Stress Management


By George Chun Fat


July 10, 2004

Copyright 2004 George Chun Fat

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Table of Contents   -  Introduction



This book lets you manage many types of stress:  It makes you think clearer.  It improves your psychological health.  It improves your vital health.  It lets you take care of yourself.  It soothes roughness.  It provides life and living.  It improves your feelings.  It allows personal benefit.  It gives you enthusiasm.  It manages your needs and desires.  You get the vitality and vibrancy to live your desired living with your personal existence.  You recover from stress.  You feel alive because of feeling good.  You heal.  You relax.  You feel prepared.  You desire self acceptance of practiced health, calmness, truth, vitality, feelings.


2)  Initial Orientation:  Factors of health, vitality, psychology and simple philosophy.  Typical feelings.  Factors that affect your psychology, philosophy, personality, and behavior.  Typical personality and behavior.  Simple truth feelings.  Some personal good.


3)  Initial Development:  Nurturing, upbringing, amount of civil behavior, health, experiences, impressions, learning, potentiation, stimulation.  Intrapersonal and Interpersonal feelings. 

4)  Initial Memories:  Feelings, recollections, thoughts, emotions, nervous health, significances, truths.  Your thinking and memories are a culmination of various factors:  your upbringing, your childhood experiences, your personality and character, your learning and impressions, your mental and physiological health, the functions of your nervous system, brain, and mind.  These factors determine your feelings, recollections, thoughts, emotions, nervous health, significances, truths and behavior.  You conceive some personal good.


5)  Needs:  Useful, worthy, or beneficial.  When you need something it is for something useful, or something worthy or something beneficial.  Being ready to take care of your needs is humanly possible especially if you are socially participative.  Doing something useful, worthy, or beneficial for yourself is good.  That makes you feel good.  You know when you’ve effectively managed your needs when you don’t feel uneasy—because you are feeling at least somewhat good.  Regularly do simple needs for regular good feelings and times—for maintaining emotional health.  You want some useful orientation, development, and memories.  Try to do any realizations of usefulness.  Learn and practice at least easy human skills enough for some acceptable living for yourself and yours.


6)  Desires:  Useful, worthy, beneficial, appreciative or fulfilling.  Desire self acceptance of practiced health, calmness, truth, vitality, feelings.  You desire useful or worthy or beneficial or appreciative or fulfilling behavior and factors.  Always desire emotional health.  Always desire reimmunization of your feelings.


7)  Beneficial Factors:  rest, calmness, serenity, tranquility, ordering your thoughts, calming your feelings, exercise, nourishment, whistling, humming, singing, vitamins, sleep, naps, faith, discipline, taking care of yourself.  Beneficial factors allow you to feel good.  Utilize known possibilities of good health, calmness, truth, vitality and feelings.  Read Intuitive Happiness.  See paragraphs 56, 57, 72, 73, 74, 75.


8)  Appreciative factors:  Peaceful moments, calm thinking, healthy feelings, appreciative present order, relaxed vitality, clear thoughts, psychological vigor, hope, stimulation, accomplishment, beneficial factors, socialization, mental aesthetics, ordered living.  Appreciative factors allow you to feel better.  Use good possibilities of useable goods.  Be and do your life mechanics.  Maintain your tolerable immunity and personal health.


9)  Vital Factors:  Breath, vitality, vibrancy, feeling, thought, pulse, biorhythms, natural senses, calm, function, memory.  Vital factors are for living.  Use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee, and rest.  See paragraphs 56, 57, 72, 73, 74, 75.


10)  Methods of Recovery:  Relax, feel calm, meditate or be lucid.  Do these 3 until you are lucid.  Take inventory of your feelings and thinking.  Do you need more moments of relaxation?  If so, relax.  Order your useful feelings and thoughts.  Plan (at least a little) something acceptable and appreciative to your feelings and thoughts.  Manage your biorhythms.  Manage your vitality.  Think vital thoughts.  Participate.  Additional vitality:  Nap,  breathe determined, feel sober, feel calm, think naturally.  Also, use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee, and rest.  See paragraphs 56, 57, 13, 18, 19, 21, 26, 27, 38, 41, 42, 43, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75.


11)  Methods of Potentiation:  freshness (rested), biorhythmic order, vitality (calm exuberance), nourishment, strength exercises, concentration, coordinated feelings, mind exercises (mental functions), conditioned memory functions, clear thinking, psychological vigor, philosophical vigor and intensity, existential faith and reason, naturalism dynamics.  Use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee and rest.  See paragraphs 56, 57, 73, 72, 74, 75, 41, 42.


12)  Methods and Exercises and Disciplines:  Methods:  be hopeful, be calm, be enduring, be faithful, be stressless, be natural, be good, be honest, be rational, be nice, and be healthy.  Exercises:  Yoga, ordered breathing, calisthenics, lucid thinking, strength exercises, psychological vitality, fortitude, endurance exercises, objective thinking, and natural beliefs exercises.  Disciplines:  Endurance, fortitude, ignore distortion, ignore discord, faith, considerateness, self control, maturity, natural devotion, psychological health, emotional vitality.  Exercise and practice good feelings, exercise and practice useful thinking, exercise and practice emotional reassurance, exercise and practice immunity, tolerance, maturity, and fortitude.


13)  Stress Management:  recognize your good nature functions, recognize your living skills, recognize stress as stress.  Attempt your good nature functions.  Do enough nature functions until you feel at least somewhat normal.  Utilize a living skill for your good.  Utilize any of your living skills you need or desire.  Try feeling beneficial or vital (at least somewhat).  Maintain your biorhythms.  Maintain your health.  Live and let live.  Empower your living factors.  Order your nature functions.  Rejuvenate.  Try something appreciative.  Also, use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee and rest.  See paragraphs 56, 57, 66, 73, 74, 72, 75.


14)  Initial Behavior:  Biorhythmic significances, shared significants of values,  some emotional coordination awareness, potentiation behavior, evaluation of natural order, stimulation attempts, faith desire, developmental behavior.  Being a person of living desire good.


15)  Simple Behavior:  being; actual truth significance; biorhythmic truth; calmness desire; breath appreciation; considering need; considering attempts; decision feelings; doable behavior; attempting beneficial actions; attempting appreciative significances; considering actual values for trying attempts and appreciation; choosing something good to do if you want; choosing good beliefs; feeling significances of your choices and actions; acceptance.  See paragraphs 56, 57, 73, 72, 74, 75.


16)  Manageable Good Behavior:  Take inventory of what you can function of yourself; breathe; believe truth; feel lucid; take inventory of your vitality; consider a need or desire; consider action; take inventory of what you appreciate or would like to; do something you consider good and maybe desire; maintain psychological vigor and philosophical appreciations; benefit, appreciate, enjoy, or like something that you did; meditate; try creative imagination; be fond; be happy.  Also, use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee and rest.  See paragraphs 56, 57, 73, 72, 74, 75.


17)  Normalizing Behavior:  relax, ignore your bad memories; breathe acceptance of yourself; think lucid; try calmness; consider doing something good for yourself (insignificant, minor, significant, extra); feel natural or real; appreciate yourself because you now want to; try or attempt something appreciative; feel good and appreciate it; participate.  Desire self acceptance of practiced health, calmness, truth, vitality, feelings.  See paragraphs 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75.


18)  Stress Alleviation:  drink water regularly; breathe sober; relax when possible; try vitamins or herbs; nap when possible; ignore your bad memories; try something beneficial; try something you like; don’t exert yourself; rest any exertions; try thinking and feeling calm; maintain your biorhythms.  Use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee and rest.  See paragraphs 41, 56, 57, 66, 73, 74, 72, 75.  Read Chapter 18 of Intuitive Happiness.


19)  Pain Alleviation:  L-tyrosine, vitamin C megadoses with bioflavonoids, vitamin E megadoses, vitamin B-complex, Milk thistle large quantity, Protein, garlic capsules, garlic soup, onion soup.  Use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee and rest.  See paragraphs 56, 57, 66.  Tips:  Use coffee and a large tablespoon of instant lemonade powder.  Make a tea of lemon juice, lime juice, garlic juice, ginger juice, horseradish and black pepper.  Use coffee with aspirin and vitamin E.  Use coffee with vodka and a tablespoon of instant lemonade powder.  Use dl-phenylalanine and evening primrose oil with wine or beer.  Make a tea of aloe vera juice, and include tea of herbal tea for colds, and ginger and lime juice.  Eat spinach, blueberries.  See paragraphs 27, 41, 42, 43, 47, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 57, 66, 73, 74, 72, 75.


20)  Development Factors:  calmness, participation, nourishment, psychological stability and vigor, lucidness, health, biorhythmic order, any beneficial factors, any appreciative factors, any vital factors.  See paragraphs 41, 42, 57, 72, 73, 74, 75.


21)  Emotional Management:  practice cultural values; breathe sober; order your biorhythms; nap when possible; forget bad memories; try considerateness; try something you like; appreciate maintaining calmness; participate; appreciate good people; be good to yourself.  Regularly do simple needs for regular good feelings and times—for maintaining emotional health.  See paragraphs 41, 42, 57, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.  Read Chapter 18 of Intuitive Happiness.


22)  Emotional Normalization:  think natural feelings; believe and accept lucid moments; try to relax and be calm; value your appreciative significances; destress your discords; try something appreciative; accept yourself when you feel good.  Use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee and rest.  See paragraphs 41, 42, 56, 57, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.  Read Chapter 18 of Intuitive Happiness.


23)  Normal Behavior:  take inventory of your beneficial needs; attempt natural calmness; maintain biorhythmic order; consider cultural values; behave naturally worthwhile to yourself; recognize good moments; do the manageable good behavior paragraph.  Desire self acceptance of practiced health, calmness, truth, vitality, feelings.


24)  Positive Methods and Exercises:  decide with good thinking; fortify your endurance as you make it; believe you’re calm, and relaxed, and happy even when you aren’t doing anything;  be good with yourself; believe more value exists with good significances; do good with your actions; endure with appreciation of good times; endure by keeping yourself vital; beneficially accept your feelings.  Use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee, and rest.  Desire self acceptance of practiced health, calmness, truth, vitality, feelings.  See paragraphs 41, 42, 56, 57, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.  Read Intuitive Happiness.


25)  Beneficial Methods and Exercises:  peaceful moments; stable moments; real feelings of natural significances; natural and normal behavior; psychological vigor; doing your needs and desires; believing good thoughts and memories; doing appreciative participation.  Use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee and rest.  Desire self acceptance of practiced health, calmness, truth, vitality, feelings.  See paragraphs 41, 42, 56, 57, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.


26)  Hurt Management:  accept that you need feeling; attempt ignoring bad feelings; feel beneficial or vital or appreciative or developmental being; feel your appreciative nature; breathe for beneficial feeling; take megadoses of vitamin C; nap and bathe often; consider being better; try something beneficial; maintain your biorhythms; think with emotional management; appreciate good moments.  Use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee and rest.  Desire self acceptance of practiced health, calmness, useful truth, vitality, feelings.  Eat spinach, blueberries.  See paragraphs 41, 42, 56, 57, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.  Read Chapter 18 of Intuitive Happiness.


27)  Pain Management:  consider action then meditate calmness; drink 4 glasses of water; bathe in a tub for 45 minutes; drink hot herbal tea regularly; drink lemonade; drink orange juice; drink tomato juice; drink coffee; eat fish soup; drink milk; eat eggs once in a while; eat cheese; eat beans; eat fruit; practice relaxation and serenity; eat peanut butter; concentrate feelings of tolerance and immunity; try to forget extreme experiences; order your thoughts and feelings; contemplate eased breathing; be beneficial with relaxation.  Also, use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee and rest.  Desire self acceptance of practiced health, calmness, useful truth, vitality, feelings.  Eat spinach, blueberries.  See paragraphs 41, 42, 56, 57, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.  Read Chapter 15 and 18 of Intuitive Happiness.


28)  Applied Effort:  consider self acceptance; breathe natural; think sober as best you can; do something beneficial for yourself such as trying to think positive or making yourself peaceful; consider a need or desire; order your thoughts as best you can; try to plan for yourself as best you can; initiate doing your plans as best you can until you get to a beneficial or appreciative result; maintain your biorhythms; appreciate when you get to results; appreciate and value your benefited determination; incorporate into your lifestyle doing your beneficial and appreciative plans; value your positive behavior; live with a good attitude.  Also, use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee and rest.  Desire self acceptance of practiced health, calmness, useful truth, vitality, feelings.  See paragraphs 41, 42, 56, 57, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.


29)  Simple Actions and Behaviors:  relaxed biorhythms, eased breathing, simple thoughts, easy beliefs, napping and sleeping, quiet environments, healthily or significantly acceptable feelings, maintained personal order, considering needs and desires some of the time, friend socialization, mutual participation, occurrences of natural behavior.  Use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee and rest.  Desire self acceptance of practiced health, calmness, useful truth, vitality, feelings.  See paragraphs 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.


30)  Sustaining Worthy Feelings and Actions:  wanting personal order; believing your good times; maintained biorhythms; natural function; positive functions you do for yourself; doing good with those you consider good; capable behavior of yours; nourishment; appreciative socialization; mutual benefit; practiced order; psychiatric medicines; vitamin B12; beneficial assistance; positive results; humorous times; enjoyable times; nice experiences; recognized personal times of value and appreciation; compliments; entertainment; play; exercise; significant truths.  Use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee and rest.  Desire self acceptance of practiced health, calmness, useful truth, vitality, feelings.  See paragraphs 41, 42, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 66, 73, 72, 74, 75.  Read Intuitive Happiness and How to Feel Good.


31)  Simple Planning of Actions:  think with clarity as best you can; consider a need or desire; order your feelings so that you could attempt useful actions; meditate a positive attitude; keep yourself situationally resourceful as best you can; attempt doing some need or desire; appreciate your actions of benefit; doing good with yourself you justify your planning.  See paragraphs 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 66, 73, 72, 74, 75.


32)  Behavior Practice:  consider needed or desired actions, breathe sober, think relaxed, do something that is possible with you, practice doing that which you can do, appreciate those significances of that which you are doing, think appreciative of your actions and significances, practice the above.  See paragraphs 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.  Use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee and rest.


33)  Beneficial Socialization:  be good with yourself, feel good natured, appreciate human goodness, consider doing something good, be sociable with others, appreciate good times with others, participate in society and civilization, appreciate good people and their beneficial socialization, don’t resent others.  Anyone could go to a socialization office and provided with:  health care including counseling, guaranteed employment, interpersonal skills, psychological skills, philosophical skills, family skills, education, and independent living skills.  See paragraphs 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.


34)  Honesty:  acceptance being, living true, being of, doing something good, accepting good, making positives, making being (being doing), liking being doing.   See paragraphs 41, 42.


35)  Purity:  Truth, acceptance, happiness, being doing, participation, being, feeling.  See paragraphs 51, 52.


36)  Nutrient Factors of Intelligence:  vitamin B12, vitamin E, vitamin C, L-tyrosine,       bioflavanoids, DHA, co-enzyme Q10, quercitin, lecithin, super oxide dismutase.  I  also recommend milk thistle and St. John’s Bread extract, spinach, blueberries.  Also, use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee and rest.  See paragraphs 56, 57, 72, 73, 74, 75.


37)  Normal Respect of Others:  don’t resent individuals being good, value appreciative behavior, don’t let your group minded socialization interfere with the privacy of individuals without asking properly, give deference to the private affairs of others, behave with good intentions.  The range of respect is very much respect from the kind and sometimes very little respect from the bitter misanthropes.  See paragraph 54, 66.


38)  Managing Depression:  keep yourself rested and fresh as best you can, take St. John’s bread extract for feeling noticeably younger; maintain calm breathing; try the company of others; meditate; try something stimulating; medicate yourself; value good times; try to ignore or forget your depression; exercise; use psychological vigor; use philosophical strength; be of good demeanor when possible; take up something enjoyable.  Eat spinach, blueberries.  See paragraphs 41, 42, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.


39)  Vital Factors of Personality:  self acceptance and being, truth values of doing, live and let live, interpersonal respect, beneficial action, appropriate consideration, significant natural beliefs, personal values of real personal value for positive living, beliefs of evident simplicity of human nature and behavior.  Use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee and rest.  See paragraphs 41, 42, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.


40)  Natural Attitudes:  I do things my way.  You do things your way.  That includes respecting my ideas and respecting my privacy--As for everyone else’s--do this I respect you doing things your way and I respect your ideas and your privacy….I exist naturally therefore I am entitled to my natural existence.  Don’t interfere because being naturally existent I behave kind….I earned all my values and existently utilize as I want because I earned them being and doing good, usually with good people, and sometimes with you….My love and my life is mine—to share—not to be taken….Behave annoying expect rejection….You are not entitled to behave with the freedom of immorality because I’m entitled to my freedom….Living fully enlivened is precious--Don’t condemn me….Respect my private thoughts….If I must prove to you your irresponsible impurities it is because I feel disturbed; and anyway I want to prove that being and doing good is better for you….Be good with me, I might do good for you….Mutual cooperation is preferential; and for social efficiency it is best to be good to others as often as possible.


41)  Psychological Strength:  believe all known truths, that you know, as truths; believe in the permanence of reality and existence; live with your vitality; be vital; do good with yourself; keep your thinking acceptable to you; practice acceptable feelings; use your anima; believe in the possibilities of life; think of useful things; keep yourself healthy; try to always value your personal purity and essence; practice and immunize tolerance, gumption, fortitude and anima; live good values; be nice to others.  Also, use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee and rest.  Desire self acceptance of practiced health, calmness, truth, vitality, feelings.  See paragraphs 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.  Read Intuitive Happiness.


42)  Philosophical Strength:  accept as real, existence; believe you are potential; value order and truth; value yourself when good; use hope, meditation, and prayer; practice abilities; function good feelings; be someone who does good; study nature for liking; realize considerate order; be loving or kind; use a beautiful philosophy instead of a boring philosophy.  Use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee and rest.  Desire self acceptance of practiced health, calmness, truth, vitality, feelings.  See paragraphs 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.


43)  Prayer to the Celestially Angelic:  Dear Generous Benevolent Power, I ask you to maintain purity and natural orders and positive realities.  Please provide possibilities of good significances for myself and my brothers.  Notice my needs of goodness and order, and help me to live them.  I ask that you take care of those in the afterlife and protect them.  I ask that you accept my good works and note them to your kind.  Please watch over me and protect me from harm.  Thank you for your generous benevolence.


44)  Coordinating Your Life Around the Negative:  You think:  “Why are some people negative?”  They seem negative because they don’t want to accept your positives.  Usually because of their discordant psychologies.  Do the following:  only trust good friends; keep your vitality vigorous and strong; never let yourself fatigue from stress; participate in maintaining social order; don’t become negative yourself; maintain your worthy thinking; try to do good for civilization; try to assist providing purity for society; believe yourself at your best; be nice to strangers; maintain respect; never let anyone intentionally diminish your adult purity; teach positive is more useful than negative; get others to believe they deserve your good socialization; don’t believe or use gossip or telepathic communication of gossip because of its many variable, completeness and randomness limitations [Read descriptives of randomness in the book Life and Living]; be tolerant as best you can; don’t resort to immorality; don’t interfere with the goodness of others;  don’t let others interfere with your goodness because you aren’t doing anything immoral or unnatural or abnormal or strange or bad; don’t let someone’s problematic ego intimidate you; live pure, natural and good; never intentionally desire to make others fail; realize corrupted socialization has existed for some time; tolerantly keep away from the subjectively selfish; insistently maintain your personal sanctity; tell others their discordant psychologies aren’t irreversible. 


45)  Coordinating Your Life Around the Childishly Immature:  Some people have selfish immaturity as their attitude.  Usually because of discordant psychologies.  Beware obsessive personalities; don’t casually participate in socialization with the childishly immature because they are vicious at times; the childishly immature disrespectfully concern themselves with your private life (using telepathy, gossip, and clairvoyance) because they are selfishly vicious at times; the childishly immature sometimes have values of negative, selfishness, hurt, antagonism, spite, jealousy, envy, intrusion, destructive competition, and resentment.  The childishly immature sometimes try to justify their bad values by being bad to others.  The childishly immature sometimes have desires of regret and resentment of the good.  The childishly immature immature values discord and distort society significantly.  The childishly immature try to deny the very good order of universal determinants; using their immature values instead.  The childishly immature sometimes use excuses for maintaining bad values.  The childishly immature sometimes resent the accomplished.  Simply put, the childishly immature sometimes don’t like anything or anyone good.  Since the childishly immature have immature values they make themselves negative very easily.  Try to provide mature socialization opportunities for such people.  See paragraphs 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.


46)  Human Existential Truths:  I’m good and do good because existence is good by design.  I believe reality exists as ordered and with good possibilities. I use purity and express purity because existential determinants are pure.   Since I exist good and pure, I don’t exist to make you envious.  Good Interactive Dynamics are behaving ordered, and with natural mechanics, and making associative variables of good acceptable function.  Since I’m good and pure I expect goodness and purity from myself and to others.  Truth algorithms determine existence and existence exists determined—It doesn’t exist because of the lies told to me by the selfish.  Using knowledge of historical pain to justify your pain isn’t real because the people of history don’t exist now to pain you.  I exist fully algorithmized—I don’t exist because of manipulative demands.   Good relations exist because of mutually good desires—A selfish relation isn’t because of mutually good desires.  Your crying isn’t my fault because I behave good and pure.  Your negativity isn’t my fault because I behave good and pure.


47)  Methods of Tolerance:  try to realize what limits your natural vitalness and feelings of goodness have—be it hurt or pain or regret or depression or fear or disease.  Do any immunity factors for improving your nature as best you can.  Try various self medicating until you notice immune responses and/or beneficial feelings.  Keep yourself fresh as often as possible; freshness provides immunity.  Practice beneficial and appreciative methods of living.  Pray and meditate calmness and immunity.  Eat fruit and protein.  Drink water anytime you worry.  Enjoy vices once in a while.  Make psychological steadiness of your time as best you can.  Attempt motivation of your useful needs of vitalness.  Desire self acceptance of practiced health, calmness, truth, vitality, feelings.   See paragraphs 41, 42, 56, 57, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.  Read Chapters 9, 15, 18 of Intuitive Happiness.


48)  Alternative Vitalities:  If excessively stressed that you are incapable of normal function, consider:  let all of reality seem significant; let your feelings be actual healthy feeling to actual healthy feeling instead of moment to moment—actual tolerable moment to actual tolerable moment; yearn actual moments acceptable; subjectively trust your truthful memories of being; try simultaneous beliefs of useful worth; consider alternatives of function for managing your stress; breathe stepped for feeling simple significances; consider simple order; learn adaptive function; ignore incomprehensible actions and bad vibes; share feelings; believe your virtue; attempt necessary or essential memories; fret about your dysfunctions lazily.  See paragraphs 41, 42, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.  Read Chapter 18 of Intuitive Happiness.


49)  Youth Factors:  live day to day always at your regular metabolic rate; keep yourself fresh by bathing regularly; medicate chronic disease (like yeast, toxins and poisons, cigarette smoke, etc) with vitamin and herbal formulas; nap if you feel sleepy; drink fresh water regularly; never exert yourself; never exert your thinking with repeated worries or musings; order your activities and being with regular recollected thoughts and feelings that seem positive or acceptably likable; think of newly learned positives; maintain thoughts and feelings of comfortable trust and safety as best you can; maintain a sense of ambient psychological goodness; sleep enough hours so that you don’t awake drowsy; enjoy uplifting vices at times; participate with others for positive enjoyment; use various vitamin and herbal formulas for feeling refreshed and vital.  Try saint john’s bread extract, maca herb, horse chestnut herb (some soreness or pain may occur with initial use).  Desire self acceptance of practiced health, calmness, truth, vitality, feelings.  See paragraphs 41, 42, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.


50)  Hope for Those Diseased with Stress:  Stress is:  experiential discord; harmful memories; overwhelmed thinking like from listening to too many negatives from others, e.g. telepathically intentionally listening to too many negatives from many others;  negative intent from others; hurt; pain; resentment; regret; confusion; fatigue; bad situations.  Value clarity of thinking and feeling; try good behavior with yourself; pray and meditate; medicate yourself; keep your natural living gentle or easygoing or untroubled; keep yourself healthy and vital; try to appreciate good times; value good existential determinants; be hopeful; do useful behaviors; be tolerant; be respectful.  Eat spinach, blueberries.  See paragraphs 48, 54, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.


51)  Maturity:  Does being too immature not result in good results?  Sometimes yes.  Maturity gives experienced living, coordinated capacities, psychological strength and vigor, aware knowledge, immunity and tolerance, interpersonal and social skills, trained behavior, order of actions, and positive sweet fulfilling memorable appreciative acceptable times.  Accept your good beliefs; keep yourself tolerant, immune and vital; order your living good; be steady and self assuredly tame--with vitality and vigor; be good to others, socialize considerate; appreciate your potentials.


52)  Real Enthusiasm:  Value or appreciate or like any of your time, thoughts, feelings, and experiences that you consider good, or desired, or useful, or interesting or friendly, or stimulating.  Commit these times to memory….Attend social gatherings like church, civic gatherings, beaches, parks, etc.  Appreciate these times….Try being positive or desire being happy by doing things that you like to do….Appreciate nice and friendly socialization.  See paragraphs 30, 33, 39, 54, 57, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.


53)  How to Improve Your Feelings of Regret, Hurt, Past Traumas, Emotional Exhaustion and Pain, and Tolerate Such Memories:  We all feel bothered (a bothered feeling) at times.  This bothered feeling is sometimes considered negative by you.  Feelings of regret, hurt, past traumas, emotional exhaustion and pain sometimes occurred because of bothered feelings that proved harmful.  At worst dysfunction affecting the vitality and/or vibrancy….Appreciate any of your relaxation.  Need calmness and relaxation.  Meditate relaxation and tranquility.  Behave peaceful with yourself of your private times.  Remember good times of feelings as often as you can.  Try to feel good times you had for believing you’re living healthily good.  Improve your health.  Try to be vital with yourself for acceptable feelings.  Use factors of beneficial worth such as orange juice.  Order vibrant health and feeling.  Keep warm and dry.  Take care of yourself as best you can.  Eat spinach, blueberries.  Use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee and rest.  Desire self acceptance of practiced health, calmness, truth, vitality, feelings.  See paragraphs 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 41, 42, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.


54)  Managing Stress Factors:  relaxation, calmness, purity,  meditation and contemplation gives you sober breathing and acceptable thoughts and feelings; appreciative results keeps you normally with good beliefs e.g. you bathe, you believe fresher; consumption of any food nutrients (including water) maintains your health; possibilities of self medicating with herbs, vitamins, and medicines provides improved mood and useful health; socialization possibilities for your wellbeing by appreciating others and their possible good benefits lets you live with notable encouragement; trying health maintenance gives you at least some order of being; trying hopeful needs gives you possibilities for good times and living; significances of your needs and desires provide direction and possibilities for self help; being pragmatic with your memories by coordinating them so that you usually notice your desired thoughts more often and treat your stressful memories when possible—gives you chances; feeling accepting of yourself because of livable times provides strength; planning useful management of your living, by carefully doing beneficial things for yourself regularly gives you faith.  See paragraphs 30, 38, 41, 42, 49, 50, 53, 66, 73, 74, 75.


55)  Doing yourself a good personality for liking:  1)  try to believe you desire personal worth; 2) intensively immunize your psychology, philosophy, and personality--Good immunizations; 3) consider as beneficial and appreciative your liked emotions and feelings; 4) practice intensively personal acceptance; 5) practice exuberance of accepted easy memories that you consider good; 6) do something that you already do for enjoyment regularly; 7) maintain biorhythmic order and health an extra amount; 8) conduct methods and procedures and practices of stress management, memory repair, vitality repair, thought care and assurance, personal mental harmlessness--for easy thinking and feeling; 9) redo your personal order of doing your needs and desires; 10) practice thinking about nice things; 11) accept good feelings of your agreeable being and doing as truly evident and liked; 12) practice learning and using the determinant vectors of good.  See paragraphs 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75.  Read Chapters 6, 9, 15, 18 of Intuitive Happiness.


56)  Methods of Eating Regularly:  A)  keep a regular supply of water for soup or tea, have a cooking pot at least medium sized and some bowls,  have a cooking fire or heating devices.  Collect cheap plants or vegetables or herbs or grasses or roots or fruits or fish or meat or leaves or flowers or spices, when available.  Decide the amount for making soup, use all parts of food, heat food in water, and eat as soup. B) try to grow seeds of fruits, vegetables, grasses and flowers; or collect plants or vegetables or herbs or grasses or roots or fruits or fish or meat or leaves or flowers or spices; make salads of available foods or make soup of available foods or make stir-fry of available foods; drink tea or herbal tea when thirsty, or when you haven’t much food. C) Collect grass, rocks, and twigs; heat in water; take out the rocks.  The grass provides fiber, the rocks provide minerals, and the twigs provide fiber and oils.  Eat as soup.  See paragraphs 57, 73. Read Methods of Meal Preparation chapter in Intuitive Happiness.


57)  Methods of Biorhythmic Vigor:  maintain acceptable vitality; eat foods with at least chlorophyll (a partial protein), fiber, roughage, medicinal foods such as herbs, tomatoes, onions, garlic, oranges, lemons, parsley, cabbage, and much water;  Rest fatigue; keep yourself clean and fresh; eat beans with tomatoes, garlic, pepper; try to concentrate psychological vitality; keep your thinking and feelings acceptable; plan your life mechanics of being and doing.  Use nourishment, bathing, medicines, herbal teas, vitamins, coffee, and rest.  Desire self acceptance of practiced health, calmness, truth, vitality, feelings.  See paragraphs 56, 73, 72, 74, 75.


58)  Calm Feelings:  believe you are most important to you, accept that the absolute value of good is good, practice good feelings, desire personal acceptance, like times of fun, accept you prefer good.  See paragraphs 41, 42, 43, 66, 73.  Read Chapter 18 of Intuitive Happiness.


59)  Significances of Stress:  Because of various stress sometimes you didn’t get to do what you wanted.  You might regret the stress.  You might regret not doing what you wanted.  Try revitalization.  Also, regretting not doing what you wanted, and knowing of human possibility, you might behave with regret as part of your socialization….Try participation, try herbal teas, try vitamins and coffee, try protein, try medicines, try opportunities; try day to day living with at least some nourishment, some relaxation when tired, some opportunities, some participation; try not to regret human possibilities; Alternately meditate, pray, breathe maintained, breathe meditations, use hope, find friends, learn of food, try to live with tolerable environmental living, manage your feelings, try to think calmly or hopefully, try to plan for acceptable day to day living.  Hope to manage stress.  See paragraphs 38, 48, 49, 50, 52, 66.


60)  Managing the Stress of Difficulties:  The bad part of difficulties is that you sometimes feel impaired with the stress of those difficulties (slightly to severe).  Health (physical or psychological) significances are that you want calmness, or rest, or vitality, or immunity, or tolerance, or serenity, or inner peace, or vibrancy, or strength, or function or desire, or feeling good, or appreciation, or safety, or acceptable feelings, or emotions that you prefer, or getting to do something that isn’t difficult…Try to be someone who believes in the basic goods of good memories, or good being, or good desires, or good friends, or the goods you want, or the desire to be good again, or still wanting good feelings at least some of the time.  If you try to remember when you were once feeling good then you could try to feel good again.  Also, try to recognize good significances of truth values or life or existence or being or doing or some clearness or purity or kindness or considerateness or responsibility or health or spirit or faith or courage or hope or psychometrics…Try to classify your health, feelings and beliefs that are good for you, and those that are difficult.  Those that are good for you try to strengthen and use more oftenA method is trying  to concentrate or strengthen or deepen or sharpen your health, feelings and beliefs that are good for you.  With practice you could intensify your health, feelings and beliefs that are good for you.  The health, feelings and beliefs that are difficult try to consider as a not good-not bad relationship.  The not good part wants a not bad part.  Do something for the not bad part.  Such as personal feelings considerateness, immunity, fortitude, hope, faith, meditation, medication, herbal teas, protein, large salads, tolerance skills, practiced strength, trying relaxation, doing repurification, liking your easy moments.  See paragraph 66.


61)  Managing Stressful Emotions:  You feel bad because of some physical or psychological stress.  You might be stressful to others.  Your emotions might feel stressed and you behave with stressed emotions at times.  Sometimes to others.  Try meditation; try relaxation; try faith; try hope; try immunity; try stress management; be good with yourself; try socialization; try friends; try personal goodness; try tolerance; plan your life mechanics; plan your being and doing; try enjoyable times.  See paragraph 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.


62)  Managing Social Stress:  Some people you might consider a stressor because of some relationship you do with them.  If so, try to be considerate of your feelings of others.  Try considering that they might be stressed and stressful.  That they might be behaving discordant.  That they might be hurt.  That they might be annoyed or irritated.  That they might be nervous or worried….Be and remain good with yourself.  Forgive others.  Consider your maturity.  Believe good living has unlimited potential.  Smile.  See paragraph 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.


63)  Managing the Stress of Envy and Jealousy:  You hear of someone that is being exceptionally good.  You decide to concern yourself with someone very particular of their socialization.  You notice someone with very strong happiness.  You’re of the type that might think inadequacies or regret or competitiveness or sorrow or meanness.  This makes you envious or jealous.  Try additional health tolerance, immunity and fortitude; try some simple enjoyment, try socialization, try friends, try being of good feelings with daily soup and keeping warm and dry; try potentiaton, try fortification; try being and doing your life mechanics with planning; believe some people like you, appreciate your good times, appreciate your beneficial significances, try opportunites, try vitality and vibrancy, try personal acceptance, try believing sufficient living of your personality and feelings; try faith, hope, and meditation; relax your emotions, thinking, feelings, and stress; accept that envy and jealousy are only momentary;, believe your schemas of being and doing; try your adequacies of being and doing and participation and personal acceptance;, try being good with yourself, try to socialize appreciative and considerate; try vital goodness.  See paragraph 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.


64)  Managing the Stress of Gossip:  Some people talk about others.  Good, not good, bad, wicked talk.  Purist values of being and doing know that gossip might annoy gossipers.  That gossip might hurt the feelings of gossipers.  That gossip might result in distortion, discord, dilemmas.  Try planning your being and doing; practice your life mechanics; try personal acceptance; try good feelings with daily soup and keeping warm and dry;  be regular with friends; be personally considerate with your vital feelings; try to consider gossip not too important; accept giving others appreciative times with you and they giving appreciative times with you; try learning good from others; try learning good feelings from others; try learning of good values from others; be kind.  See paragraph 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.


65)  Managing the Stress of Independent Living:  You think young.  Not knowing of the ways of independent living.  You worry, or fret, or fear the future of your life….Try good being and doing; try planning your life mechanics; try psychometrics; feel good with daily soup and keeping warm and dry; try faith; believe the potential of the good of reality; try the psychometrics of cardinal numbers; participate; socialize for opportunites; practice living day to day; plan for living day to day; maintain your vitality and biorhythms; try learning; believe of good; think with planning; be good with yourself; think positive or with desire; feel vital anima for gumption; pray; make friends; try to appreciate.  See paragraph 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.


66)  Managing the Pain of Hurt:  Because of stress and difficulties that are severe or chronic you sometimes feel hurt pain.  Usually as physical or psychological hurt….Try rest; try meditation; try herbs and herbal teas; try concentrating calmness; try feeling objective purist schemas; try believing in the vectors of happy goodness; breathe hope and faith; forgive others however possible; try personal acceptance; try eggs, milk, or vitamins or salad or fish or soup or fruits; try vices sometimes; make friends and socialize; try simple enjoyments; pray; plan for making soup every day and keeping warm and dry; try medicines for pain or vitality or psychological hurt or calmness or clarity or mood or relaxation or acceptance.  Accept.  Read chapter 18 of Intuitive Happiness.  Read paragraphs 72, 73, 74, 75.


67)  Managing the Stress of Questioned Worthiness:  Sometimes you consider your personality and values unappealing.  You feel that you couldn’t do your being and doing of your life mechanics.  You feel sad because of considered inability of living....Accept your good moments, think of desires that seem reasonable, plan your day to day living, practice being positive, accept good people, accept your feelings of wanted exuberance, feel good with daily soup and keeping warm and dry, practice fortitude, practice vigor, maintain your vital health, think easy positives, enjoy good emotions, think with honesty, try doing good for you, participate, try any doing for your life mechanics, drink herbal teas, be vital of your good, accept that some people like you, accept that you prefer making yourself happy; accept that you believe your good thoughts, emotions and feelings; believe that you could ably live day to day.  Read paragraphs 72, 73, 74, 75.


68)  Managing the Stress of Childish Worry:  You had severe experiences as a child or some people told you worrisome thoughts or you’re a nervous personality.  Sometimes you worry severely that it makes you have troublesome worries that make you fearful.  You doubt yourself and doubt the possibilities of being and doing your life mechanics.  You fear living….Try herbal teas, try fruits, try simple enjoyments, try friend socialization, try fortitude, try potentiation, try immunity, try feeling good with daily soup and keeping warm and dry, try to make yourself good for you, behave with desire, feel positive, attempt simple opportunities, plan your day, try medicines including herbs and vitamins, try to calm your memories, behave with serenity.  Read paragraphs 72, 73, 74, 75.


69)  Managing the Stress of Poverty:  You didn’t plan for all your life and living...  Something stressful happened…Your available resources vary…You have difficulties managing your lifestyle….Do not worry yourself hurt;  accept good factors of times you have for rest or calmness or personal order or socialization or considering possibilities or available resources; try to use any available resources for keeping warm and dry; try to plan for daily meals (see paragraph 56); do something useful if possible; manage your daily resources; do not obtain articles that are considered too expensive for the moment; when with any extra resources use them for the possibilities of further life and living; think real; try to use improved feelings with any available resources; consider participative opportunities; believe possibilities of improvement; contribute to the social condition; accept any good living.  See paragraph 66, 72, 73, 74, 75.  Read Life Mechanics:  How to Functionally Live.


70) Treating Disturbed Feelings That Make You Sad and Hurt: 

      eat liked foods

      drink liked liquids

      smoke cigarettes

      enjoy vices sometimes

      visit friends

      enjoy daydreams

      enjoy imaginative pursuits

      try to afford desired pleasures

      visit mental health clinics

      go to church

      pray or meditate


      take vitamins

      concentrate positive feelings

      try to ignore hurt memories

      try to concentrate self esteem

      value the potential of society

      value those impressed with you

      be loving to anyone

      be sweet and kind to anyone

      concentrate personal happiness


71) Factors of Vibrant Emotional and Physiological Health:

      regular durations or times of warmth

regular durations or times of cleanliness

protein, various vitamins

garlic for infections

lemon and lime juice for infections

onions and tomatoes for infections

believing healthy feelings

regular durations or times of mental comfort such as ambient light or sunshine or  

   comfortable dreaming, etc.

vitamins for pain or hurt

protein for pain or hurt

water for pain or hurt

juices for pain or hurt

exercise for pain or hurt

meditation for pain or hurt

medicines for pain or hurt

herbs for pain or hurt

cigarettes for pain or hurt

alcohol for pain or hurt

fruit for pain or hurt


72) Senior Vitality:

      garlic or onion soup for regular meals

      any tea for energy and internal cleaning

      rest for 10 minutes – 10 hours mental fatigue

      rest for 10 minutes – 10 hours metabolic fatigue

      always keep warm and dry

      St. John’s bread extract

      Horse chestnut herb (some soreness or pain may occur with initial use)

      Vitamin C with bioflavonoids

      Vitamin E

      Garlic capsules

      Raw glandulars

      Relax emotional stress with private times

      Maca herb

      Senior formula vitamins

      Daily bathing


73) Easiest Meals to Make:

      1) 1 garlic

          8 cups of water for pot

          mince garlic

          put in good sized pot


          eat as garlic soup

          serves 4


      2) 1 onion

          8 cups of water for pot

          mince onion

          put in good sized pot


          eat as onion soup

serves 4


      3) 1 vegetable

          8 cups of water for pot

          mince vegetable

          put in good sized pot


          eat as vegetable soup

          serves 4


      4) any nonpoisonous grasses, roots, leaves, or flowers

          8 cups of water for pot

          mince if necessary

          put in good size pot


          eat as soup

          serves 4     


      Add more water or food for more servings before boiling.

      If you got parasites add salt.

      If you want extra energy add black pepper.


74)  Medicines for Health:

       Cortisone for headaches

       Specific penicillins for ulcers

       Buspar for anxiety

       Prozac for depression

       Pepto Bismol for stomach aches

     Garlic capsules for infections

     Vitamin B-complex for stress

     Herbal laxatives for stomach aches

     Vitamin C and E for fatigue

     Advil for pain

     Valerian for tranquility


75)  Methods of Relaxation, Peace, and Tranquility:

       Feel mildness

       Rest comfortably

       Think quietly

       Nap if tired or headachy or achy

       Try to breathe softly with intent

       Forgive and forget any emotional harassment

       Think softly and good

       Reimmunize thoughts and emotions

       Reinvigorate good feelings



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