNATION.COM
I received a letter from Jim Wyzard, extolling my brilliance
of a poem called "Killers in our Midst' which I also
say is very good, but he wanted me to put it in an
anthology called "Seasons for Chance' I'm suppose to
sign over my poem to them , Poetry.com. I never heard
from them since. Ps. Maybe because I didn't pay the
usual small fee of $50.000? Thanks Norman
I have been using "poetry.com" since grades 3-9. When
I found out lulu poetry has taken over "poetry.com"
because it was a scam, I was thrilled. I continued
to make poems on lulu poetry and when I tried to visit
the website to look at one of my poems, the page said
"network error". I figured something was wrong with
my dial-up. I checked it, and it showed my internet
was working just fine. I then visited another website
and it went through. I finally went to google and searched
my full name. Lulu poetry popped up with my name and
poems. When i clicked on the link, I was disappointed.
The exact thing occured. Lulu poetry is also stealing
poems. I refuse to ever again use the internet as a
journal for my poems.
I'm missing you is the name of the poem
I was one in the long list of aspiring poets to be
lulled by the siren known as The International Library
of Poetry. In 2005, I achieved a dream come true, I
celebrated, then acted like a jerk. I drove away all
around me because I didn't need friends, I was a winner.
For three years I deluded myself with this thought
process, then one faithful day I decide to peruse their
website, to reflect on my only accomplishment thus
far. My heart sank at the realization, that not only
my poem had disappeared, but the website in its entirety.
The fame was a lie, the fortune was a lie, and I
rode the coattails of a false victory for three years.
No longer could I envision myself sampling fancy sausages,
and throwing yet another $100 on the table with a defiant
belting of "Bartender, another round for everyone.".
Nope just another dream, with repercussions in reality.
I was in middle school when I first discovered poetry.com back in 2000. I was so excited that I was able to type poems and have them posted under my name. I entered a contest and my grammatical errore
This started in September of 2006. My daughter sent her poem into ,League of American Poets. She received a very uplifting letter that made her feel on top of the world. Had me hook line and sink
Poemhunter - the site is continually hacked and the
forum is poorly (if at all) monitored. You are forced
to log in repeatedly (sometime 8 - 10 times) to post
on forum, or a poem. Your poems disappear regularly
- only to reappear days or weeks later. Today I posted
on forum a short bio on a poet - it was removed at
least 10 times, and then suddenly I couldn't post anymore
and was sent to the log-in site each time. (This after
not being required to log in for weeks.) At one point
- about 2 years ago, all of my poems were deleted and
someone began posting under my name. I tried telling
mgmt - but they denied there is a problem. The person
who was doing it began posting "slam" poems about other
members - on my own page. It took me MONTHS of complaining
before mgmt finally blocked the perpetrators from the
site. They then went on to brag about it on another
site. There is a glitch - the site is zit on the face
of poetry.
Its been awhile since i've been on the web for poetry .com and when i found i could not access thier web page anymore i became curious. So i did alittle digging and after seeing this. I have no words that can even come close to the way i feel. Most of my work is Lyrics for my Music. But Thier was one that stood out That i had wrote After an old child hood friend that i grew up with had got shot & killed. and my girl friend Thought that i should send it in to Poetry.com. So i did. Now i wished i didn't. Yeah! I was scammed also. Even the hard copy. Tracing the Infinite. I'd Like to trace them right now. People your not alone in this. IM at a loss for words. -- Brett
my daughter wrote a poem for a competition in the east london advertiser and was told she was a finalist and was told the poem would be published in a book called the other side of the mirror ever since i have been trying to get hold of this book and can find no trace of it anywhere her name is michelle cini and her poem was called grandad the competition was in 1996
- Diane
I received editors choice award for my poetry when i submitted it to poetry.com, they offered me a medal, a crystal trophy and everything, there were even going to send it to me no charge. After weeks... and weeks... and weeks... nothing came. it's been 2 years, and they havent done crap. now i look up that poem that i made for them and its GONE! like, off the face of the earth gone!
I had put some of my best poems on poetry.com for several years then one day I checked on my poems and that web site and been changed to lulu poetry and could not find my poems on there either.so like a dummie I put 2 more of my very good poems on that web site and now it saying they have no record of them.so yea be very careful.
In 2005 I enter my poem in the "Win 10,000 dollars for your poem" contest from the international library of poetry. They said I won the editors choice award. I was only a kid at the time and i didnt think anything of it-i was thrilled. Luckily I never bought the book-my mom wouldnt let me cuz of the price (go Mom. I just found the letters they sent me and I started to really think about it because the poem I entered was crap. Thats when I came across this site. What a farce!!!! |
I Wrote Two Poems On poetry.com Where Are They I Need Them Back One Was Untitled And The Other Was Called The Beauty Of Love Someone Tell Me How To Get Them Back
NAME: Lulu Enterprises, Inc. CONTACT: Brad Tilley ADDRESS: 3101 Hillsborough St Raleigh, NC 27607-5436 PHONE: 919 459-5858 FAX: 919 447-3198 Website: www.lulu.com
I used to post poems on that site all the time and got many letters stating they were publishing my stuff and also that they were sending me letters to come to a nation wide conference and meet great writers. And am just now learning that this was all a hoax. I went back to get my poems too and they werent there. What can be done by this?
I was in 3 Books to a online poetry company, who's name was poetry.com. It was called The Interanational Library of Poetry. I was in one of there books Called The Lasting Calm with a poem titled Trust. I was also in the The book Called, The Best Poems & Poets of 2005 with a poem titled, Baby Joe, this was also on page 1 of the book which really pleased me. I also had about 15 poems published on there and when i had a fire in my home i lost all hard copies and my pc so i was unable to retrieve them, but when i finally had the money to get a new pc, I went to www.poetry.com and realised lulu now owned it, yet when I entered my details I was not recognised. so now all the work I had gave to poetry.com has now been lost and with it so has my work and memories.
I wrote two poemsthat they said won a people's choice award an editor's choice award. They have been writing me to send $45.00 to get the copy of a poetry book that has my poems in it. my name was among poets name on their web site poetry.com and my poetry were also on their site, now i can not see my poems and my name on their site any more. What happened?
(See comments on transfer of site to lulu.com, below.)
In 2007 my cousin and i found poetry.com and thought that we should sumbit and see what will happen. well we both got letters saying that we would be published and were offered the "authors discount" on the books and we were stupid and paid for it. then when we got our books i said i was on the first page and then she told me no that she was so then i looked through the rest of my copy and she wasnt in it and then the same with hers. it was then when we realized we were scamed. now that it is three years later i am wondering if i can resubmit my poem to a real publishing place. ever since i realized i got scamed my work hasnt been very good and i think that if it gets the right attension i mite get my mojo back. can anyone help me
Hi to all, first off let me just say I think it is terrible that you all had to experience those things. I'm not sure if the site is or was a scam, but I'm here to try and help you to retrieve your work as I did from lulu poetry. There is a process you must take to do this. I, too at first was furious that they changed the site, but after thinking a little more clearly, I dug around the site and found out what to do. There are a few steps you must take. 1. Click on the help icon located in the top header with all other categories. 2.Click on "how can I access my poems from the old site?" 3. Follow the instructions it tells you to and then begin finding your work. 4. Click on "how can I find my poem on lulu poetry?" After following all of these steps, I retrieved all of my work. All of my poetry is still my own and can be published wherever I choose. If you feel that the site is a scam there is also an option to remove your work once you find it.
www.write4u.com accepted my poems for their anthology; in small letters, which I didn't read carefully, I agreed by just one click that the website owner is the sole owner of all copyrights of my poems. The text has been hidden and small and almost on the end of the contract, so difficult to find and I was lazy to read, I believe. The 'print on demand' book's link is below. The Dutsch owner sent me 1 free copy. Friend of mine bought this book, paid $25.00 - (!! for not even edited, small brochure) but he forgotten about the order. The book was sent 3 weeks later belatedly, after the publisher had to be reminded (Dutch man). Yet I lost copyright for all 6 poems. In my opinion, this is scam for the handing over of copyrights has deliberately not been properly declared. this is the book: http://www.amazon.com/Create4u-Read-write-read-beginning/dp/9078675780/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1276866235&sr=8-2
I recently tried to enter a poetry contest through lulu and after I typed in and submitted my poem, they asked me for my log in info again and it said it was invalid. That was very strange considering I logged in with that very Id two minutes before. I feel that they took my poem then blocked my access to the account. because no matter what I try to do to get in I can't.
I have had the same experiences most here have had, but I didn't buy anything unless I just wanted it but felt all along they were a scam. After a while when I got tired of them and they kept sending me letters about "my wonderful poetry" and how it can win, etc...I just kept writing back: "If my poems are so great, then send me an award without my having to pay for it like the big boys in publishing do"...after a few of those they stopped sending me things. Now, I have about 25 poems on lulu and cannot get them or so they say, I had registered using 2 different names but I have to register with lulu in order to do anything more...I cannot find a way to contact them either and I don't want to join them. What a mess these people are for writers who are beginning to write. Don't stop writing...find a reputable publisher, try the large ones and do it their way...you don't have to pay for it...Magazines and other publishers have themes and topics already set up so call or write to the
Several years ago I sent many of my poems to Poetry.com hoping for a chance to win in a poetry contest. Many times I received letters from the International Library of Poetry also known as the International Society of Poets saying I had won their contest. Many times I asked for my poems to be removed from their site but nothing was ever done. Also once they claim I had won, I never received any money or prizes ever. I kept receiving letters only. They would send letters about buying books with my published poems. Poems that I never authorized to be published and charging me a fee at that. I don't understand how can you say I won when I never got anything and then you charge me for a book with my poem in it?I never received any montary gift for each book published with my poem.
I too was scamed or should I say robbed by poetry.com in 2003 to 2005. I found them on line and though hmm that might be great. Why don't I join the poetry contest. After submitted my first poem they sent me a letter saying they's patent and publish my poem; how they'd put it in some upcoming book. Which of course, I had to pay for. I thought to myself, "Right". I'm going to pay "x" amount of my dollars to buy some book that I can't even afford. I put up the paper work in hopes that I, in vanity, really could afford to buy their book. Life went on and I forgot about Poetry.com. I saw another contest at another website and being a "published" poet, hooo, hooo, I should join that contest also. I went online and kept typin Poetry.com and could not find them. In fact some other scam artist website -- LuLu Poetry. Oh Boy the pile of you-know-what is deeper and higher. My sweet little poem is stolen and used. And, I have to say it waa, other than my pottery, the most creative thi
PC Burke
i entered a poetry contest from ETERNAL PORTRAITS,back in the year 2000,they sent me a letter a few months later saying congrats i made it to the top ten who entered,and they were going to devote a whole 2 pages to me,one my bio the other my poem and send me 200 dollars,all i had to do was sign the copywright over to them,which like a dummy i did,well here it is 2010 ten years later and i never heard from them..ETERNAL PORTRAITS SUCKS,,THEY WANTED ME TO PAY 80 DOLLARS FOR THE BOOK ALSO,,,LOL,,,WHATEVER
Would anyone that can tell me if the Spring Fever poetry contest with www.writelink.uk is a scam? If you can provide me with real information, please email me at LGBrooks@MTS.net
I sent in three poems to library of poetry and was told it was good enough to be published. I was overwhelmed and thought my poetry was finially good enough to be published. Several people still to this day thinks so. But, library of poetry wanted (or asked) for me to buy their book, which I actually couldn't afford at the time. I truly believed I accomplished something good in my life, so of course I bought the books for self satisfaction and resource. I was even on the front page all three times! Well today I was searching through the internet, much to my surprise, the address is not the same and I found out,the company is in "ripoff scam" on the internet. What a big disappointment it is for me to realize these kind of people are out there to take advantage of us that are trying to share their talents with others!
Oh crap, I was so proud of winning the Editors Choice Award from poetry.com. If I only knew how much I got ripped off. Now I can't find my poem anywhere! And I really fell for it, ugh, I bought the stupid book, which I can't even find anymore.
Men! this is very sucks. I wrote like 7 or more poem in Poetry.com and now there all gone. I work so hard on those poems and put my emotion in every single poem i wrote. I wish they send us back all our poems that we entered in that false website. I really feel bad because I was only 15 when i start writing poem and because of the letter they send me i thought that i really have what it takes to write a poem in the first time of my life.
I wrote the poem Reverence along with other poems as a student in Miami Dade College. The site I entered my poems were for Poetry.com. Which I was baffled to find that it was changed to LuLu. I put my heart and soul into those poems.
I entered a poetry contest close to a year ago. Late summer '09 I received a letter stating I was a semi-finalist of Eber& Wein Publishers'Poetry contest. They said I didn't have to buy a book or plaque; I'd still be published in their anthology. They even went on to say 60% of their entrants would become semi-finalists.If I would sign their publishing release, I would eventually learn if I'd progressed into the final stages and my book would arrive for $ 59.95 when publication was final. Naturally,I opted to buy the book and gave my credit card number. After all,a handwritten critique of my work(as promised in my initial correspondence) had been sent saying I was a narrative poet, writing in the style of Robert Frost, etc. Space was allotted for me to say more about my writing inspiration. A good 5 months have passed: no book, no final answers. I don't know if my credit card number was ,indeed, used. So I am now on line wondering if anyone out there has been scammed by Eber& Wein of
I sent a poem to poetry.com back in 2006, and the letter went on and on with these half-ass false compliments. Then it says I was a "semi-finalist" which probably meant "send us more money". When I found out this website was a scam, I was devastated, and I retired from poetry for a while. They almost took from me the only thing that brought meaning to my life. I only bought the book, so I could have a keepsake at least, and so I could lie to myself and say it was worth it. If only there was some way to stop this, but the law protects them like they are a legitimate business. The Dorrance Publishing Co. is another one to avoid.
WOW ! How I have a story for you. I went to the Orlando symposium and readers and writer contest, The song remained the same back then, I believe it twas 2001, I received the big silver cup award , the 3rd finalist actually came in with our judge late , approx. 20 minutes, I wonder what they were doing ? When anyone tried to talk or question the judges, the security practically jumped on you. Of course it is a scam and salesman pitch and they continue to send crap in the mail. Many have tried to sue them and our dear gov't says they are doing nothing illegal , go figure ! |
i used to send my peoms to poetry.com which is now lulu.poetry.com, i submitted up to 10 poems there, they wrote back for only 4 of the poems the others were not even on the site any more. i'm so glad i didn't pay for a book. |
I have written and sent in a dozen of so poems over a period of about 10 years to Poetry.com. I could access them anytime on the site. I was apparently chosen several times as a winner of the Editor's Choice Award (just a paper with my name and the name of my poem on it - no money). I once bought a book from them (The Sands of Time) with one of my poems in it "Blessed Assurance" The pitch was always the same, if you want your poem published, buy a copy of the Anthology (about $60.U.S.) I often entered the Poetry in Motion Contest. I apparently one in Jan.of 2008 and was told I would receive a $100.- gift certificate, which I never received. I don't care about all that, I just want my poems back. They have dissapeared from the Poetry.Com site. The site has been replaced by another called Lulu Poetry and they have no record of any poetry I have ever written. Apparently, thousands of people are in the same boat as me. Will I ever again be able to retrieve my poems, which are my property.
I too was a foolish victim to this scam. I purchased 2 books with its individualized cover casing & my name engraved on the plate, the wall plaque and crystal trophy. I realized the scam on the purchase of the 2nd book. Every single page with all its poems and poets were identical to the 1st book. The only difference was my poem printed on the first page. It was a little too late, I had already spent several hundred dollars which I could have spent on a nice dress! |
I have sent severla poems to www. poetry.com. I have got many letters about being nominated but you always have to pay to receive awards and also your own poem. My poems have been put in antalogies and on CD. They can sell them but as a writer you don't get nothing. Now a days you can get on the site www.poetry.com anymore
I had 6 ot 7 poems published on Poetry.com which is now taken over by lulul.com?? and one of my poem was also published in a book and I got the hard copy... but I recently had 6 new poems published online... Now I do not see any. They do not even recognise my email as a member.. I have no login or password. Seems like all my peoms are stolen. I am not going to stay quite about this. Anyone else wanna join me?
At poetry.com there was instant access to your poetry. Now I find there is no access as something called Lulu has stolen it. Where is it? You will not get away with it smart arse....... It is stolen from us and we all know it and we all now know you are thieves of the worse kind with the absurd name of Lulu.......I have been ill and was unaware that this site of poetry.com is finished. |
Sir I haver submitted very much at least 150 poems to the international library of poetry and now I can get it on the internet What happened did it go out or something thank you
i put 8 of my poems on poetry.com when i was 14 and they also sent me a letter saying i was going to be published but that i needed to pay like $50 for the book i also got the "editors choice award" [lol] and other offers for voice recordings and plaques, luckily i couldnt get the money. im 17 now &i barely found out it was a scam a couple of weeks ago so ive removed all of them. |
I belonged to poets.com and then it became beta.poets.com and now its gone. Does anyone know if someone bought them out? I had some poetry on there that I did not save to my hard drive and I want it. Any help would be appreciated. |
I went thru several poems etc. with Poetry.com...the buying things etc. but my good experience was the fact that Noble House Publishing Company contacted me, from one of my poems on this site, and has published two of my poems in their poetry books. So; bad and good has come from that site for me. Praise the Lord!!! By the way I also go by: Grantell Thanks for reading!
BlazeVox Books is offering writers publication "with a donation of only $250." Check the following link: http://www.blazevox.org/puboffer.htm. They've recently had their listing removed by Duotrope's Digest, on the grounds of being a vanity press: http://www.duotrope.com/market_3539.aspx.
Like some (almost) of you guys. I did also submitted poems... the money is not important enough. I mean.. Are you sure that the Copyright is yours? they might steal your work and tresent them as their own. Can anybody help me? Where can we submit (legally) some of our works? God bless to all...
Years ago, I submitted a stupid poem to poetry.com and now I can't delete it! I've sent emails to Lulu Poetry (removal-request@poetry.com) asking them to take it down but of course nothing has happened. Does anybody know how to get them to delete a poem? This could potentially hurt my employment opportunities - I don't want any future employer to see an awful poem with my name on it.
Lulu's alias www.poetry.com have taken my writings and put them on Google with this years date, when they were written years ago, and also without my permission. They are vanity press and I am thinking of cobntacting the American Federal Government compnay which deals which such deceptive and wrong practices. Ultimately, everyone now knows, in Australia and elsewhere, about these shady characters who take, take, and use a form of shameful abuse toward the artist; however, how to stop this and address it so more are aware, and not derailed of their time, effort and finances by such unconscionable scammers? Thank you
I submitted a poem to poetry.com a few months ago. Lo and behold, a while later I got a letter in the mail saying that my poem was to be published, as long as I gave 'em some cash, of course. I got really excited, naturally, and told all my friends about it. I wanted to send them the money so my poem was published but my parents said that it was probably a scam. I was a bit angry but luckily we never sent them the money. I just recently found out that it was a scam and am glad that we never sent them money. Thank goodness my parents aren't as trusting!
entered poetry.com's contest. And then they wanted to sell me a book for about 80.dollars with my poem published in it. I didn't buy the book. My poem is on-line at their site.
My heart goes out to anyone that may have had problems with poetry.com. Especially if their issues were not resolved before the company went under. Anyway you look at it, the URL named "www.poetry.com" will always live on. Any poetry or publishing company would jump to be the next owners of that URL. The URL name "www.poetry.com" was RECENTLY purchased by Lulu Poetry. Thank god they kept some things the same, but I'm disappointed that some changes were made. I will REALLY MISS those trips to Vegas. IF the previous owners really scammed anyone, I'm positive they got what they deserved IF they truly deserved it.
Kittykat (IP address:
POETRY.COM IS AWESOME!!! The 2008 poetry contest in Vegas was inspiring!!! I've been reading through these messeges & I don't get it!!! After reading some of these posts, I had decided to research how MEANINGLESS these posts really are. I CAN HONESTLY SAY THAT 98% ARE EITHER B.S. OR ARE RARE & UNFORTUNATE FOR VERY FEW PEOPLE!!!! POETRY.COM IS STILL THERE!!!! HELLO!!!! LEARN HOW TO TYPE!!! AND MAYBE IF SOMEONE WRITES A BAD POEM, IT MAY EVENTUALLY BE DELETED FROM THE POETRY.COM WEBSITE. SORRY TO SAY IT!!! BUT QUALITY POETRY IS WHAT THEY ARE LOOKING FOR!!! I'm only stating that my experiences with POETRY.COM have been 100% POSITIVE. ALL of my poetry from 2007 can still be read on www.poetry.com (WHICH CAN BE FOUND SIMPLY BY TYPING WWW.POETRY.COM). THEY ARE STILL LOCATED ON THE SAME WEBSITE AS ALWAYS!!!! And whoever the man was that CLAIMS he had won "SECOND PLACE" in the 2008 poetry contest (then CLAIMS he had to pay from his winnings)is FULL OF IT!!!! THE SECOND PLACE
Of course Poetry.com is trying to get money from you. They are like any business!!!! They can't pay employees without money!!! THEY HAVE OVERHEAD!!! But.... why not just call them scammers over it huh???? WHATEVER!!! Too funny!!!
My message was cut off so here is the other half of it: And whoever the man was that CLAIMS he had won "SECOND PLACE" in the 2008 poetry contest (then CLAIMS he had to pay from his winnings)is FULL OF IT!!!! THE SECOND PLACE WINNER WAS A WOMAN!!!! He would have known that IF he had attended!!!! I WAS THERE IN VEGAS COMPETING IN THE POETRY CONTEST!!! IT WAS A BLAST!! One more comment then I'm done. Some guy commented that he thought "IT WAS ODD" that his poem was featured on the very first page of the poetry book that he had puchased. WELL..... DUHHHHHHHH!!!!! He could use a little common sense!!!!
Karen (IP address:
I put more than 20 poems online at poetry.com about 6 years ago. I had no idea about this scam until I was just looking for my poems online because I could only remember a couple of them, and they were deleted from my computer a long time ago... Anyway, I actually did buy the book after receiving "the Editor's Choice Award". I received the book, but obviously it wasn't worth it. At the age of 13, it meant the world to me. Too bad it's a scam. I just want my poems back!
My mother entered my daughter's poem as a surprise for my daughter. When the letter arrived, I thought it was a scam but did not want to disappoint my daughter. The book and bio were obviously too expensive to be legit but my daughter would be thrilled to have a book with her poem in it and she was worth. We paid the invoices and waited.... But the book never came. With all the comments on this site, I suspect there are thousands more who have been scammed. I cannot help but wonder if we should consider some sort of class action. I am an attorney. Email me with your details.
I ordered a hardbound book containing my poem from www.poetry.com for 58.95 and am now told they are out of business. Lulu has taken over the website, but offers no solution. Does anyone know if there is an avenue to retrieve my funds?
I am the September 2008 Monthly winner at Poetry.com. I received a letter at the end of October saying I had won the $1,000 prize, and that I should contact Janna Tanner at 410-356-2000 ext. 184. Her email came from jtanner@circapress.com She informed me that they needed my social security number for tax purposes before they could send the check. I found some emails of previous contest winners and wrote them asking if they had ever gotten paid. Some wrote back saying they did in fact receive the $1,000, so I uncomfortably gave them the info. As of today, April 6th, 2009, I have not received a check. My name is listed on the poetry.com site as the winner for September 2008, but there are no other winners after me. Calling their offices results in a disconnected phone, and emailing Janna Tanner results in an "undeliverable address." There seems to be no active site at circapress.com either.
Poetry.com - I sent them a couple of my poems from which (as they say) they used one in their book because it was really good (they all are :)and asked me if I would pay for a copy. Never even reached the contest however. Some of my other works there vanished as if I had never put them there. Could be that somebody is using them as his own. That is disgusting!!! What these scum sucking parasites do is not only stealing, but ripping off other people from their talent and their future as writers. I don`t even know which organisations are for real anymore. We are all swimming in the swamp of garbage called World Wide Web.
I won 2nd place 2008 contest had pay for my copy of my published poetry 102.00 a issue from international library of poetry, not to mention proceeds and royalities off each issue they sold.
I received my "Editor`s Choice"(ha,ha,ha...) award 3 years ago. I never knew that Eternal Portraits was a scam. Thank God I researched this. I still feel proud of my poetry because I know it is genuinely good. Go through the Better Business Bureau. I wish these scams didn`t exist for unaware people to stumble across.
I fell for it as well. I can`t believe it. I didn`t really care about a plaque or book but my mom was so proud and now i`m angry. I tried looking up my poem and couldn`t even find it! Even the emails that ask you to edit your poem and stuff. I hit the link and it says sorry your poem is not available! What the Hell! I didn`t submit it only for it to be gone! Somebody should sue but I suppose nobody knows who runs it or anything that would help as far as that goes. I have enough self esteem problems as it is.
I was scammed by poet laureates. they took $103.00 for a book and plaque.
Im pissed. People are so greedy in this world and thats why it`s hard to trust people. Now i have learned that anything can sound good but that doesn`t mean its legitimate. I really thought that submitting my poem to this horrible poetry.com would allow people to see my talents and now im crying inside because I allowed myself to be vulnerable to this scam. Comes around and goes around worst so these cruel ass people will pay.
I wrote my poetry 34 years ago and put it all in book form hand written. My wife entered one of my poems and it took off like wild fire. Wow what a trip, I did get a book for each of my kids but did`nt take all the offers. When I found out the joke was on me I laughed. I enjoyed the experiance of getting published but it hurt a little. I am a rancher and will help most anyone.I can`t believe the BBB allows this kind of FUN.
Wow. I`m really glad I accedently ran into this site. I feel really embaressed now. I got a letter that said that they would publish my poem in a book. It made me feel good but I guess I`ve been my normal gullable self again. I fall for things too easily. PLEASE look up my poems on poetry.com by my name and see if you like them because I`m only 17 and I feel like I`m pretty good at writing. I just hope this website doesn`t hurt me too. Uh.. well i did just send somethinng in but Philip on 10-15-06 really makes a point. so ?????????????????????????????????????????? idk
hi my name is lynne morel. Now I am not emailing to criticize or to be know as a complainer. I just would like to know if anyone that does the publishing work for poetry.com. Because I had paid to recieve my published article in the mail. It was about bulimia. I was told I was going to get an a plaque and my poem was being published. Now I would like If I could still get my material. Can you email me and send this please or my money back not to be rude. When a company makes promises like one like this one they should not cheat people because they are going have a bad reputation and they are going to lose business.
Well, i was just reading some old mail, and remembered using poetry.com in 2002. and getting all the mail re plaques and books and invites to go to america,.. I see my poem is still on this site,,,and i guessed at the time it was a scam,..and yes well it sure is,,..Glad never wasted any money at the time,,and hopefully this site has helped lots of people to be more aware of scams etc.
I`m extremely pissed off at the moment. I have sent in 2 poems to poetry.com after a person on deviantart.com suggested I submit it. Either she has been scammed too or is a scam artist. I`ve sent in the letters, giving them permission to supposedly publish my poems, and have thankfully never paid for anything. I never ordered a book, plaque, or award, since my mom didn`t know I submitted my poetry and thus having something sent to the house would have been horrible. Thank you for this site for reassuring me that this is a scam. I doubted the site in the beginning, but decided to try it out. Thanks again for all the posts and confirming my doubts. I feel so idiotic for having fallen for it, and am grateful I never sent money.
I too was a scam victim of peotry.com I wrote a few poems for them that were worth publishing according to them. I even brought 2 of their books and like the others my poem was on the first page. I thought that seemed kinda odd. but I am the trusting kind I take people at their word. for what is a man without his word? anyway I will never post anything else with them. But I will cherish the two books that I have with my poetry in them. For I know that I am a POET.
I never send money. But all is not a waste. I read your poems, and you read mine. We inspire one another, that is what it is all about.
I submitted one of my poems to a site called poetry.com. They wrote me a letter saying that I won an editor`s choice award. I never got that "award". A few days later my poem that I wrote ended up an another site under the name of poetry.com. That poem came from my heart and to be scammed like that annoyed the heck out of me. I have never been scamed like this before. I really love poetry but I just do not like being scammed. I just want my poem back.
I guess I got taken also. I also sent in two poems to Poetry.com. I also got a letter that my one poem was selected. A month later i got another letter saying my poem was picked as Editor`s choice award and was selected for the sound of poetry and it was going to be on a cd. I bragged to my mother and she bragged to her friends. I`m glade that i didn`t have the money at the time to order the book. I just happened to stumble across this site tonight and read all the others that got scamed. It depressed because my poems are about my son that I lost. They were born to early. but thanks for listing and letting me know about the scam and i hope that we are able to worn other people belive me im going to put the word out. thanks again,
I sent my poem to "poetry.com", And shortly after I recieved a letter stating that my poem was good enough to be published,but I need to pay in order to get a copy of the book.Stupid me, I gave them permission to publish my poem and I bought the book.A week later, I recieved a letter offering me a cd with my poem,again they wanted money.Please people "poetry.com" also known as "the International Library of Poetry" is a scam. They accept everyone and everybody`s poem is in the first page of the book.
I just recently sent a poem into poetry.com and today i got something in the mail, but before i sent anything i wanted to check it first. so i did and i found this site and i want to thank you all before i sent anything in. i was actually quite heartbroken but i`m also very happy i didnt waste my money or anything, my mom too is very dissapointed..
I submitted a poem and was offered a beautiful plaque to buy right away which I refused. Low and behold just 2 days later poetry.com stated my poem was now published in an anthology and I could buy the book for $50 some; a discount they said since my poem was on it`s own page. At first I was very excited until I noticed that on the top of the notice from them was an expected release date of the anthology with the year 2006. R u getting this? It`s now 11-15-2008! Scam!!!! Unfortunately I had already submitted 3 other poems, all of course which are also being considered for publication! My daughters, one 20 and the other 15, told me about this site and are very disappointed now since I investigated this obvious scam and informed them as well! What an obvious way to scam hopeful writers out of money and the people who love and encourage them! This organization (if you can call it that) should be immediately shut down!! There is no e-mail address to contact poetry.com.
Oh, great... I guess I fell for it, too. I submitted a poem to Poetry.com and got the same exact emails that everyone has been describing. I generally don`t write poetry because I generally have nothing important to say. But I put my heart and soul into the one poem that I submitted, and now (I`ll admit) I`m devastated to find out that it was all a scam. I need money to help pay for college, and hoped that I could pay for it if I won at least ONE of the prizes Poetry.com was talking about. But now I found out that you have to pay your own way to the convention, and EVEN THEN you might or might not win. The worst part about this whole thing is I told my friends and family about being a "selected semi-finalist" and now, I have to return to them, in shame, and tell them it was all a hoax. To me, that`s worse than wasting $50 on a bogus anthology.
My daughter sent in a poem to The League of American poets in the summer of 2006 and they wrote her back wanting to publish her poem. I sent a check in the amount of $155.00 for 5 leather bound books that as of today have not been received. I have called and they have had the phone disconnected I started E-Mailing this person ashreisrael@hotmail.com. Now I cant get them on that either. I would like to see if they have a corporation or is it just a scam, and what can i do to get justification.
Sadly, I found out about the poetry scam after having bought the sixty dollar book that has my poem in the first page. I also got the letters telling me the poem Id submitted was good enough to make it to the semifinals...I was so happy, since I dont ever seem to be good at anything... so when I found out that everybody`s poem is falsely "good enough" I was devastated...
Actually, I hope you don`t hate me, and don`t send me some virus for my difference of opinion, but I think that you are unfair. I do write poems and I do publish them on poetry.com and it costs me nothing. Granted, $50 for one poem in one book is ridiculous - but I don`t buy any of their books. Stupid people who do are what gives poetry.com the money to pay for people like me. I am a sad disparaged widow, with a dead dog, a heart condition and degenerated disc disease. I sit in pain as now, cannot stand for more than 3 minutes and I put my grief on poetry.com When someone dies, I write - and a friend goes to poetry.com and prints my poem, copies it and gives it out at services. They get one or two ads to buy books - and delete them. So?
This is going to break my heart. My 12 year old daughter made a poem for me for my birthday. It was a very cute and funny poem that really impressed me. When I saw the ad of poetry.com at Star Magazine, I got really excite and decided to enter her poem. Imagine my excitement when I got notified that her poem was chosen as a finalist and that they were going to publish it. My daughter got really excited too. I just became suspicious because when I was filling out the order form, i read that I should get a copy of the Published Poems by winter 2009. To make the delivery date clearer, I decided to give them a call BUT nobody ever picked up my phone call. So I decided to email them back BUT nobody really replied to me. I kept on getting that same reply which says call that non-existent phone number. My dilemna is this: I have no wish at all to further propagate this scam but how do I tell my daughter that we have been scammed? Sometimes, I just feel like giving them their $40.
I have poems published sence 1996 with (Poerty Guild) when they suddenly disapare and change the name to the (National Library of Poets) and now they call themself the (National Society of Poets) Every poems I send them is a winner I send them my complain as a poem and they published it, puls many others poems which they have chewed up. they claim I am naminated as one of the best poets of 2007 with a poem which I enter the composition in 2008 when I chech the list for 2007 it was empty even 2006 is empty these people are diplomatic thives. even their email address is a scam to rob the poor.
Not only did I EXPERIENCE what everyone else spoke about. I lost poems that were posted. They disappeared without the telling me nothing. I myself wonder if our work is truly copyrighted. And honestly, who really know of a winner?
I was almost a total victim of a poetry scam. I went to poetry.com and wrote a poem that I was pleased about, but was careful not to give my best. Somehow I felt strange about this free poetry contest. In two weeks, I got a response, saying congratulations! The strange thing was that I kept getting, in my emails from poetry.com and the snail mail, offers to buy something. I was too excited to be getting famous after all that I didn`t pay attention. Thankfully, I didn`t buy anything for about a month. Then, just today, I got a message from poetry.com from someone in London, asking if I`d give them permission to publish my work. First, I had to pay something. The strange thing is, I have a friend who submitted something EXACTLY the same day as I, and we both got EXACTLY the same mail from poetry.com. That rung a bell. Feeling wary, I was about to look up poetry.com on google when I saw the word scam as a popular word search. I added scam, and sure enough, it was a scam. I`
I want to think all of you for posting you experiences. I haven`t posted any of my peoms online yet because I wanted to make sure that everything was legit first. Poetry.com was one of the top websites that I was considering. Thank you so much for the heads up.GOD BLESS ALL
hey... to cut matters short.. i wasn`t ripped off from money.. just my work.. everyone watch out from poetry.com i wrote a poem that was to enter a free contest and after about two weeks they sent me an email saying that i was nominated for the pest poem and poet of 2007 all i had to do was send some money commemorate my works and get a medallion and have my name forever noted in history... i am only 14 yrs old.. and i was really happy... but then after i googled the website i found millions of people saying that its all a scam.. i was so disappointed and i cried i felt so sad then i was just pissed!!! and till now they send me emails saying i won the best poet award and the crystal trophy and medals and i was semifinalist in some contest.... i was really angry every-time they sent me an email cause i though of all the people who did send money and got scammed (ther`s even a website called poetrynot.com or something like that.. so that itself proves they`re just a bunch of rip-off artists.
Yes...i was fooled. I wrote back to them demanding they not use my material. I said I did not want anything to do with them. Now they are using my material to promote their website. What can i do?
I have had a bad experience with Poets.com. They have frauded me monthly in 2007, September, Ocotber, December, January 2008, February, and March, 2008, my Toronto Dominion Bank account credit card several times each month. I paid them $48 and pence USD February 5, 2008 and they did never send me my Poets.com plaque nor open my website since February, 2008 that I can get at it and my membership is still valid and they will not still allow the website open. Customer Service I called and wrote and Howard --- and Russell --- who expected a book sent him of the website`s poems have been written and copies of the fruading sentthem and Steve ---. ISP has not repaid me monies they took of my TD card that has been confiscated for investigation further into Poets.com. The scam they are decent and do not fraud monthly or paid a year`s membership and pay me website and other poets poems to read or praise is but a heart attack that might kill me. Please, for ISP and ILP has been charged i
I discovered ILP way back in the 90`s. Submitted and yes, fell hook line and sinker. I`ve purchased about 4 books and a CD with other poets. music and moderator. But the constant harassment of snailmail, and emails are way too much. I wrote "My Walk With God" and have been promised promised the sun, moon and stars...if I`d just come to the Convention. Hey, I`m in my 80`s now and far too broke to make any trips or buy anything...for years! I`ve nicely written them, explained...and they STILL do the same...for more than a year! Thank you for the heads up. Guess I`ve been a Stupido like the others who really believed them.
I submitted my poem 2 and they said i was a semifinalis and said come to Las Vegas to get an award and even sent me discount i recentley just got an editors chice awrd thank god i didnt pay a dime i suscribed and then unsuscribed and its sad that there lying to ppl about their poem saying its good to good and good to bad wen some ppl worked hard!
I have submitted 4 poems to Poetry.com. Two have been published, and I paid for two books. I realized when I saw both my poems on the front page that it was a scam. They then said they wanted me to read my poems at a convention in Las Vegas, but I had to pay a fee. I won so many awards, but I had to pay them to get the awards. I wonder now if my poems really have the copyright that they put on them. Poetry.com is a big scam. They keep saying you won, but you have to pay them to get your award.
I kept sending in more poetry, trying to revise and improve it. So, when they said anything good about it, I thought they were being honest at first. But every poem sent in deserved a beautiful plaque I had to pay for, including the poems I sent, with some nasty remarks. I`m glad I didn`t have money to give them. When they told me I`ve been selected for one of the best poets of 2007, I didn`t get any prize in the mail, and no award without buying a special plaque for it. It`s 2008 by the way. I`ve given up any hopes of winning. All I can say now is scam tastes sweeter than Spam. It really does.
I am writing to thank all of you that took time to document your experience with poetry.com. My mother (widowed, age 88, living with me) sent a poem in and, naturally, it was accepted. She was too excited and was on her way to purchase a book but lost some of the information in her initial "acceptance letter". When I checked to see if the lost document was available for download, I came upon your scam information. It really opened her eyes and she tore up the letter. A great big THANKS to AuthorMe for the valuable information.
I received a award recognition on evrey poem I have written to poetry.com,asking me to purchase the book my poem was going to be in, im figuring I would have to buy at least 12 to 13 books to view each one of my poems. Thats the weird thing. I think they recognize evrey poem. Then tell us it was chosen so they make money on our work through printing it making it look artsy then collecting on our feeling like poets.
Well, just like everyone else from what I am reading, I too have dealt with poetry.com. It didn`t take me that long to figure out what they were doing. On another note, does anyone no about writers digest? Is it a scam?
I have submitted a poem to the `International Society of Poets.` I had a CD recording done of my work and along with other poems read, thought it well done. I also had a book of poems with my work published on the first page, a well presented book. I later ordered one more book which I have given to my sister, who was very pleased to receive it. All three items I paid for and received within a few weeks of ordering. I later ordered a plaque with my work on, and that was delivered within good time from payment. I expect to pay for any product I order, whether it be a dress or name tags. The items I ordered are well made and well priced and my work in them a bonus product. I have since been invited to the `symposium` for this July 2008. I have not attended, but have now received a letter where I do not have to attend, but still get my work out there, and receive the awards etc. for the sum of $169.00 which is to take care of costs of shipping etc, reading of my work and so on.
I`ve personally never brought into any of this to be honest, until now. They`re always encouraging me to buy the anthology but I never do and to insist on me going to their symposium to pick up my award. But since a person from a couple of posts up stated that the fee for all of this is too high and that EVERYBODY receives a award, this challenges the credibility of the website and leaves me rather skeptical. I just write poetry for school of thought and to release my mind not to experience all of this deception and lies. What site could I go to to earn real recognition?
I sent my poem to this organization www.poetrylaureates.org and they scammed me out of $103. for a book a plaque. I was stupid, however, I`ve seen many people give scam alerts to The League of American Pots and I had no trouble with them at all. I got my book and was very pleased.
Report received 10/4/02 - concerning Poetry.com
Report/inquiry received 11/11/02 - concerning Poetry.com
Report/inquiry received 1/7/03 - concerning Poetry.com
Received 1/12/03:
I believe Poetry.com is a scam and found out too late!
They are supposedly in the process of publishing a book which will contain
one of my poems, plus said I was chosen out of 33 people to have it also put
on CD. Both costs me money!! The book alone was $59.95! I ordered their
Laureate Course and it took months to come in! Though it seems to be
helpful, the price is crazy!! Now another place FamousPoets.com, somehow saw
another of my poems they want to publish with others and if I want the book
it will cost $39.95! What money do I get? Nothing. Better to be cautious
than sorry. For now on, I'm working on my poems to submit to authors only
that will help me sell my work!!!
Received 1/22/03:
After submitting my poems to Poetry.com, I received notification that my
poems had won their contest and that I could receive a silver cup: the catch
was I had to go to Washington, DC and attend some writing conference that
would cost hundreds of dollars. Of course I didn't do it, but I did call
them to ask that my prize be sent to me anyway. Well, that never happened.
You only get it if you attend the conference. I also received the literature
about buying their books and CD's, which, I threw in the garbage. That was
even before I realized what a scam outfit they were. Guess it's my New
Yorker instinct. When I first got their letter I was so puffed up about my
work, very happy, thinking, WOW, I my poems had been selected. Well, I am
still proud of my poems, but rather be recognized by real readers, not a
scam outfit looking to tap into sensitive egos.
Tina Portelli
Received 2/4/03
ILIAD PRESS is a SCAM. We as authors try very hard to be
the best that we can be and all we want is a fair chance. If someone wants our work and we
have won a contest, just send us our prize, not a form to fill out that
says send me your money and you will be in a special book with your name
in large letters. I say, thank you anyway.
Received 2/12/03
The first poem I submitted to
Poetry.com was selected for the semi finals of their competition. When I
received the artist's release, I quickly realised that this was a scam -
they wanted me to pay for the privilege of being published. This was soon
followed by a barrage of emails informing me I'd won a trophy for my
excellent work. The only snag was I'd have to pay for it myself! I was
then invited to read at a poet's symposium in Washington. More big bucks.
I decided to test their honesty.
I cut and pasted an old college essay into a word document, deleted words
at random and created a 20 line non-sensical poem, devoid of rhythm, metre
and talent. I submitted this 'work' and lo and behold I was selected as a
Received 2/17/03
Yeah, another victim of
Poetry.com, profit at the poets expense, I've sent an e-mail instructing them to
delete my poems from their website, as should all the other gullible suckers!
I think P.C is typical of a lot of websites today, I've been
published in numerous anthologies, other than theirs, and when you stop and
think about it, the poet receives payment by way of a massaged ego and an
invite to purchase the book, not to mention the dangling carrot, prize
money, a widespread world wide exploitation.Gerry
Received 2/28/03
I, too, was a celebratory poet
of achievement as per poetry.com. I also received a glowing letter of my
work submitted that it was selected for the usual convention honors. In
a letter, they didn't specify what or which poem it was and I had to
re-submit another.
Oh, I would have received a silver cup all right, if only I would pay
for shipping and handling (up front) for not attending the convention in
Orlando. That price was never mentioned, only one was the "reading" fee
of $169.00 to be read at the convention.
If you ever had attended a convention, which I did in D.C. a couple of
years ago, I found out that every one gets an award for walking in. After
all, you do pay upwards of $500 to attend plus your airfare, etc. When
it came time to receive my plaque for merit, the supply had run out and
they had to mail it to me a couple of weeks later. All I came home with
was the medallion and a coffee cup. The open mike sessions were
laughable as they were not hosted by anyone that seemed to be a
professional at it, other than a staff member.
Yes, at first I thought about going to the convention in Orlando, until
I started to tally up the costs for it all. Would have been a very
expensive weekend.
Received 3/1/03
I sent
in one poem in 2000 to poetry.com. Lo and behold, I received a
letter (is this a shock?) saying I was a semi-finalist. 2000.
Remember that. I lost the authorization form, but that was okay, as
they contacted me via email to say I could authorize it online.
That’s right, no legal signature required; all I had to do was
respond to the email. I was
thrilled at first to receive the letter, and almost believed it. I
had mailed in a poem to a group with a similar name though, in high
school (this was the mid-eighties) and after the pleasant fuzzies
had worn off, I remembered vaguely that the letter seemed almost
identical. It’s
2003 now, and I have not sent them anything since. (Well, except the
poem I sent in yesterday under my dog’s name to see what would
happen, and to qualify for the Wergle Flomp Poetry Contest (see http://www.winningwriters.com/contestflomp.htm), which is a
contest essentially mocking poetry.com and the likes. I wonder if
the US Postal Service will deliver mail to Stormy the Dog at my
address. We will see.) Anyway, even though I have not sent them
anything since 2000, I am still receiving offers via snail mail and
email offering publication in their anthologies and Poet of the Year
awards if I come to their convention. Now please, how can I be a
Poet of the Year for one poem submitted over two years ago? Please.
It may not be illegal (though I view the email authorization with
suspicion), but it is morally criminal. Especially to minors.
Received 3/5/03
Following my posting of 17/02/03, after six e-mail requests to delete my
poems from Poetry.Com, I eventually received an acknowledgment and apology for
the delay, plus a request to re-submit my request because ALL my original
e-mails could not be located. I presume that included the one they responded
to, and which contained the necessary information for deletion of my poems. That was a week ago, and I've just received an e-mail confirming my request
was carried out. Yes, I did check, but they sure don't make it easy. Too fond
of bread and butter?Gerry. -- Received 4/26/03
I was also suckered by ILP.
Although, I'm relatively sure it's been a while since anyone's contacted you
as such. Because their brochures claimed that their anthologies are annually
purchased by libraries, bookstores and the recording industry, I thought that
others (aside from the poets who purchase the tome) would
be reading my poetry. How wrong I was. Seriously, is this even legal?
Stating that their anthologies will be sold at bookstores, used by those in the
recording industry, and available in libraries? From what I have been
able to gather, this is absolutely not true! So, how can it be legal, if
you don't mind me kindly asking. I was so humiliated when I received "Days
Gone By" to see my poetry saddles alongside the works of 3rd graders
(bless their hearts). And, the cover art, which was a lousy sticker,
wasn't even straight on the book's cover! The darn thing was crooked! I paid
for it using a checking account gifted to me by my Great Aunt (who is no
longer with us), during my first year of college. But, the money was just
sitting there, as I was living in a Dorm with all my stuff (including food)
already paid for me! So, I cut them a check... The release date of my
anthology was 12/15/97 (the year I know is correct, as it was 1 year after I
graduated from High School). However, I paid for it back when I didn't need
the money. And, I kept it as a reminder of my mistake. But, I am at a point
in my life in which I could greatly use that money, again. So, is there
any way, that you are aware of, to get a refund, from them? I would call
them, but am out of work, and living at a parent's house, who has a
long-distance block. And, I would write them, if I wasn't sure that they'd most
certainly throw my letter away and most likely never respond. Whereas, with
E-Mail, you know within a short while if it was delivered. In fact, after I
realized what a scam this was, I found that a few of my poems were on their
site. So, I E-Mailed them (this was back when their site had an E-Mail
address listed as a method with which to contact them) and asked them, more
than once, to remove it! They finally did so. However, a few years after
the fact, I checked up on their site, and found that my poetry was once
again on their site! And, there's no *real* way to ask them to remove
it, now, that they have no E-Mail address with which to reasonably contact
them with. *sigh* Thanks for listening!Wade
Received 5/2/03I would have to agree with another of other people out there that
Poetry.com is by far the worst. First of all, they blow all this smoke up your
way and then I find out by doing a little research they are a scam. I think
they should not be allowed on the internet. They should not take advantage of
people that confide something personal usually when writing these poems. Some
are very personal, especially the September 11 poems that are cruel if you ask
me.JonReceived 5/6/03I have to laugh, I am sorry. How ironic this is to me. I had my envelope in
the mailbox addressed to Poetry.com after receiving one of their letters. My
poem had hand written praise on it by someone named M.W. Scribbled were the
words "well written"...I happened to go on the net and find out that it is all
a scam thanks to all of you who have unfortunately been "taken". I have
promptly removed my letter and torn up my check for 60 something dollars. What
a rip-off.......I am regretful that I had to learn from others pain, but
thankful as well.....Here I thought I was a good writer and a dog was able to
win. Go figure, not that anyone really cares, but here was my submission. Have
a laugh and a soda. For the price of the book? The drinks are on me.
The Snow Princess A thousand mirrors shatter, the sound of breaking glass
It opens up another realm of shame that has come to pass
She turns her sapphire prisms to watch the envy's flight
knowing that her destiny is another lonely night
Her raven hair a scarcity in this world of purple haze
she wanders in the darkness, not daring to face the days.
She stops in a garden meadow, sweet jasmine fills the night
the subtle sound of a ravens crest as the watchful bird takes flight
She hides behind her shadow as it dances through her soul,
she tiptoes ever closer to the edge of no control,
her looking glass eyes reflect the chill of the water far below,
the jagged edge of destiny slicing along her soul.
Hail the winds that brought her here, so cold and yet so bare,
stripping her of her sanity, one so brazen, one so fair
Daring her to take the leap," Just do it" she hears them scream.
No one will ever miss you, not even when they dream
Her lip begins to quiver as the tears form infinite pools
her past an apparition of liars, thieves and fools.
She gasps for air just one last time as she takes her final breath
Her will to live through a broken heart has brought her to her death Mindi Susan Lopez
Copyright ©2003 Mindi Lopez
Received 5/13/03
I thank you for your attempts to bring these
vultures down. Poetry.com being one of the most despicable sites out
their. I would like to inform you of one of their other 'partners in
crime': They are called Noble House Publishers.
Poetry.com is obviously breaching promise of privacy i.e.; not releasing
any details to anyone else. What lies. They seem to be passing on info to
Noble House. Do you perhaps have an E-mail address for Poetry.com so that
may have my poems removed?
Received 6/7/03I have a site that you might want to check: http://poetrynotcom.tripod.com
It's a warning to all (wannabe) poets out there. To show them that
poetry.com is only after their money.AC
Received 6/8/03I submitted this to test Poetry.Com's system. I believe strongly that they
never read most of the poems. They must parse them through their servers
straight to printers. This was selected as a semi-finalist. I submitted it under the name Poopy
Head, and you can search that name on their site to read it there...LOL
Here is the poem:
Seriously messed up
My bottom is warn thin
I sat on the john too long
It was such a sin
to play with my shlong. My wife stunk up the head
and I am stuck in there
the stench make my hair shed
I wish I would not peee the bed. This is a write of LiteraryEscape
dott comm
from scams we must escape
that is what is Poetry dott comm. Poopy Head
Copyright ©2003 Poopy Head
Received 6/21/03No i am not feeling scammed, no i am not feeling taken, i know the ilp have
been having conventions since 1990, and if you know anything about buisness
you know they are in it to make money. And sure they will make a pretty penny.
But think of the cost to host such and endevor... Renting the hilton hall,
paying for the entertainment, paying for the food and the workshops. And i do
know that having a 200 page book published costs big bucks. I think the money
spent will be an experience to the tenth degree and i plan on having a great
time, get my book, my cup, my plaque, meet mickey rooney, see the shows,
attend the gala dinners, and read my poetry.......... And in general have the
time of my life..... Do i expect to become a great poet, no. Do i expect to
make a bunch of money? No. Do i expect to see lights, camera and action... No.
I guess it is all in the manner that you want to view it. And those people who
complained have their right, and i will have the right to see this as i do. I
find it a wonderful opportunity to meet other poets from around the world. So
........................ No i am not dampered one little bit.......
But thanks for your concern..
Love meWayneReceived 6/23/03 Beware, there's a
new one out there, though I'm not sure how new.
I received a letter from Noble House, telling me that they read my work here
in the states (Yes, I sadly am one who was roped in by the scam of Poetry.com)
and that the "congratulate me on the grand endeavour and propose to me that my
singular talent and vision deserve appropriate recognition in Europe as well."
They have a good way to kill esteem don't they?
Chris Received 7/16/03You are
right. I looked it up and there it was: Poopy Head at the poetry.com site.
What a joke.CaroleReceived 7/17/03Hello, my name is Heidi and I want to report another possible Poetry scam
called JMW Publishing Company.
I only recently received a letter stating that my poem is fit for publishing
in an annual anthology if I pay 39.99. The anthology is supposed be donated to
several college libraries (they gave me a list, which I checked a few to have
no trace of the titled anthology or anything by the publishers), and for the
price you pay you get 3 copies to be shipped within 90-120 days.
I checked up the city the publishing company's address states and found no
publishing company by that name (and it's supposed to be around since 1988),
also the president of the company doesn't exist and the name even sounds fake.
Jim Wyzard.. sounds like a hacker.
Anyway, strange parts are that we pay money for the anthology is that they
offer a refund and they will "republish the poem, or refund, at the author's
discretion". If the anthology is distributed across the country how can they
republish it? That means they will have to send new copies to everyone. It
sounds fishy.
Also I entered three poems and only one was chosen and even though it costs me
forty dollars to publish the book I am still entered in their yearly contest
where the winners receive, $100, $50, or $25. It is definitely not like poetry
dot com's 1,000 dollar prize winner.. does this sound like a scam?
JMW Publishing Company is included among lists of other "real" publishing
companies but it still has no record of actual publishing. Only contests.
HeidiReceived 9/30/033I got the scam letter, too ... so I replaced my poem with a new little
ditty which can be seen at Poetry.com:
There once was a man from Nantucket
Who submitted a poem and said Fucket ...
You get the idea.
Another satisfied writer for Poetry.comReceived 11/7/03Does anyone have any info on JMW Publishing? It seems it could be a small
version of the Poetry.Com scam. They do not seem as polished as Poetry.com,
but the end result is they request a up-front fee to be published in a book
series called "Visions."
They do state that the criteria for publication is purchase of the book, but
the poetry contest can still be entered whether or not you pay to be included
in the particular series. The cash prizes for winning poetry is between $25.00
and $100.00, which is a much smaller amount than Poetry.com is said to offer.
The letterhead they send you is not as praise-worthy or as flashy as the
former. Your writing is not proudly displayed for all to see in a clear window
of the delivered envelope. It is simply a copy of the e-mail that you sent
them. Also included is a seperate piece of paper; hand signed, letting you
know that your poem is excellent.
Flags are going up all over the place! This is the only forum I have found any
info questioning this company. I would like to hear from anybody who has any
experience with Jmw. Doug Travis
travisdet@aol.co Received 11/18/03
This is really a horrible thing. A teacher submitted one of my 13 yr old daughters poems to poetry.com. We
got the letter of praise and she was so proud of herself. When I read the
cost of the anthology I got suspicious.
I got on the net and found this out. Now I have to tell my daughter that
this was a scam. She
is not real high on self esteem, and this is not going to help. I hope that
something can be done about
these people. What is sad is her poem is really good.
Received 12/6/03I got the link
through an online game called utopia
which is a respectable game. So trusting the game I
went to poetry.com and submitted a poem and WOW! I was
selected fortunately I didn't have the money at the
time to waste on the book. the I submitted a poem which
I was very proud of them WOW I was a winner again
but this I was an editors choice. Then I received an
email from them saying they wanted to publish me in
the UK and I am like sure... No now furious for
perverting the point of my favorite poem I submitted
I can't believe
you people
You guys are liars
Taking respectable poets
and putting a blind over there eyes
this is all fake
I am sick of you
All of you should be ashamed of yourself
I hope that you are put out of business.
this disgrace is called poetry dot com
The first time I
tried submitting it they wouldn't
allow me to put the word "SCAM" in it. OH SURPRISE, now I
wait for my letter to come saying I have been
published for this poem. I am truly furious at them
and believe that they should not be able to disgrace
the work of respected poets everywhere ANYMORE!HobbitReceived 12/7/03I just want to
know what I could do to stop it. I tried emailing them of course it isn't an
actual email. And I spent my parents money for a book with one of my so
called "published" poems in it. And now I want the money back and am really
angry about it. I was looking forward to having one of my poems published
and my parents are still waiting for a book that will possibly never come.
It's been two months and I haven't received this book with my poem in it.
::sighs:: It's www.poetry.com, I just recently found out about the scam.
HopeReceived 12/11/03Poetry.com, also
known as the International Library of Poetry, or the International Society
of Poetry, recruits famous poets to preside at their annual conventions.
These poets, according to the poetry.com website, are "professors and PhDs
in literature" at leading universities. These respected poets are used by
the ISP to lend an air of legitimacy to an organization that victimizes
thousands of people each year. One can only specualte why these poets
prostitute themselves to such an organization. It might be a good idea if
folks were to e-mail these professor poets to let them know their opinions
regarding the ISP, poetry.com, and ILP, also opinions regarding anyone who
would lend their talents to assist such an organization. [Please write me
for] the names of the professors who appear at the ISP conventions....
I got these e-mail addresses off the internet. So I don't believe I'm
invading anybody's privacy. If these poets are proud of their connection to
Poetry.com and the ISP they should be glad to hear from those who've entered
their contests.CharlieReceived 12/16/03Oh, the winner
should definitely be poetry.com.
They have themselves connected with www.emode.com now, and a couple of
months ago I clicked a link to 'test my poetry IQ.' Before I got my results,
they wanted me to submit a poem. So, I slapped down something from a school
assignment--I'm only 17--hit 'submit' and waited for my test results...which
I never got. What I did get, however, was an email tonight telling me my
poem had been selected for an anthology called 'Eternal Portraits.' (The bad
title alone should have clued me off.)
My first reaction was to be very excited--any artistic ego would love to
believe that their poem was a semi-finalist in a competition--but as soon as
they asked me for money, I knew there was trouble. Then I noticed how easy
the forms asking for 'verification' that my work was original were to fill
out. Too easy. I was convinced it was a ridiculous scam by now.
I did some poking around on their site and found some awful poetry being
displayed, and noticed that they'd published something like one anthology a
month for the past four years. Ha. I decided to do some quick research to
see how many other people had been scammed, and laughed out loud at the 954
web results for 'poetry.com scam.'
Of course, when I realized that I couldn't get my poem off their site, I
wasn't so pleased. You can't just delete it...they want you to call some
long-distance phone number, which undoubtedly is perpetually hooked up to an
answering machine that automatically deletes all its messages at the end of
every day. I won't even bother. I've now read enough testimony to know it
won't get me anywhere.
I did go to their site and edit my poem for them though, because you can do
that. It's now a very long insult with a tacky rhyme scheme, that ends with
me asking them to remove my poem. I even changed the title to 'F*** Off'...
The language is called for, I believe. Con artists who take advantage of
hopeful writers are the scum of the universe. I really hope they send me
another email, this time about the glories of my poem, 'F*** Off.' Wouldn't
that be hilarious?
~May Received 1/28/04Late last year, I
sent in a poem on Poetry.com for a contest. All of a
sudden I get these papers saying that they want to publish my poem in a
poetry book, that I can buy the book for 49.95, and I can also get my poem
printed on a plaque for 40$ I also was a semi-finalist. Yesterday, January
27th, 2004, I just received papers inviting me to the annual Poetry
Symposium at the Walt Disney World Resort. It said that I would get a silver
cup award, and if I won the grand prize of 20 000& that I would also win a
publishing contract etc. Well, I'm in Gatineau, QC and all of the money that
I have spent so far (for the plaque) has been in US$..and now they want me
to attend this symposium in Florida which I would have to pay for hotel
accomodations (167$ US per night) plus the flight etc. Let me tell you, I
couldn't go either way but I was very excited and would have gone if I had
the money, that is until I came to your site and read all of the reviews for
Poetry.com. Thanks to all who posted them and thank you for having this
LouiseReceived 1/29/04I too have listed
my poetry at poetry.com but only to copywrite it. I
have also called the long distance phone number and got an actual person. I
have gotten only 2 poems asked to be submitted for their anthology series
called A Friends Calling and I am a Black Woman. I would like to know what
and how to get my poetry published. without the DRAMA.
Thanks SDW Received 2/5/04I have been receiving many ongoing mailings via US Mail
as well as in my email from Poetry.comAt first I was allured to the possibility of having my
poetry published, but then when the first letter came in and
said we need $25 for the Author's Profile and $49 for one book
and $89 for two, I was beginning to be skeptical... I did it
anyway, just to see what would happen... I had my first poem
published and I even got an Editor's Choice award for it
too... I paid the $50 to buy the Poetry on cd too... And
because the Poem was very special and sentimental to me I even
bought the $89 poem encased on a walnut plaque so that I could
give it to him for a wedding present... Then the big
scam came...... They sent me a letter stating that they wanted
me to come to some awards ceremony claiming to have some big
stars there to give out the awards, but I needed to send them
$179 for my award... Of course I didn't fall for that and I
soon began to discard the emails and the mail after that....
My english teacher and also the Editor with whom I work
with informed me that if you have to pay for an award that you
really deserve, then there is something wrong with this
picture.. So I felt pretty good about that. and then the
little girl down my street also started getting stuff from
Poetry.com too and was so excited that she was going to have
her poem published.... I later informed her mother about the
Poetry.com scam and to please not get discouraged over her
daughter's ability, but don't fall into the trap of paying out
money they really didn't have....SO, if there is anything else I can include, please feel
free to email me and I will do so.. I am a free lance writer
and also a good poet and have been published in the past long
before Poetry.com and really hope that there is something more
that we can do to bring about awareness of these types of
scams.Sincerely,De AnneReceived 2/6/04Hi the ISP spring
poetry symposium. It is with the national poetry society and they tell you
that Bob Eubnaks will be there (former game show host), and they invite you
to FLorida. The cost is outrageous. Please check this one out for me.
Thanks,CarlReceived 2/25/04I would like to
know is there such a thing as the Nobel House of Poetry. I have not received
the books that I order. It has been serveral months now. There is no phone
number listed for them or there flyer just addresses.
My e-mail address is LareeshaHall24@hotmail.comReceived 2/26/04Yes, the list goes
on and on of the complaints of Poetry.com. They certainly fooled me into
sending $49 of my hard earned money.
My poem was going to be published so I thought this was great ..I was
I became concerned about this SCAM organization this month when my 12 year
daughter received two semi finalist letters.
One for each poem she submitted to the site. One poem is on Poetry.com but
the other one isn't ... Now isn't that odd.
Knew right away that the whole thing was a rip off.My gut feeling and
prediction happened. Now I'm left wondering if I'll ever receive the book
with my poem in and if I do receive it ...Will they ever give me back a
refund on the book? I tried to
call a phone number on their web site at Owings Mills but it has endless
music but no answer.
Who is this W.D.Snodgrass character ? Also this Spring Convention or
Symposium costs too much money.
Dose Bob Eubanks know that these are a bunch of con artists ? The Trophy
is a mantel place disaster that if it really dose cost $200
worth. Spending so much of ones own money on their own artistic work to be
published is a crying shame.
So I bite the dust this time. Hope something will be done in future that
will stop corrupt Poetry.com from ever operating.
The young and the old are the ones that are getting hit worse in their
NeilReceived 2/27/04
I wanted to give you all an update concerning my
poetry.com scam report on January 28th. I recently received an e-mail from
poetry.com saying that they were ‘sorry’ that I could not attend the
symposium and that I had to be there to win some kind of trophy then they
proceeded to tell me that although I couldn’t get the trophy unless I was
there, they could still send me the other prizes (cup, award, ability to
send my poems to certain people blah blah blah) as long as I still paid the
‘participation’ fee of 167$ U.S. funds, which would be approximately 225$
Canadian. Go figure. I’m really disappointed in poetry.com and I hope that
other poetry writers realize that poetry.com is a scam before it’s too late
for them.
(see 1/28/04 entry, above)
Received 3/29/04
This one is the best! After reading your site, I did
check poetry.com, only to find my name there as one of their published
poets.... With a poem that I never wrote!!!! HAHAHA!!!!
From the moment I received their first letter, I knew they were criminals,
but imagine having accepted to go to DC to accept the award for a poem that
isn't mine!!! I wonder where mine is though.... Maybe someone else did
receive the award for my poem after all. Congratulations!
Received 3/31/04
I wrote a poem and sent it to three sites. JMW Publishing Company,
American Poets Society and Famous Poets Society. I was shocked when all 3
responded with letters telling me they wanted to publish my poem. Just
like what I've been reading from others, these people want me to buy a
book(s) that my poem will be in. They all seem to have the same price in
mind, around $39.95. Oh, and I'm a semi-finalist in all 3 contest. Thanks
to web sites like this and others, these people will not be getting my
money. There has to be some way to stop these shameless, heartless people.
When did praying on the vulnerable and crushing dreams become fun?
Received 4/16/04Hi:
I am so glad I found this site, I cannot believe I actually thought I got
picked. I got scammed big time I even sent them money, meaning Poetry.com
they promised me a my poem in a book, they promised to have someone read
my poetry at Disney World at this Spring convention in 2004 in March, and
a trophy of some kind with my name engraved in it. I sent them like 165.00
dollars for all of that, this really sucks finding out that Poetry.com is
a fraud site.
Received 4/26/04
I have been a member of ILP (poetry.com) for a couple of years now. I
have to say that I am a bit confused with all the bashing and claims of
being scammed.
I am a cynic by nature and extremely skeptical. So I had my attorney
look into them, before I paid for anything. What he found was a place for
people to publish their work for free. If you want a copy of the book you
are published in, you have to pay for it. They have a phone number, that
you get a real person to talk to, 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday. They have an
address, in a real building, that employs nine people, whom of which do
not work for free. Think of the cost there. Somehow I just can't see them
doing it for the money. I have several poems posted, and have seven
published in their anthologies. I do not mind paying for a copy of the
When have I call them, or send letters, I have always gotten an answer
or a reply. I wasn't blown off, and I received all that they said that I
would. I had an instances that made me feel as though it was a scam, but
when I contacted them, they fixed it. I had order two books that I hadn't
received in a years time. When I called them to let them know about it, I
got my books within three weeks. Maybe it is all about communication. If
they don't know there is a problem, how can they fix it.
I have read many accounts to prove that they will publish anything,
even if it sucks. Big deal. We are amateurs and just maybe they are giving
everyone a chance to be in print. But that doesn't mean that it is a scam.
It is a poet's society. Like belonging to a club. Why is that so hard for
people to understand. Their contests are real, and the people who win are
real. The ones that suck, do not win. Has anyone ever considered where the
contest money comes from? It doesn't just fall from the sky.
I belong and have belonged to many "clubs" and organizations that I
have to pay for something. Nothing is free. Everything you belong to will
cost you somewhere, from membership dues, to maybe paying for your own
uniforms or club jackets. You people with children should know that. Look
at Girl Scouts. A world wide well known organization, and it cost me every
year for my daughter to be a member. Think about it. How many of you buy
their cookies, so that their chapter will get 50 cents of every $3.50 box
they sell? Nobody calls it scam. And nobody questions where the other $3 X
1.8 million boxes goes, when you dealing with a non-profit, volunteer
organization. They are a multi-million dollar industry. So much for
non-profit. And lets not forget sports. Just how much does that cost you a
year. One of the many complaints is that we have to pay for shipping and
handling for trophies? So what. Yes you may deserve the trophy for your
hard work, but I still have to help pay for my children's trophies in
their favorite sports, and they are good at what they do. Everything has a
Has anyone stopped to consider that the money for making these books
has got to come from somewhere. They do not sale the books to the public,
so therefore there is no money to be made there. And as far as the
conventions, and all the complaining about the cost, what would better
suite you? Free? There are two a year, of which one is held in Disney
World. For those of you have never gone, you are given the opportunity to
meet other people who are just as interest in your work as you are. And
for those of you who have gone to Disney World (not to the convention) you
know that it is expensive in itself. If you can't afford to go, don't go.
But that doesn't make it fraudulent. They have people on staff, and they
have costs.
Come on people. We all want to be recognized and praised. We all want
our work to be noticed, and yet, we bitch about having to pay for a damn
book. Or having to pay for the shipping and handling for a trophy. Yes,
you work hard to be noticed, and it is a shame that someone would take
advantage of that, but face it. If you were a famous poet, you wouldn't be
entering in an amateur poet's contest. And you would have a publishing
contract that made you money. Everyone is complaining that they feel taken
advantage of. But I think what it really boils down to is money. Wanting
something for nothing. If your work meant that much to you, I would hear
more about it, and not how much you would have to spend. Even having a
publishing contract will cost you. You loss a percentage of you sales to
the publisher. Nothing is free.People struggle for years to have their work noticed, and get no where.
I am happy that someone is willing to put my words into print. Even if my
poetry "sucks" and isn't good enough to make me famous, I am okay with
that. Because I have been doing for a long time, and it probably isn't
that good, or I would be raking in the dough. At least ILP gives me a
change to feel good about what I write, when I don't have publishing
contracts beating down my door. My friends and family enjoy getting copies
of my work. Even if it is considered "vanity publishing", at least it is
out there.Jonie Received 5/7/04I just received a somewhat authentic looking notice that I have been
accepted in the Who' Who in Poetry and the laterst anthology "Eternal
Portraits". The poem I submitted, in my opinion was indeed one of my very
best and am now very disappointed that it is such a scam. Now as for Jonie
(Post 4/36/04) I bet 5 bucks she or he works for poetry.com. Her posting
sounded so real and heartfelt. God Bless her! I think I'll just continue
to write poetry the old fashioned way and display them in my house. After
all I write them for my family's enjoyment most of all.
Dorenda Received 5/7/04
I can't believe that all this complaining and this great web site about
this scam. I just wrote and entered another poem today, which already I
can not access. Why hasn't anyone stopped them and there web site?
What can we do, to knock them out of business. This is disceptive
practice, false advertising, I mean these people use the federal mail
system for part of there scam. I'm sure some laws have been broken. I
only found this web site because I was looking for there email to tell
them I couldn't access my poetry. I called them, they said I would be
able to access try in about an hour, NOT!
I'm sure there is something we can do to stop them. What if they are
taking our poetry and printing it in there names in maybe a diferent
country? Just wondering. Sorry I didnt read every letter you have.
Received 5/19/04Dorenda 5/7/04
I said what I had to say, because I meant it. If it is a scam, then I
guess the word is out there, and everyone beware and stay away. But, if
you are truly a betting person, you just lost your $5. I do not, nor
have I ever worked for ILP or any of it attachments. I just don't
understand why everyone is bashing them. It is just sad to hear it. What
really bothers me, is what does it say about us who do belong to this
society. If others claim that it prints bad poetry, they what are they
saying about our work. I do not write for money. I write because I enjoy
it. And when something is printed, my loved ones like to have the books.
JonieReceived 5/24/04
YOU JONIE, YOU WAINE, YOU must be one their staff to say such nice words
about poetry.comAny of you who searchs Blake
William Forum Frigator on google engine, enter that Forum, read the
testimonials, and found out the type of publishing poetry.com is really doing.
It's quite a bomb discovery!Also go to site www.eliteskills.comThey have very good tips to
help us to stop poetry.comHere's my tip:Enter poetry.comSubmit any bullshit on the
big poem contest.sign it with some bullshit
name, and fill in their own adress:ILP, poetry.com1 poetry PlazaOwings Mills, MD 21117-6282THEY WILL BE THE ONES
RECEIVING THEIR OWN SCAM MAILS!!! I just did this during and hour. Ha! Ha! Ha!
Ha!I feel good ...la la la la...Always enter poetry.com via
google, thus they will have to pay to google a lot of money.And everytime you see a link
of poetry.com DON'T CLICK IT, it will be rated as one of the most popular.
LET's join our effort to remove them out of internet so they won't get
more victims.poetry.com is scam and scum!And send e-mail to the sites
where you find poetry.com links and explain them they are dishonesty that
they should remove poetry.com...Yes, I was deceived by them,
too!!! So, help me to stop their dishonesty. Thank you.You can also reported it to
the FBI in the internet. You can report the Fraud.RomildeReceived 7/12/04I didn't know any better than
the rest and a few years back had poetry.com list my poem for a tidy
price to have the anthology.
Sad thing is, that people think this "real" and that it isn't a scam. It
wasn't until afterward, I read somewhere that if you have to pay someone
for something, it's not a "contest," but a business deal where THEY make
the money.
I just happened to check your site so that I could find out more about
JMW publishing contests and I see that they too, require a fee for the
book they bind that includes your work.
Thank you for having such a site available to people who write.
D.Received 8/11/04If
anyone wants to get back at Poetry.com, here is a LEGITIMATE and
LEGAL method for doing so.
It's called FriedSPAM. I use it against anyone who sends me
unsolicited emails as well as a few other "unscrupulous" individuals.
http://friedspam.net <http://friedspam.net/>
LucasReceived 8/19/04
I found Poetry.com through a link from emode.com. I submitted a poem
and thought it was wonderful that my very first poem was selected for
publication. What an ego boost.
However that feeling of pride was soon replaced with suspicion. I
have posted several poems on their website and everyone of them was
selected for publication. Imagine my surprise.
Shortly after that I received an offer in the mail to authorize my
poem for publication and to purchase the book. I decided to purchase
the book although I still had reservations.
Two weeks after that I received a letter in the mail that stated "I'm
sorry you will be unable to join us at the upcoming International
Society of Poets' Annual Summer Convention and Symposium...."
It continued to say "As you know, you were selected to be honoured at this
event...". Now, I was never informed of this honour nor was I planning on
attending the symposium. Warning bells were going off.
However, not all was lost. I could still receive all the awards they
had scheduled for me -- custom-engraved Outstanding Achievement in
Poetry Silver Award Bowl ($200.00 value), my bronze Commemorative Award
Medallion ($40.00 value) and my Full One Year Membership into the
International Society of Poets for 2004-2005 ($60.00
value) -if I would allow them to present one of my poems at the convention
in my place. That wasn't all either - I was also entitled to a personalized
membership card, an ISP patch and decal and a free subscription to The Poet's Corner
quarterly magazine.
But wait!! There's more! Because I wasn't going to be present, I
was required to send them $169.00US ($220.00CDN) plus s&h to cover the
costs of the time and effort required to present my poem before the
convention attendees both aloud and in writing and the costs incurred in
insuring and shipping these extremely bulky and heavy Awards to me.
I knew then and there that this was a scam and I stopped payment on
the money sent for the book.
Thank you for reassuring me that my instincts were right on target.
From now I will go with my gut instincts from now on.
Sincerely Jen
Received 8/20/04
I am in england. I have
reported poetry.com to Google,they sympathise with me but
they do not seem to do anything about this scam.
I do not mind paying for a
book ith my poem in but I would like to know it is for
merit and not just a scam. I also sent them a poem
saying they were con artists but still got accepted. I all
their e-mails are sent back by System Administrator sying
they could not be delivered. Surely someone like Oprah W
could maybe let her viewers know on tv what a con they are
as I know she has a book club. Cant a petetition be
arranged. I am so mad, but glad I am
not the only one to be fooled. I have now decided to print
my own book. It will certainly be much cheaper.
Received 9/04/04How can i even began to
express the way i feel right now about poetry.com and famouspoets.com?
Right now I am just really mad at myself for not checking up on these
sites earlier! I'm a young girl of 15 who has dreams of writing.. But
now, i'm afriad i've lost my inspiration.. and my dreams... How am i
going to tell my parents, who were so proud of me that all of this was a
scam? That the 40 bucks they sent to poetry.com is nothing?
When i first found out poetry.com was a scam, i cried... I just felt
utterly foolish and wanted to scream out my anger...
I just want other people to know... Check up on the poetry contest sites
you enter! Make sure they are the real thing before you bother to enter
your precious poems! Because in the end, it's you who suffer...HouaReceived 1/3/05I strongly think that
Poetry.com is the biggest scam ever! I have been writing poetry for
several years now and I went to poetry.com to see if I could do anything
with my poems. I had started writing and then sending them in. Then, I
had bough a $50.00 book with just one of my poems in it.
Gladly, I was getting tons of things in the mail for my poems. Thinking
that I was making big accomplishments I was on cloud nine. Then, I got
something in the mail that said that I was nominated for Poet of the
Year for 2005. Basically they were wanting me to waste over $500.00 for
2 days of reading my poems and of meeting famous people. Then, I
contacted a friend...who had shared her exact same accomplishment with
me.. I knew right away it was a scam! I had wasted almost 2 years on a
fake good for nothing web site. Don't get yourself into a mess! I don't
write poetry anymore becuase I don't want to get cheated and I know that
I had something. Please... Don't get into the mess that I got into.
Toni S.Received 1/3/05
I received notification about 6 months ago from poetry.com that they
wanted me to buy a book i was published in, i didn't order it, i
didn't really need it, and wasn't going to read it. About 2 months ago
they sent another letter saying i was poet of the month, and i again
ignored it, they sent a third letter today saying i was up for the
2005 young poet of the year. I'm only 14, and i like writing, but my
poetry couldn't be good enough for that, they invited me to a
convention down in florida in february, i beleive this is all a scam,
however i am going to check it out, i will be in orlando when the
convention is supposidly going on, thankyou.
~a concerned poet, Sam
Received 1/3/05is poetry.com a scam?
Received 1/5/05
I hated admitting that Poetry.com was scamming me, but it's true.
They will publish anything you want, for a price. You could send them
any combination of letters, and they will not only publish it, they will
award you "Poet of the Year". I should know, I've just been nominated for
2005. It is a shame that Poetry.com is allowed to deceive people like that. I
personally am requesting that money I paid for my book be refunded.
Also, I contacted the BBB and filed a complaint. Fraud is still a federal
offense in America right? I mean, I know that there are many real poets who are
defending Poets.com, and that is okay, maybe they would change their
minds if they realized that if everyone were honored, it's not really an
Received 1/6/05
... I am a victim of the poetry.com scam. I was lucky, however,
and never bought any of the things I was offered, purely
because I could not afford to do so.
When I recieved an e-mail for their 'poetry competion'
at disney world, i got suspicious. they required you to buy
registration for over $500 a person! That was when I found
out it was all a scam, and now I want to do something about
Received 1/6/05
I really believe poetry.com is a total scam. I submitted one of my
favorite poems to their site. Shortly after, they sent me a letter saying that I was a semi-finalist in their competition. Ok, this seemed great and all. But, if you read their User Policy thing, it says that
they’ll OWN your poetry after you submit it. Great! Now that great poem you wrote is theirs. I didn’t send anything back, but a few weeks later, in some miraculous way, I had been selected as a Semi-Finalist. I could enter the contest (which is totally stupid because if you’re a
Semi-Finalist that implies that you’re already in the contest). I could get a plaque and all kinds of things at the banquet’for $595. I so did NOT buy that package. I didn’t trust it for one thing, and I didn’t
have $600 floating around to go to some fishy ‘banquet’ in Orlando.
You can get the plaque and junk (supposedly) for $120. Yeah, right. I
can’t believe I submitted one of my best works to this place.
They’re a scam place and they will essentially steal your poetry. You have to read their License Agreement thing. You’ll see it in
their’¦ownership of your piece. We should bond together and sue them. But then again, we did agree to the thing on their site. So, I guess we’re cooked.To sum it up, I’m 98.5% certain poetry.com is a scam, don’t fall for it because you’ll regret it. You may lose the most valuable thing you’ve ever written. Take it from someone who knows.
Watch out,
Received 1//05
I find the
comments regarding poetry.com extremely interesting and can understand
the anger that the majority of people are expressing. Yesterday I
received an e-mail with the following wording "Ladies and
gentlemen, and fellow poets . . . It's now time to declare the winner of
the largest cash prize ever awarded to an amateur poet . . . Our Poet of
the Year for 2005 . . . and Grand Prize winner of $20,000 is . . . Andrew
[name of writer]! We're
familiar with your work, Andrew, and you know . . . it could
happen just that way!" I was
naturally somewhat excited until I read the last line, thinking I had finally won
some cash. Furthermore, I was impressed by the photograph of the silver bowl
award I had apparently won due to "outstanding poetry" (the bowl is only
awared to attending poets) and on first reading thought I was one of only
36 poets who had been selected for a competition with prize money of $
74,000, however on closer inspection it became clear that the "one of
only" was missing, which subdued my vanity and greed. I have
posted several poems on their website (usually spontaneously written
when drunk) and have given them my permission to publish two of my poems in
book form, which I find ok because I stand by my poetry despite its failings
and am happy if anybody derives pleasure from it. There is,
however, no obligation to pay for the books and I am pleased to say that
poetry.com has neither received a penny nor a cent from me and I smugly do
not share the anger of other contributors to this discussion. I am lucky to be
one of the few poets in the world who has actually been paid for poetry
publications (poems broadcast by the BBC), but this is not generally the case.
Who buys poetry collections written by unknown poets purely for reading
pleasure in this day and age? I think it is fairly obvious that the only
people who are likely to buy these works are the poets themselves or their
family and friends. I believe that the activity of writing poetry itself has
now become extremely decadent simply due to the fact that most people
today would prefer to spend their money on music CD's with strong
lyrics rather than on books of modern poetry. I partake in this decadent
activity, but would only buy one of their publications to satisfy my own vanity
and would only accept an award if it did not cost me anything. You have
been duped, but only because you have not faced the hard facts! P.S. one of
my poems was removed from poetry.com, because it was too critical of
the USA - this gives me much more satisfaction than any publication.
Received 1/13/05
I'm an attorney who is considering filing a class action lawsuit in
federal or state court against American Poets Society and other fraudulent
publishers. If you've sent these businesses money and are interested in joining the
suit please email me at blevs@aol.com. Thank you
Received 1/14/05
Well sad to say I'm another victim to poetry.com , I have submitted
few poems with the same response as you! I am so scared to submit
Received 1/28/05
I guess it is
needless to say that I was too scammed, and the sad thing is corporations like
this continue to make millions of people like us. I have always felt that I was a
pretty smart guy, but stuff like this makes me feel like a complete idiot.
Basically what I am trying to say is for that lawyer guy who posted a few days
ago. I don’t think anyone is to eager to jump
into another scam… But if it were
up to me and you do go to court. Ask for a 50% refund to be returned for
every book that had been sold.
Good Luck and God
Bless Here is a poem,
The Lone Mallard
Ever wonder why the world was against you When you always worked so hard But never even got thanked Not even with a simple card You always helped them In spite of that they destroyed your yard Still your friends were always there To break down your guard Mocking you was always a game Poking fun at the “retard” They betrayed you and apologized But always left you scarred Did you ever wonder Why it had to be so hard Or was it you, that was against the world
Making the world marred Tearing down yourself
You always made your life so hard
Report received 1/3/2005
too have been victimized by the American Poetry Society, entering
their contest, getting a letter that I had a great poem, buy the next
anthology where I would see my winning poem published in a hard cover,
gold leaf pages, etc. Just send $49.95, plus S&H and receive my copy.
Oh yeah, I could also purchase a placque with my poem engraved on it
for an addtional cost. Thank God I didn't bite on that too. It was my
attempt and will be my last!
Carol (USN)
Received 6/11/05
I'm not sure if this is a scam, but i just recently got this email
saying that i won the amateur poetry contest and have won $20,000. But I
have to go to Washington DC and attend this convention which COSTS ME
OVER $900!! I don't know if this is worth it, i just want to know if i
should do it.
Received 6/19/05
Hello, My name is Anntoinette. I also received a notification from
poetry.com informing me about a poem i sent in and asking me to come to
washington dc to read my work.. to be a member would cost me 1020.00 and
i would have to pay for my travel and hotel..i thank god for your
website..something inside me told me to go to todaychristianwoman.com
and this is how i found your site...i am so glad i did not send this
money in..but i am hurt that someone would take advantage of a person
talent and gift....thank you again.
Received 6/19/05Your focus on poetry.com, without mentioning famouspoets.com (and its
many guises), may help only the few who can interpolate the warning and
understand its general applicability. Vanity and ignorance aside, it's
little wonder that publishing scams can succeed to the extent that they
do, when they are actually promoted by such organizations as Poets &
Writers Magazine. See "Circle of Poets" in the pw.org "Resources":
http://www.pw.org/links_pages/National_Organizations/more2.html The text
of an email I received from Circle of Poets regarding my "poem" :()
(which explains the circumstances that led to this discovery) and their
come-on follows my signature. BTW--I notified P&W over a week ago, and
the link to Circle of Poets is still there. -- Regards, JReceived 7/6/05 wrote poem for poetry.com because I thought it would be fun and
there was a chance that I may win some cash. Then I got the obligatory
semi-finalist mail, praising my vision and artistry. And then asking for
money, no strings attached of course. So I promptly clicked on the link
to edit and submit my poem, which I dedicated to Howard Ely for
believing in me and for all the kind words he said about my poem, here’s
a copy:
The Scam Artist
(Dedicated to Howie)
To make a scam of people's vanities
It was great fun indeed!
They all imagine themselves as Blake
So hungry for approval
So blind to the fake
Flattery of their artistry
a suitable hook will be
And then, all will be well
Greatness is but a thing to sell
Sell them a book
Sell them a prize
Sell them a conference
Sell their details to other cunning sites!
A message to all who prey,
we may not know rhyme,
but we are not that stupid.
Now leave me alone.
I will be very amused if they put this in their book.
Received 7/7/05I entered a poem called "dreamland" just for kicks adn to see if i
could get any feedback on it. Well I started getting things in the
mail about buying a book and all that jazz. Well today I just got a
letter saying that I'm invited to Reno, Nevada to recieve my awards as
a Famous Poet for 2005, Shakespeare Trophy of Excellence and the 2005
Poet for the Year Medallion. I also would be videotaped to be on TV
but my contract won't be sent untill after I have in %595 and %395 for
any guest. I"m pretty sure this is a scam and wanted to warn anybody
else who may of reviced this letter. The poem I submitted was a rough
dragt and many other people have already helped me on it so I know
that its not good enought for all these awards.
Thanks for reading,
Received July 11, 2005
JMW Publishing promised my daughter a copy of her poem in there
anthology " Prominent Voices in Poetry " over five mounths and
$60.00 ago. Still no book. This really pisses me off and these
people need to pay for what there doing.
Received July 23, 2005I have just joined this site and I would like to offer my thanks
for all of the information made available on it. I have had my poems
"published" by Poetry.com/ISP. I too received the letters and the
praise and the invitation to the convention in Washington, DC, my
instincts told me it was all a scam, and although I have never
purchased any anthologies I did attend the convention. It was
definitely a memorable experience, and I did get to meet poets from
all over the world. I also happen to love visiting DC I am now in
possession of a coffee mug, a bronze medal, a plague and even a tote
bag! That was four years ago and am still trying to decide if it was
worth the almost $2,000 it cost me. I think, perhaps I should have
stayed home, and invested my money in writing classes.
KiryieReceived July 29, 2005
Thank you guys so much.I almost
did the famous ports thing. They said I was Poet of the year and
that I would get the shakespeare's excellence award
Received August 1, 2005The League of American Poets is a scam:Exhibit A: Flattery!Exhibit B: You can edit your poem so it can be perfect when included
in our next volume! (As if any editor would welcome suggestions.)Exhibit C: Just give us $50.Received 11/29/05To fellow writers,look out for this scam sites. League of American
Poets,Poetry.com and The International Book of Poetry!They are all scam
artists.They have no morals and ask for money.Thank God I looked them up
before I sent money or anything.I submitted a poem to poetry.com and
received in the maiol stating my work was going to be published and
so.They even sent me a paper award."Editors Chioce" They called.So being
the skeptical person I am .Looked them and found out they were a scam
indeed.Well I sent another poem to them jusdt to see what would
happen.Well what do you know?I was chose again as "Editors Choice".Well
needless to say these people suck and if I could I'd give them a week in
hell for ripping people off.I'm currently writing my own book and will
succeed myself.GOOD LUCK TO MY FELLOW WRITERS.Received 12/2/05I entered a poetry contest with “League of American Poets”. I
received a letter with an order form. The letter said the poem was
“Great”. The order form was for a publication in a book and/or the
mounting of the poem on a plaque. I ordered just the plaque for $57.00.
This was 5 months ago. I emailed them asking where the plaque was. No
answer. I started investigating on the internet and did some back
tracking. I found a name given in a complaint of a person at the League
of American Poets and the city they resided and their telephone number.
I traced the name and telephone number (same) to some woman running a
dog sitting service in that town. Someone needs to arrest her or at
least investigate her. I emailed her asking for an explanation but of
course, no answer. I think people who are scammed should have the right
to sue the state that the scam took place from. This would get some
elected officials off their asses and make them earn a living,
especially some state attorneys. I think the law states someone not
doing anything about a known crime is just as guilty as the person
committing the crime. The tracking I did led me to the following:
[personal details omitted]. I have no proof that this is the person
doing the scam. Just everything led back to her.JimReceived 12/6/05I too got my Poetry.com "Editor's Choice Award" certificate in the
mail today for my poem I sent in 2 months ago. Like all recipients, I
too was thrilled to be "selected" so quickly for my first time in
submitting. I luckily only sent a check for $45, $20 to reserve a book
and $25 for the one page dedication beside my poem so I get a whopping 2
pages reserved for me.
I got sucked in from their praises that's for sure, but it's taken me
this long to act on my suspicions about Poetry.com and a friend said
they sound like a scam, so I googled in "the international library of
poetry owing mills MD" and I found this website amongst many more
confirming my feelilngs and THANK YOU for messaging in on this or I
would have been out a lot more money in the future.
I don't write poetry much, but I was proud of the poem I submitted,
written back in 1997 in a creative writing class in college. Their
response with a book publishing, a CD and a plaque made my head swim and
they sure had me by the you know whats.
I was about to send in my initials for the CD when I researched all this
and then I started laughing at myself for being such a royal buffoon! I
spread all their responses in front of me and felt like the biggest
asshole and then laughed till I had tears coming. I may be out $45, but
after reading all of you wonderful people's responses and warnings, I
feel better now and a little wiser. Yes Mr. Rogers, I can spell SCAM
Received 12/11/05
all I,
too fell for the poetry.com scam but luckily didn't send them any
money. I considered ordering the book but after reading this site,
interested, here is the poem that I sent to poetry .com: Into
my life he came after
that I was never the same. Memories of him are burned in my soul charred by desire and black as coal. I'll
never forget those dancing blue eyes or
the emotions he so easily disguised. The
strong, tender arms which held me so tight disappeared at the first beam of daylight. His
love was strong, or so I was told by
the lips that gave kisses from
a heart that was cold. He
wove his web of charm around my heart, and
carelessly ripped it apart. He
told me he loved me, and I blindly believed, but
in the end the meaningless love was the first to leave. He
was quick to follow as I heard the door slam, and
only now do I realize how lonely I am. I
hope someday a news broadcast will do a story on the internet and
newspaper poetry scams to educated people on the warnings of such
companies. Best
of luck to all the aspiring poets out there!! Kelley
Received 12/15/05
Alas, another one blinded by light.
I too am a victim of poetry.com. I actually bought a couple of books
when I won the editor's choice award and had a page to myself. Happened
to be page one also! Today I received another notice I had received the
editor’s choice award again, and unable to find out which poem won, I
pulled up all of my poems, scrolled to the bottom of each and clicked on
buy book. To my "surprise", every poem I had submitted was on the same
book scheduled for release spring 2005. I know only one was in that
book, or do they print out a new book with whatever poem you want at
your request? SCAM!!!! For shame! My mammy would shove month old
cornbread down their throats and deny them liquid for a week! Barb Received 1/9/06This is for Poetry.com
also t those of you that want answers they have a phone number which is
1-410-356-2000 if you want to talk to customer service you press 2. I
just sent my poem in today and i wish i would have seen this website
sooner. AngelReceived 1/10/06
Thank you for ur site!!!! Today to my surprise I got the infamous letter
in the mail...I was just getting ready to sign my check for 65.99 when I
came across ur site. I dont need to submit a fake poem to see this is
real. I am just glad that I was smart enough to check out poetry.com
which knew there were people out there that would actually do this to
people. So once again, thank you sooo much!
Received 1/13/06I was absolutly disgruntled and ashamed that
I let myself be so gullible to a flimsy internet scam like poetry.com. I am
a very modest writer that doesn't openly share my work with anybody, but I
figured that since I saw poetry.com in Seventeen magazine it couldn't be a
scam. I sent a poem out to them a few months ago and today I just got a
letter saying that I was a semi-finalist in their contest and my poem would
be published in an upcoming book. LUCKILY I came across this website and
I've seen how many people have been fooled by this over the years. Its just
an awful thing to do. Somebody needs to file a lawsuit and shut these people
down! I mean really, is it even legal to do these t things to honest writers
that are just trying to get by?!Received 2.4.06
I too was scammed by Circle of Poets. I had a poem accepted in 2004 and paid for
the book, The Best of 2004, yet here it is 2006 and never received the
book. They gave me excuses then runarounds, yet
never delivered. Now, the email of; help@circleofpoets.com comes back "denied"... Also, it won't acknowledge my login....as
though I've been "blackballed" on the site! Jannie
Received 4.11.06
is the letter I sent to the Maryland Attorney
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am writing in regards to a
purchase made by myself to League of American
Poets (online). I submitted my check for 57.95
to the company in question for a book bearing an
original poem written by myself. The check was
cashed on October 4, 2005. I have only been
able to actually talk to the company once and
all voice mails I have left were unreturned. The one time I spoke with a
person, she spoke very broken English but told
me that she did not like me questioning her and
that it would take longer for me to get my book
because of this. I still have no book to show
for my efforts. I do work for a publishing
company (directories) and we must turn
multi-volume books around in no more than 3
weeks. I realize this is not the case in all
instances, but I would think that 5+ months
would warrant the merchandise being delivered or
at least a contact explaining when I might see
it. I also contacted the Better
Business Bureau of Greater Maryland, Inc. They
responded with a letter stating that after
several attempts to contact League of American
Poets, they were unable to obtain a response and
the file will be closed to reflect this and that
they have been given an ‘unsatisfactory’
performance record (#23044304).
Because I wrote this poem when my
father died, I would really like the book. I am
tired of the games and if this isn’t possible I
want my money back.
Received 3/20/06The site
www.lifeforchange.com has
turned out to be a fraudster. They were simply alluring
innocent young writers to contribute and canvas their
site for getting votes. As one such writer came near to
winning, citing some flimsy grounds they took him
out; planted their own stories. It is clear two of their
planted stories gathered as much as 28 votes each in
two days flat. Fraudsters gain, advertising revenue and
even the prize money. We are on the job to alert authorities. JG
Received 4/5/06
I saw
a web site “League Of American Poets” and sent a poem I
had written, into them for judging. I received a nice
letter saying that it was a very good poem and offered a
nice plaque for $50.00. I ordered it and months later
still had not received it although my check had been
cashed. I checked many web sites and saw that this
particular group was known as a scam. Yesterday I
received my plaque with my poem on it and I must say,
done very professionally. It’s beautiful. I still
can’t figure out why it took almost 9 months to receive
it. Maybe someone “talked” to them. Anyway, I guess
all is forgiven. The plaque was well worth the money.
Received 5/4/06
im not sure if
this page was added to your poetry scam list but www.circleofpoets.com is one
that scamed me i entered there poetry contest i wrote what i thought
was a very good poem they said it was picked for publication but i
had to buy the poetry manuscripts for 45.00 $ that my poem was
published in i thought that was a rip off but i sent the 45.00
dollars anyway just to see my poem in the book they said at xmas the
book will be sent an gave me notfication that they recieved my money
well my book never came every time i emailed them i got a new date
that the manuscript will be sent untill enventualy they changed
there email address i tracked down the new one an they no longer
respond from that one at all so not only was i ripped off my poem is
most likly stolen an i didnt even get a book from them this
happened 2 years ago an there page is out dated but they may have
set up a new one an are running there scam again.Received 6/2/06Is the League of
American Poets Legitimate?
I got taken at poetry.com & now am leery of all sites. Is
poetryamerica.com a scam? Thank you for your service to poetry-loverslbReceived 6/23/06
Yes, Poetry.com is definatly a scam. Being naive, I sent in a poem to their
contest and was excited when they sent me a letter back saying it was in
their semi-finals and that they wanted to publish it. The sad thing is, I
didn't care that they wanted something like $50 for me to buy the book I had been published in. I was just happy to be
published. But I was disappointed in the book, which was quite large with
the poems in small print, packed together on each page. Then they sent me
another letter a few weeks after that asking me to attend a convention in
Orlando, FL with supposedly famous guests and hundreds of other "poets".
But, I would've had to pay for my own travel expenses. They also told me
that if I did win that contest at that particular convention, that I'd have
to pay close to $40 for shipping and handling, for my own trophy! That was
when it finally sunk in that this was a scam. Ah, but there's more. Another
company supposedly based in London called Noble House Publishing sent me a
letter also. They said they had heard of my recent publishing attempts in
America, wanted to congratulate me and all that. They too wanted to publish
one of my poems in a book. I did send in another poem to them, because they
seemed legitimate. After I got the "artist's proof" back from them, it too
had a form to fill out for the purposes of buying a book I was to be
published in. Still being naive I bought it. Then about 6 months after that
I read on the internet that this company is a scam too. So, watch out for
Noble House Publishing too. Althought their books are a much better quality
(one poem to a page, and a nice cover), they're disguised as a legitimate
company until you find that they want money too. What I've discovered from
former aquaintences is that it's best to send poems to contests sponsored by
colleges, and hope that an agent will find your work and want to publish it
as a serious and non-profit chap book or something along those lines.
Here is something else I forgot to mention. In the book I bought from Noble
House, I found that some girl had plagiarized one of Jim Morrison's poems
which had been published in a post-humous collection. This angered me, since
I'm a fan of his music and poetry. I made a copy of the page from his book
and a copy of the page from Noble House's book, and sent it along with a
letter explaining my find to them. I never heard anything from them about
it. They probably let that kind of stuff go on all the time.
Thank you for warning others of these scams, hopefully they won't have
to learn the hard way like I and others have.
Steven E.
Received 7/2/06I was very dissapointed in finding out
poetry.com could be a scam.I had written several poems and submitted then
recieving information in the mail from them saying i had the chance to
have it published for $50.00 when it should be the writer that recieves the
50.00.It has been a long life dream of mine to have my poems published and
then porty.com crushed it.hopeing you can guide me in finding a publisher
who is interested in my poems.Thank You .
Received 7/8/06hey, i am yet another ripped off client.
i had not idea that something like this would happen to me already. the first
poem i sent into poetry.com got "published" in there book. i paid the fifty
dollars they were asking. i am sooo dissapointed in myself for believing that
something like this could actually happen to me, like they say, if something
seems to good to be true, it probally is. i also recieved the editor's chice
award, like so many others. and i used this acheivment to help myself get into
the national junior honor society at school.i was so proud that my poem was
published. but i guess i will find my way somehow. i also looked at another scam
website involving the international society of poets, and discovered that a
letter written by them was almost exactly like the one written to me telling me
how i should write a new poem and record it, and pay 169 plus 18 dollars for
shipping of everything that i was to recieve. i can't believe the isp lets
dreamers like me be let down because all the nice things that they say is
nothing more that bullshit.
tessReceived 7/23/06
Hello everyone, Writing about poetry.com. I had no clue they
were scaming me really thought nothing about the money they wanted. (I never
sent them any). Then I found this site and starting reading everyones
letters. I couldn't find an email address for poetry.com. Does anyone know
it or do they even have one? I've tried calling them but no answer. I want
my poems taken off their site Brenda
Received 8/14/06
Well I too sent a poem to poetry.com and yes
they said that i was a semi-finalist and so on. I paid for almost half of
the book and after that i didn't send them anymore money. Not because I
didn't want to but because i couldn't afford it luckily. Or else i would
have been drawn in closely to the scam. Well i was really glad they had
considered to publish my poem. I thought they actually read it and evaluated
and thought it to be superior tham others. Well later I found out they
published everybody's poem. I read through some poems and they arent all
that great but ohters were really good. I guess that if there is an upside
to this poetry scam it is that other people get to enjoy your poetry. But if
i were you i'd be careful and not send them any money. I guess then this way
you could profit instead of them. I guess? Oh yes and throough out this
whole time they never questioned my age which could of been under 18. I
could have even been a 9 year old.
- Rosa
Received 9/8/2006
My daughter also wrote a
poem, and I thought it was very good, but I did have a feeling that it was a
scam also. I had to let her down, because she was so excited that she had
“won”. I was waiting for the
second letter to see if they asked for money, (as they did, and then got on
the web) and found your site. Thanks for putting this
out. This is so obviously a
scam, why is Our GOVERNMENT letting this happen? Tara Received 9/9/2006
Sept. 10,2006. I had sent in a poem a few years ago to Poetry.com, and
Ireceived a letter about how good it was. I would have bought the book, but
other things happen the time to make me forget. This year I sent in another
poem, it also came back saying it was good. I was as happy as the first
time. So I bought the book. How happy I was to see my poem on the first
page. I was so excited, I went to look it up on the internet, and found it
said someone else's poem was on the first page. I looked through my whole
book and found their poem not in my book. I have even tried to find the book
on internet. I have not found it as of yet. I am getting frustrated trying
to find anything about my book or if I can find in any store. I am not sure
but if anyone knows, but do they publish more than one book, with the same
title. It is sad to think that it is nothing more than money maker for
9/28/06 So, I
take it that the League of American Poets is a scam? I too received a letter
in the mail. I probably should have tried to verify the authenticity of the
letter before shooting off my bigmouth. Stan
Received 10/12/2006
I think you
should check out the "league of American Poets" I submitted a poem and
paid about $50 for a copy of "A Treasury of American Poetry II". It has
250 pages with three columns per page, and over 1200 contributors.In my
humble opinion, my poem is the only good one in the book. It is not that
mine is so great, but that the vast majority of the others are really,
really bad. I wouldn't mind paying that much for a copy if my poem was
on its own page and if the other poems were in some way enjoyable to
read. Thanks for
your website, it is very enlightening.
Received 10/15/2006
I'm hearing so many negative things about
poetry.com. This is a site for amatuer writers. How many times have you
got a rejection slip for things
you sent to magazines and books that you knew where just as good or better
than a known writers. There are things I'd ask like where are these books
that they sell the authors that are suppose to be in stores months after the
you bought from them. Let me tell you many many years ago...I sent in
stories to a comic book company. We are looking for
talent. Tryout. (hint) Send us your inkings, drawings pencilers, I was
young and never
heard of copy righting so I sent in about five stories...what happened...a
few changes to it... and it was published...they made millions on story. No
way I could prove it..since it wasn't copyrighted..the only proof...two
owner's of a comic book store read the story and laughed when I changed a
character's costume. It will never happen they told me his costumes a trade
mark. Now that company got rich and i'm leaving with my mother. This
caused me to stop writing which I loved to do for a very long time...Yes I
marvel at my stupidity..(another hint)
anyways back to poetry.com after seeing it on the web it has started me
writing again mostly for my own enjoyment so...A scam...doubtful...It needs
improvements...like not randomly choosing winners for their contests. The
event this year was held in vegas at the mgm that's not
cheap...entertainment was tony orlando and ruben studer. I didn't go
because I can't afford it..Poetry.com should also help getting your work
sold. At least you get the copyrights to your own work..I have searched
other poetry sites which doesn't state who gets the copyrights after you
send it in. Also how many times have you sent something in...rejected and
months later a similar thing is written by someelse about the same thing...hhmmm..I
wonder where they got the idea for that story..Poetry.com a scam...don't
know...Pricey...Yes....but I rather spend alittle money
onseeing my stuff in print and owning the copyrights then seeing a company
make millions on my writings while I get nothing. Would I be willing to
take a lie detector test..YOU BET!
Report Your Poetry Scam Experience Here
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