NOMAD: A Refugee Poet
Release: AuthorMe paperback

or Die," he was told. Driven from home by the authorities in République
Démocratique du Congo, Rais Boneza escaped with his family and thousands of
other dispossessed people. He shuffled from one neighboring country to the next:
Burundi, Rwanda, and Uganda. Border guards purloined his writings. Arriving in
Uganda he wrote again, creating Nomad, a precious collection of his hopes,
dreams, and an outcry for the conditions he sees in the land he loves. Read his
verses and experience the hidden misery faced by a refugee in a land of
political strife, bloodshed, and yet – a brilliant promise.
ISBN : 0-9726996-1-9
Library of Congress Control Number: 2003111058
Published by
Cook Communication
P. O. Box 451
Dundee, IL 60118
© 2003 Rais Neza Boneza
All rights reserved.
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of emotions upon a
canvas of white creating a
masterpiece of art, it is
the freeing of one's soul from
they emotions that
consume the mind in every day
life. It is the writing
of thoughts unto paper in verse
that releases the
pressures of the world and puts
to ease your mind with
the gentle breeze of Mother
Nature's breath."
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