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Stephen Agboratang Makes his Dream
Chapter Three
By Ndim Bernard Ngouche (Cameroon)
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Chapter Three
Junior Secondary School (form 1-3)
Lawyer Sylvanus Quinoso was so swept over by the seriousness of Stephen Agboratang that he could hardly believe that he was still about 15, but very organized and mature. Synchronized he was in all his things and above all and very frugal on finances. It meant he only spent money when it was necessary and wrote down the purpose for spending that sum of money. The three hundred thousand he had as a gift from the Divisional Officer had been given to his adoptive brother who had opened on his name an account Number Dxb 0058900/001975 in a Ramex Bank in Akonakang. He was now a bank account holder and it was quite a strange factor in his small township of Akonakang. The lawyer friend and brother took him for admission in the newly upgraded Government Bilingual High School; in the early past Government High school Akonakang. It almost had a similar history of implausible results like his primary school, which had become a very good garden center for Government School Akonakang.
Obtaining admission was not a problem to Stephen Agboratang since his results were outstanding and he was on Scholarship. Yet his adoptive brother wanted to introduce him to one of his classmates who was the Principal of the School. Mr. Johnson Ndagong cheerfully ushered them into his spacious office and had them seated. The Principal and lawyer who once have been classmates chatted lengthily and on varied topics which often brought boisterous laughter. This was like recollecting all their mischief while students on the years gone by and laughing to scorn some of their stupid actions. Finally it came to the main subject matter of the day; which was the admission of his illustrious brother Stephen Agboratang to class one. The Principal shook his hand after a very long smile and ushered him a ino place in his prestigious School; Government Bilingual High School Akonakang.
The start of the New Year, according to his prospectors, revealed that it was going to be 15th of September 1976. Lawyer Sylvanus Quinoso took Stephen Agboratang to the Shopping centre where all his needs were bought though his fee was not to be paid since he was on scholarship. It galvanized him and placed him on a paddle ready to explode like a bomb but not to kill rather to exploit his talent. Then this was the long awaited September 15th 1975 for him to begin his first classes in the Secondary School. He was admitted in Class one (A) and it had a conscription of 90 students as he learned they were now called and no longer pupils. Each subject had a different teacher unlike the primary School and his form one teachers were Mr. Scots Ndam Mbah for Mathematics, Mrs. Agnes Chikum Fokum for French, Ndifornta Juliet for English, Mbah Gracias for English Literature, Ndima Martina for Biology, Mr. Victor Franklin for Physics, Mr. Joel Ekokah for Chemistry, Mr. Amos Bantah for Geography, Mrs. Celine Ndam for History, Mrs. Rita Nika for Ethics and Environmental studies and Mrs. Kinga Anna for Civics.
Classes began and, unlike his primary School days, his Principal only held assemblies with the rest of his students and staff on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays of each week. It was so warm and so colourful each day as the school geared towards having this assemble for it was at this assembly that very important announcements were dished out to students and plans for the week read out. It was also a moment for some recalcitrant students to be suspended or dismissed for poor conduct or other misdemeanor. Lawyer Sylvanus Quinoso was so strict on discipline for he never wanted any trouble to befall on Stephen who had won his love and admiration. Stephen and John Peters were still very much around and stacked together more like brothers more determined than ever to batter records and establish theirs if need be. They were not bothered by the approach of other boys towards the idea of having dates with girls who were slightly more than the boys. This was not their kind of thing for they have promised to wait as long as they had their dreams to make. It became more of a commitment than a mere promise by friends fired by a will to succeed in their entire Endeavour. Classes went on so smoothly as usual for he never was absent from School so was his friend. In School their performances were written in gold for every sequential test was trashed by them as if it was prepared by them. They had no rivals in their class so their positions were as usual the first two in their class. Another record was in the making for these two guys. The sequential tests that were given in all subjects gave them an upper hand in the awaited first term examination. The Results gave Stephen Agboratang and John Peters an average of 18.85 and 16.85 respectively. This never to them was any bombshell but their former head teacher who was usually anxious to know their results so as to have a barometer of their performance Vis-a –Vis their primary School performance was happy. Mr. Clarkson Thomas was so fatherly and overtly concerned about Stephen Agboratang for he knew him as an orphan who needed counseling. It was his first term holiday as a student and it brought a lot of envy and pride for those on holiday. Their bright and tidy approach to things gave them a difference when it came to comparing them with their primary School days. Stephen and his kid brothers had a wonderful time eating and drinking especially during the Christmas feast and the New Year feast which marked the beginning of the New Year keeping the old away and elapsed. It was so beautiful and gave him a sense of fulfillment for he could take control over his affairs alone and gave him joy for not failing his parents. They could have been proud of his achievements provided they were not gone too soon. It was also a moment of appreciation from his adoptive brother; Sylvanus Quinoso who bought for him a pair of black and a good Italian black elephant hide shoe which was so unique and special. It was so special and brought him some respect from his mates in School. Schools have to recommence and things had to be put in order by Stephen Agboratang. He was now cognizant of the fact that he had to tackle the rest of the terms with as much tranquility as he did in the First term. This could only be achieved through assiduity. Stephen knew the stakes he had in his mind to surmount if he really wanted to become the Medical doctor he feels is his calling or mission. Motivated by this motto; “Where there is hope, there is conviction and where there is conviction there are prospects”, makes him more than determined to surmount all the insurmountable and make his dream real.
The second term is usually is shorter than the first term and had a lot of extra curricula activities that butted in into regular activities of the School. It began as usual and all was cool for all the students. Government Bilingual High School Akonakang understood the matrix and spurred their teachers to accelerate with their lessons so as to have enough lessons and equally given assessments to their students before they were intermittent. Stephen had the habit of maintaining his position in class so long as he was determined for he was never absent from School or classes. Preparations were made for the School games and every student was happy to have other students come over for games in their various Schools since it was a home and away run matches. Little did Stephen know that he had being selected to be part of the senior School team? It was a history epoch event in the School for a form one student to meet the eye of the Head Coach for selection into the first team in his first year in Government Bilingual High School Akonakang.
The School team played sweet football so much that they were nick named the Brazilians of Akonakang. Each match was watched by everybody in the village who loved football and because Stephen Agboratang was a very sharp goal poacher who could score at any slight opportunity. Their matches brought in all the sparkle expected from good football matches. Referees enjoyed handling their matches for they played clean soccer and were always like professionals in their approach to the game. They won with ease almost all their matches and eventually won the converted cup” The reunification cup” It brought tears of joy to the eyes of Stephen Agboratang who had being made the captain of the team at the final and this was his joyful comment after the victory. “It has being a very long and wearisome journey all this far and today we have proven that it was never by chance that we won our matches and this was no exception. We are proud to bring home to Akonakang this crown and most especially to Government Bilingual High School. Thanks a million times to the cup organizers and thanks to those we played for it was a sweet football encounter and we look forward playing with them in the near future” All after was fanfare and jubilation for both the teams and supporters.
As usual the sequential tests and the examination came and the results did not change. He and his friend were still at the top with flying colours. Here they were left with almost three weeks of holiday fondly referred to as second term holidays. He and his friend John Peters settled on supporting each other during this holiday. They cleaned round their compound and re-arranged their goat pen so as to make them tick free. After helping Stephen was John Peters turn to be given the assistance. Their family farm was cleared and this was seen with lots of admiration in Akonakang. They equally cleared the family farm of Agboratang so that their crops could be planted so as to give them enough food. The Agboratang’s farms were worked by paid women who tilled; planted and weeded these farms which were close the family compound. These three weeks were soon passed and the last term had to recommence placing every student most especially those who had failed so badly the preceding terms. It was a very short term and needed a lot of concentration for it usually had lots of surprises that could upset results.
The third term began as usual in March 15th and was expected to end in June while the final examination classes took to their final examination which could transform their lives or leave them behind. Their teachers were so grim this term showing so much need to be alert so as to score good marks at the sequential tests and the final examination. As usual the results were excellent for their class form one “A” which never had any dismissed cases but fifteen asked to repeat. Stephen Agboratang led his class as usual. Stephen and John Peters were now in class two come next academic year. The third term vacation was usually the longest and during this holiday, Stephen suggested that an Association for students and pupils of Akonakang be created with objective being that of fostering Educational Abilities so that re-openings will be a mere transition. This association was named “Akonakang Students and Pupils Association” It was duly registered as an association by the Divisional officer of Akonakang Sub Division. This gave it the weight it deserved and the respect. This newly established outfit organized holiday classes and sporting activities which were sponsored by his brother Sylvanus Quinoso who had offered the sum of Eight hundred thousand francs for the teams that reached the finals of both the football matches for seniors and juniors. Stephen and John Peters had other preoccupations that took them away at times from other activities such as working in the farm and cleaning their compounds so that they remained clean and attractive to all who visited. Their busy agenda made it impossible for them to notice how fast time was flying? Before he understood more than one and half month had passed and only half of his holiday was left handy. It was so colourful and brought a lot of fulfillment to him and others who were on holidays. His adoptive brother had to prepare for his new School year though he had won a new scholarship award worth Five Hundred thousand francs (500.000 FRS CFA) .This was so much for young Stephen Agboratang whose gifts and support had become more overwhelming since he became a student. Though he had enough money to have himself and brothers catered for, they too benefited from the largesse of his lawyer cum brother and friend; Sylvanus Quinoso. He paid all their fees and bought all their books thus offering them life that was sweet. Form two was only a few weeks away and it was ringing bells in his ears and mind.
Form Two was a very serious class that was one step ahead and a giant step towards his dream. Form two had new teachers whose names are: Mr. Amando Good gray for Physics, Mr. Teddy Joel Musa for Mathematics, Miss. Adama Horatou for French, Mrs. Renata Naindum for English language, Mr. Amuh Paul for English Literature, Mr. Kinga Timothy for Biology, Mr. Thomas Linso for Chemistry, Mr. Leonardo Vasman for Geography, Miss. Ephany Theodora for History, Mr. Kinki Kinki for Civics and Environmental sciences and Mr. Harrison Noel for Agricultural Sciences. This was so special and made Stephen delighted. The Students were summoned by the Principal to welcome them back from holiday and admonished them to be hard working and diligent for he was not going to permit hoodlums operating in his Institution. He summed his speech with these words. “Fellow brothers, sisters and the student body; we are watched by God and man to see how we initiate our noble goals and dreams this academic year. We have no desire to falter here and will work with our heads high and our shoulders tall till we obtain great success which is our noble mission. Our records shine like stars and we are once more placed in a position to remake history and create a land mark all of its kind. I hereby place you and all here present to this task which is ours this academic year” There was a thunderous applause by both members of staff and the students. The year’s fire had being lighted and let to burn. It was left now on the students to catch the fire or allow its dust to settle on them.
Stephen and his class mates of Two “A” swung into work taking every lesson seriously and reading as if they were for an examination that was national. It was because they knew they had two nuts to crack who if they must come amongst the first two in class. This new found competition only inflamed Stephen Agboratang and his pal; John Peters who also could not fold arms and watch others work so hard to become up and above them.
It made their class electrified and highly competitive and this was heart warming and sweet for teachers who have become partners in oiling these engines geared towards success. It was common to have a sequential assessment with 15.2 being the lowest score and their class became a model in Government Bilingual High School, Akonakang. The first sequential tests results released made no difference and the first two places were still held by the duo that have strived to make formidable records and leave a mark as they did in their primary school.
The class results through out the Sequences were as unusually good as were the first term results. This duo’s results no longer were eye openers for they have established and distinguished themselves with the best results or the best of Stephen Agboratang always still to come as he scored better results all the time. The first term holiday was around the corner and he was already expecting a lot of fanfare so peculiar to the Christmas holiday period. His performance once more made Lawyer Sylvanus Quinoso so proud and he gave him a cheque of two hundred and fifty thousand francs CFA(250.000frs CFA) as his gift for his Christmas, New Year and Birth day party which comes up every 21st of January. It made him so happy removing the stress he could have had since being an orphan and taking care of his brothers. Stephen was an idol to his peers and his brothers for his exceptional qualities exhibited both at home and in everything he did for everything he handled was done with dexterousness. He was born indeed before his time as his principal kept recapping every moment his name flashed through his mind. As usual he and John Peters assisted each other in the cleaning around of their environments and even extended to organizing cleaning their immediate community as well. He was a light that left lots of radiance on its path and lighted the community like the sun and moon pooled. It was his second first term holiday as a student and it meant a lot for him. Stephen, his brothers and neighbors had a very wonderful Christmas party. There was as usual plenty to eat and drink and so grand it was so much that it held outdoors for want of accommodation to host them.
After haven done all of his home chores and prepared himself for an eventual re-opening of the Second term. The second term was just a few days to begin and he and his buddy, John Peters were rounding up preparations for the new term to begin. It was their joy to keep blighting the other students with their sweeping performances. There was no secret to this success for they read like students preparing for end of Course Certifications. It had rekindled so many students to work so hard and results in the whole school were now so luscious and sweet; just from his spark it had transformed the whole school. The second came and as usual had its socio -cultural activities and football which is Stephen Aboratang’s preferential distraction; was the main focus. Classes once more were frequently disrupted and the principal asked the teachers to prepare their sequential tests so promptly so as to catch up with the tight schedule. This was done as the Principal welcomed them fresh from holiday. He announced a no nonsense program which was aimed at making those who had failed to work and work so hard. His speech “Fellow students this is another term and so short and very crucial in the life of those who failed during the last term. We are not going to allow persons who have below 9.95 averages in our School when it comes to promotion this academic year. Let this be a sound warning to all who shall be victims for they shall be no room for any complains and no compromise no matter what” This was so strong language and so clear to everybody who had failed. The first, second and third sequence tests were given and Stephen and John were still at the top. It was so beautiful for them and the examination still gave them the top flight in their class and School. “Bravo guys” their former head master wrote to them acknowledging their fantastic hard work and degree of excellence proven in their work both in School and at home. They were now a model to all in the Akonakang Community and its vicinity. As usual it was the second term holiday bringing to a halt studies briefly so that students could have a break to refresh their brains. It was only those of the Examination classes that stayed put and never moved. They had normal classes for it was a matter of months for them to write their examinations. Stephen Agboratang and his pal; John Peters knew their plans as they have always wielded themselves helping each other in performing chores that were both theirs and this made it more easier for them to attain. This holiday was three weeks to relax their minds and set new goals for the third term which was going to be the last term of the School Academic Year. Before they could understand it was time for the second term to re-open. It was going just smoothly as they had designed and knew it was attainable because of the degree of hard work and endurance. The academic year was about closing up and their principal had this to say when he addressed the students” My fellow students and the entire staff, we are at the tail end of the academic year and this calls for a reinforcement of our efforts so that it ends without tears for it began hassle free so let us end it hassle free. Our results are made depending on how serious we began the year; though some students who have being sleeping are bound to wake up this term. They have a mandate to act in accordance with so that their parents and themselves will be happy when this academic year ends. I call upon you all to be more dynamic and more committed. Thank you all for listening and God bless us all” This was the tenor of the Principal and it was so clear that laxity was out of question. The students then went to work and the campus became a very grave site; for noise was called to other by the students themselves. Understanding that this is the shortest term Stephen Agboratang and John Peters worked the hardest; though they had nothing at stake but their honour.
Classes went on unperturbed for it was without many events except some public holidays and the National day. This gave them a lee -way to work without any loss of focus. It was soon a month and sequential assessments had to be given to evaluate how far the students have assimilated the material taught and prepare them for their subsequent assessment before the final Term assessment which had to be an over view of all what had being taught through out the year. The results since the entry of Stephen Agboratang and John Peters have always being their barometer of excellence and they have kept a clean sheet as far as distinction results were concerned. They came out with fantastic results and went home weeping out of joy. There had one more month to go and studies went back on their gear and acceleration was the order of the time. There was no time to waste for schools had to round up so as to give those writing their final course examinations ample space and provision to concentrate. Their teachers equally were busy preparing for the last sequence exams so that the students can expect to round up and move on holiday. For Stephen and John Peters, it was hectic for it was now leading them to form three marking an end to their junior Secondary School. The next assessment tests were not different in terms of performance of these two wits that have become the barometer of performance for Government Bilingual High School Akonakang. Next was the last term examination ending their year in form two? It was such a hectic year without any stress for most of the students who have stepped up their bookish attitude following the giant strides of the duo; Agboratang Stephen and John Peters. The end of term examinations were organized by their teachers and supervision was so intensive so as to check fraud and other examination mal –practice. The third term examination time table was pasted and each student had to go to the notice board so as to know the subjects and dates on which they were to be written. Stephen and John Peters knew and understood their promise and loved watching it remain unbroken till even after their departure from Government Bilingual High School; Akonakang.
Their examination took place and they were mixed up with students from all the classed of the School taking part in the promotion exercise. It had to be tight and rigid so that only those who merited to be promoted had promotion plus those who shall be granted favour by the class councils. This was going to be based on how well behaved they were and equally on their performances as individuals. Wow, this was not going to be chocolate and butter for so many lazy students whose results were so mind bugging? The examination had to be written for two weeks and results released in another forth night after the examination. As usual the duo kept their flag flying tall and strong to the winds of prosperity. Their results were the same as from the day they entered college scoring 18.85 and 17.85 respectively. They kept holding their scholarships that kept being awarded. Results being released was now time to go back home with euphoria for haven made it to form three. It was the longest holiday and busiest as usual for Stephen Agboratang and his mates. Stephen Agboratang has as usual been awarded the sum of 250.000 FRS as his scholarship fund for his luminosity. It was a double motivation for him so as to keep shinning as the star. There was a football tournament organized with a trophy of 1.500.000 FRS. It was unlike what had been exhibited before and well structured with referees of international standing. It brought together eight teams whose players were registered with an Insurance firm to check and cater for accidents if that became an eventuality. These teams were as follows: Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Eagles, Cranes, Elephants, Doves and Dolphins. These teams were grouped into two pools and each pool had four teams and three matches to play to qualify for the ¼ finals. Stephen Agboratng was a special player and this brought a lot of fans to watch the matches’ life. One of such personalities eager to watch the matches was the Divisional officer for Akonakang. His team was the Lions and had a wonderful set of players who played champagne football and were already tipped as favourites for the trophy.
Poll (A) teams were Lions, Eagles, cranes and Dolphins while pool (B) teams were: Elephants, Leopards, Doves and Tigers. These matches are played and are so sweet like champagne given the name of the tournament is named “Champagne Holiday Football Competition” In the pools the lion and Eagles trash their opponents by 3-0 each and in their first two games and settle for a goalless draw in their last match . On the other hand, the Leopards and Doves equally trash their opponents with identical scores of 1-0 in their two matches and while in their last match it ends at a 1-1 score line. The ¼ matches are played by pitching Lions Versus Leopards which ends at penalty kicks 8-6 in favour of the Leopards. On the other hand; Eagles demoralized their opponents by a large score of 5-0. At the 1/8 final, the Lions are pitched against Eagles and it ends at 1-0 in favour of the Lions. On the other hand; Leopards go through with a 3-0 spanking. The final pitches the Lions putting on yellow shirts over yellow shorts and yellow socks while Leopards are dressed in Blue shirts over blue shorts and blue socks. It is the long awaited match and promises a lot of fire works. The players are summoned to the field by the central referee. The players are cautioned by the referee to have respect for each player and for self discipline. The whistle is blasted to mark the beginning of the first half of the match. The player’s conscious of what they have to do engage in meaningful and purposeful football and the Lions after pressing and putting the Leopards into difficulty do damage number one. Scores are increased at the 38 and 41st minute putting Lions on a comfortable lead. The match moves unto recess and the Leopards are re-enforced by making two changes at the attack line and results are changed in the first twenty minutes with the Leopards scoring two champagne goals. The Lions are forced to re-awaken from slumber and score the killer at the 78th minute putting all hopes of the Leopards into jeopardy.
The tournament player of merit goes to Stephen Agboratang and an award of 25.000 FRS is given him. The tournament ends with the Lion bagging home a cash prize of 1000.000 FRS while the losers take home a cash prize of 500.000 FRS. This ends the competition which has gone on for close to one month, two weeks. The rest of the holidays are used by Agboratang to engage in community Labour and equally taking care of his goats and the family farms. The Long vacation is about to end and the duo are once more putting a concerted effort to move in and maintain their records in Form three.
Form three is a new window into the world as the London General Certificate Examination Ordinary Level scheme is introduced. Stephen and John Peters have to now choose subjects which they have to prepare for their final examinations when the time comes knocking. Stephen chooses a blend of Arts and Science subjects making a total of 10. The subjects are: English Literature, English Language, French, Economics, Geography, History, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and Mathematics. The teachers who taught them in form two had moved up with them as a routine of the College. This is done to keep a track record of the performance of teachers and students at the end of their examinations. The Principal welcomes the student and in his accustomed manner makes this moving speech “It marks a turning point in the life of the college that each year takes in a new set of students as those who had passed move unto new classes just like we climb rungs of a ladder. I wish you the very best my dear students and teachers especially those newly posted”
The first term begins and the teachers move at lightening speed with notes and lessons. Students are constantly reminded to understand that it is important to plan so as to have brilliant results. The classes are smooth and comfortable for Stephen Agboratang and his brother cum- friend; John Peters who have always synergized together as to how to make the year smooth. After being in School for one month, as usual the first sequence tests are given and Stephen Agboratang still tops the class closely followed by John Peters and Ebono Joel respectively. This marks the fight for top flight and makes Stephen Agboratang comfortable. The other sequences are not different and finally the first term results are released after the end of term examination. The results are same making him an all round best student. Stephen had made a commitment to reduce his amusement time and rather focus on his studies. It is a commitment taken to prepare his assault on the final examinations when they come up. The college is on vacation and Stephen makes his Christmas party so memorable. A lot of food and drinks are brought to entertain guest who come in to wish the family well and as share in the feasting.
Schools resume for the second term and the principal welcomes all the students back as they await classes to go on in full gear. “For a term like this with so many activities, I recommend complete commitment to keep your heads down and free yourselves from trouble. Staying away from School is not going to be accepted this time around. We want to keep our records clean and our students’ well behaved” It gives each student a position to take and a memorandum of understanding is signed by all the students to indicate the degree of seriousness. Nothing changes when it comes to results since the pace is set most often during the first term. The sequences are normality and the status- quo remains unchanged. After the sequential examinations, the final exams are set after the term’s program is exhausted. The results are no longer a doubt rather it is a fete. In their class the students are aware that there is no match. The second term holidays as a rule are spent doing the weeding of farms by both Stephen and John Peters. It is memorandum of understanding that was drawn by them way back in their primary school days. This pushes their days away without them knowing. The three weeks of break pass like the wind and are gone for them to move back to School to round up for the year.
The third term is usually the busiest period for students and teachers alike. Teachers come ready to pump lesson notes like water and allowing their students to drink at will. This was done because most of them had not completed their course .Agboratang and his friend because of their brilliant results is granted a special favour by the College to write their London General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level. Their first sequence test is given to test the brains of the students and Stephen Agboratang beats records by scoring 19 /20 on general average. He is closely followed by John Peters and the class follows in any other. The second and last one is offered after three weeks and the same results are recorded. Then came examinations came and as usual they were bound to strict censure so as to prevent cheating and other examination malpractice. This strictness has nothing to do with Stephen Agboratang who still sets a record breaking result as was the first Sequence examination. This gives him a third uninterrupted best student award of 250.000 FRS. Unlike the other holidays, Stephen Agboratang declines taking part in the football tournament and prefers to have his book work serious since he was to write his examination along with the form five students. It marks a turning point in the life of Stephen and his dream to keep blazing the trail of academic excellence. Understanding these challenges of their task though not undoubting, Stephen Agboratang and John Peters move head long to the challenge. It is a holiday with a degree of seriousness unseen before. It went like the wind before their eyes as duty swept them over board. It was a holiday well spent and full of deserve. It was barely one month left for Schools to resume and students were expectant like pregnant women for classes to recommence. This short period enabled Stephen to arrange work distribution amongst his brothers who equally were leaving records in their own classes. Goats were now confined to a goat pen constructed by Stephen so as to reduce time consumption in tittering them. The juniors also took over completely taking of the compound and nurturing the farm for the cultivation of food crops for the family and what could be sold in the markets. This was a transition of power and authority to the younger brothers. It was to grant to them trust and value so that even after Stephen Agboratang departure for his studies, they will not suffer from any lapses. This was the best moment to the Agboratangs’ who were watching their brother’s rise to importance and gleaning from him these shinning examples. It was just a way of coming together so that common grounds could be covered and short comings frowned at. A family that have battered false notions that orphans are a suffering lot and can only survive by being beggars. They were doing well in College and were so regimented even more than some of their mates who had parents to teleguide them. If his parents were still alive, it would have been a source of satisfaction and comfort to them. Their children were keeping their family name flying like a flag up and above. The name was registered and has almost meant excellence in the mind frames of others around them. Sylvanus Quinoso who had become a fatherly figure in his life as well as a brother takes most of the credit for building the Agboratang family and given them the hope that was almost gashed; when they lost both parents at an age so tender. It was also so sweet to recall that the past pain that could have cropped up had been transformed into happiness so overwhelming.